The Daily Grind Video


Ninety seconds. That’s what Michael Brown was given on Aug. 9, 2014, 10 years ago today.

Source: Tony Savino / Getty

From the first second that his killer, former Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson saw the unarmed 18-year-old, it took him just another 89 seconds for him to near empty his Sig Sauer into a kid too young to buy beer.

In a November 2014 interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, he said yup, he’d do it again. Wilson killed an unarmed teenager who was two days away from starting college and after thinking about it for three months, his conclusion was, essentially, it was a good day. A day he’d repeat if the opportunity presented himself.

And no, Wilson was not part of the 2% of police who are held accountable for killing people.

Full disclosure

My intention is not to re-litigate this case, although I’m sure in parts it will sound that way.

I’m a mother. I want to just talk about the boy who was headed to college; the contours of his life, not the brutality of his death. Had he ever fallen in love? What made him laugh every single time? What made him peace every single time?

And I’m a mother. Looking at truth as bravely as I can in the eye is my responsibility to my children. They have to know the details: the stunning expanse of the brilliance and beauty they are born fully possessing. They have to know the details: the grotesque misshapenness of the world they’re forced to grow in or not grow in.

Read the full story on NewsOne