phonewifey, AVA AKIRA and Kid Trash all come together for a new hyper pop anthem that translates the euphoric highs and dizzying lows of modern adolescence through an erratic electronic display that is matched beat for beat by the emotive vocals. Sore Loser might have the production of a high octane club anthem, that thumping bass beat is a must on the dance floor, but this is soon contrasted by the heartfelt lyrical display that tackles the somber side of youth i.e going home alone in an Uber, heartbreak on the dance floor and even moments of introspective thought. Even the glitched out moments add to this, making the emotions seem too overwhelming to even process, which is pretty much was a drunk night out is to be honest.
It’s a cacophony of madness that takes you on this pathway of destruction that often happens on a night out but still finds the subtle beauty in it. Yeah there’s moments where the night seems horrendous and it’s all going to be terrible, but two minutes later you’ll be on the dance floor with a Bacardi in hand having the time of your life. Despite being called Sore Loser, this track is a real winner.