The Daily Grind Video


Another day, another week of horoscopes by our astrologer Zya, who’s warning us that Mercury might make things a bit hectic. Tread lightly, folks!

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Well, ya’ll, we are now entering chaotic cosmic changes. 2025 will touch everyone in big and small ways.

Starting on the 13th/14th (the day will vary depending on where you’re located) we have the first eclipse. A lunar eclipse in Virgo.

This eclipse will cause us to clean up our “house”! We will have to face unhelpful habits around our physical fitness, perfectionism, micromanaging, and martyrdom.

We will also learn to give ourselves (and others) a bit of grace if we fall short.

This IS NOT the time to do surgeries- especially cosmetic surgeries.

And on the 15th, we have Mercury joining Venus in retrograding through Aries.

This will be a very potent combo that can truly upset our love lives and our family dynamics that need healing. Especially with the Virgo eclipse illuminating where change is deeply needed.

With Mercury in this position, we may find ourselves quick to anger, our tech issues reaching a boiling point, and even random lusty encounters with [toxic] ex-lovers.

Aries, in particular, will have to be very mindful during this time…

Whew chile…

PS: The political world stage may get a bit cray-cray too..(yes even more so!)

Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

CAPRICORN: Due to tremendous personal emotional and mental growth that many of you have undergone these past few years, this week’s transits are actually going to open up many adventurous opportunities for you in just about every area of your life. It will be important to not be overly judgemental and allow yourself to stay in a bit of a more “flow” state when it comes to picking and choosing what you will actually partake in. This will also apply to those with Capricorn in their Moon, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.

RED FLAG: Transformation is a beautiful thing but we often don’t see it that way until we are way past the changes…read that again.

SWEET SPOT: Be on the lookout this week for a mysterious encounter with a very unique someone that could possibly turn your life upside down…in a good way.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

AQUARIUS: Remember when it comes to receiving and growing abundance (and sharing smartly) the key is not about being perfect but more about preserving and being consistent as to how you continue to make abundance work and multiply for you. As we move into these frankly chaotic game-changing 2025 year of cosmic chaos it’s going to be very important that you keep this in mind.

RED FLAG: If someone has chosen to show you time and time again that they don’t really care about you or your well-being why do you keep agreeing to sit at the table and eat with them? Come on…love yourself first!

SWEET SPOT: Meditate on the word and feeling of “relaxation” and whatever comes up for you – go and do more of that or on the flip side release all that doesn’t bring you into a space of literal relaxation.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

PISCES: Heads up! These week’s transits are gonna hurl many of you into a storm of healing chaos. This will be especially on point for those of you who have refused to do what is necessary and move on from toxic people, jobs and lovers. Don’t fret the point of this is to get you into a state of enlightenment – so that you can truly be tapped into your highest divinity. Once you’ve cleared and lifted your slate — you’ll start to attract what is truly for you. Just gotta get through this tough bit first.

RED FLAG: To help you through this next leg of ascension (as mentioned above) – it will be best to go on a raw vegan diet this week and wear a lot of white.

SWEET SPOT: Your ancestors want you to know that your potential in this lifetime is limitless. Talk to them more via an ancestral altar and look for signs such as Angel Numbers and various birds to show up consistently in your reality.