The blue-flagging demon, Digga D of the CGM collective, is back with a new heater. Despite, the Criminal Behavior Order (CBO) placed on his music by Metropolitan Police, Digga D manages to express his love for gang activity. However, you may notice certain words of the song are edited out because any specific bars directly mentioning gang violence, violates parts of the CBO. There’s an ongoing censorship war between police and Drill artist that has sent Digga and others like him to prison over the lyrics and subject matter within their music. It’s a complete attack on the artistic freedom of expression but Digga finds a way to still stay true to hisself and his brand. The visual takes you from apartment buildings to the streets of London as Digga rolls deep with members of his crew. All of them proudly tote their blue flags as Digga talks that talk!

Blu, bluuwuu
I can’t flag what the opps dem flaggin’
Take me in when I talk on beats, trust me, it’s more than rapping
Blu, bluuwuu

‘Bluuwuu’ is a song off his latest project, ‘Made in the Pyrex’ now available on all major streaming platforms.