Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

This week we have a double cosmic event on the 17th. Venus will enter Sagittarius making us more adventurous, daring and bold when it comes to all things romance.

To add fuel to this fiery energy we also have an Aries Full Moon on this same day. This transit can make you promise things with a lover that you can’t fulfill (so be careful) as well as feeling like you can take on the world. It’s a great day to execute love rituals, plan big goals or go out on a sexy date.

Wear notes of gold, pink and red to enhance these vibes if they appeal to you.

Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week.

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Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Expect a general sense of adventure and playfulness to surround you and those you love this week. Your inner child wants to come out and play and I highly encourage you to do so! Wear lots of bright colors and fun accessories to help facilitate this vibe!

RED FLAG: Investigate the areas of your life that lack harmony and do what you can to cut the fat. Who needs the drama??

SWEET SPOT: On the 17th you should either plan a quick getaway – you can plan it on that day or actually do it on that day or do a simple love spell to enhance a current relationship or to bring in a new one.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

At this time, your Spirit Team is asking that you go deeper in your emotional healing journey. This week you need to work on letting go while staying in a state of receptivity to allow the “new” to enter your life. If you struggle with this, then perhaps working with a life coach or therapist would be helpful.

RED FLAG: Stay away from the doom and gloom scrolling this week as your mental health may be very sensitive with this fiery Sag in Venus and Aries Full Moon transit.

SWEET SPOT: If you don’t have one already, now would be a good time to start a journaling practice and refresh your Ancestor altar, particularly with white florals and Myrrh incense. These things help to enhance inner peace and raise the volume of your intuition.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Expect some rocky transformations with this Aries Full Moon. You may even receive some prophetic dreams that will give you a clue as to what it could be about. Take note that this feels like it’s related to an elder in your family as well as some shake-ups at work.

RED FLAG: Before believing whatever gossip finds its way to you — seek out the source so you can easily separate fact from fiction.

SWEET SPOT: Compromise is the name of the game in romantic dynamics- but make sure you’re not always the one giving up what you desire.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

This particular Aries Full Moon will have you either feeling like a Jedi Master on Top of the World or feeling a general sense of malaise/depression. Either way, know that these emotions are temporary and just your body’s way of expressing what your soul is feeling. Help balance this energy with a massage, eating root vegetables, and listening to a Root Chakra meditation on YouTube.

RED FLAG: If you’re currently cultivating a new outlook on your life or your career- be extremely mindful of who you share your ideas with. You’ve got a few “idea thieves” in your midst.

SWEET SPOT: A close friend may have some amazing personal news this week – get ready to celebrate them and allow them the spotlight!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

If you’ve recently met someone who is a potential romantic partner – move slowly! This person could be putting on a major show and because they are so charming and delightful you may want to ignore your inner voice – do not! Watch how they move and take careful notes.

RED FLAG: All adventures are not fun – don’t put the planning of an expensive trip in the hands of the friend who tends to be lazy and irresponsible.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been having some health issues – look to work with a doctor who can balance your gut microbiome – this seems to be at the root of what ails you.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

If you find that in most of your relationships, the burden of change rests on you then either you need to do a deep assessment of your own behavior patterns and blind spots — or the people you are choosing — are not in alignment with you at a soul level. Which one is it? Dig deep to uncover what needs to be brought to light.

RED FLAG: Even though it may seem boring and ordinary to you – the elders in your life simply want your presence, so yes, spend that simple day with them at the park or sitting around watching their favorite TV shows and eating their “old-timey” snacks. These are the little moments that sustain us long after they are gone.

SWEET SPOT: In order for your soul to level up before the end of the year – cut back on your socialization and embrace more isolation. Spend that time sitting in meditation focusing on the goals you wish to achieve. Sometimes others are distractions…


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Does your mind feel like it can’t shut off lately? If this resonates, then you’re gonna need to do a detox from all digital platforms while maybe picking up a sugar-free diet for a few weeks. Spirit is also saying that you need to have patience with yourself, with others, and with projects that you are waiting to come to fruition at this time. You’re spending way too much time worrying about outcomes that you’ve got limited control over. Take a step back, a deep breath and just trust that the divine will deliver what is needed.

RED FLAG: If you’ve got a young child in your care – they may need some additional physical tests for their eyesight, hearing, and mental health. This will be especially true if they’ve been performing poorly in school.

SWEET SPOT: People from your Past Lives may appear this week – many in the role of mentor or friend. Get excited and stay open to all sorts of possibilities!

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Understand that what you nurture and care for — flourishes! Spirit wants you to spend less time focusing on the past or what you think you missed out on and more time focusing on what you want your future to look and feel like. Lean all the way into your dreams and then start to execute them step by step.

RED FLAG: You’re in a season of flowering to your next level – so your emotions may be all over the place. Give yourself grace and take it slow…

SWEET SPOT: There’s a difference between laziness and rest – work hard this week (wink) to find the sweet spot between the two.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Something you’ve been waiting to fall into place will happen this week. While it may not garner the outcome that you deeply wished for, you can breathe easy knowing that the hardest part of the situation will soon be behind you.

RED FLAG:  Lately some of you are not listening to your higher self/inner voice. Which is rare for Virgos…get back on the Yoga mat to meditate and take more time to think before committing or acting going forward…

SWEET SPOT: Remember that mass change often requires us to have to endure swift and unexpected change. This Aries Full Moon may be just the rumble that many of you didn’t know you needed…


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

You will be asked to summon your courage to speak up for another. This could be a child in your care or a junior co-worker. This should be easy for the justice-loving Libra and trust that you’ll be racking up major karma points by doing so – even if you cause a rumble in your personal or professional life. It’s worth it.

RED FLAG: If you’re in a romantic partnership expect a bit of a rocky day emotionally on the 17th but work to understand one another – not knock each other down.

SWEET SPOT: A breakthrough is on the way with regard to your living or financial situation. Stay the course.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Comparison is the thief of your personal joy. At this time you’re being asked to focus on your own blessings while staying in a state of flow and allowing the universe to show you just how good it’s gonna get in due time. As you know it’s pointless to count others’ blessings…as we often don’t know what they’ve been through to receive them.

RED FLAG: If your circle of friends constantly makes you feel like an outsider – are they really your friends?

SWEET SPOT: Having awareness of a bad habit and actually working to correct it are two very different things. Work to get motivated to make the change you so desperately need at this time.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Do you feel overwhelmed by messages from your spirit guides or intuition? If so, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing – you just need to control the downloads that you are receiving. Many of you are upgrading in your consciousness and thus receiving more psychic communication than usual. To help slow this all down so that you can process it better – spend time in nature, get off Social Media, and start to incorporate essential oils into your daily routine so that it allows your brain time to relax. You can do this by rubbing your temples with the oils or inhaling them directly on a daily basis.

RED FLAG: Sharing your home with people is a delicate thing – if you’ve got roommates who are driving you crazy then it may be time to set some new house rules in place.

SWEET SPOT: Silence is golden. Remember this when that messy family member comes trying to share the latest family gossip. Ride above it by keeping the conversation short and your responses even shorter.