Not since Christine and the Queens has an upcoming artist stood out so much in France’s thriving music scene quite like Dirtsa. Born in Cameroon, she never wavers from showing us her true authentic self through her expressive soundscape, creating an unparalleled music experience that is like your own personal live show, complete with the euphoric joy and emotional devastation that comes along with it. She confidently commands your attention with her enthralling vocal as her vivid lyrical musings paint an image in your mind, envisioning a new masterpiece of art that’s equivalent to The Mona Lisa. Rather than hide her revolutionary talents in her bedroom for herself to enjoy, Dirtsa shows it to us like an open book, leaving no page unturned. Elevating her sound with every release and with Lockdown slowly easing up in France, it was only a matter of time before we got a late night club banger that lets the sweat pour over your body and sweat drip as you lose yourself in the insatiable rhythm.
Questions, as Dirtsa herself puts it, was made for raging along to right beside her fans and it’s quite clear to see why. Fervent beats bounce around like a ping pong ball, zigging and zagging whilst always keeping your attention, as she passionately unveils her stirring lyrics through her striking vocal riffs and charged up evocative rap icon like flow. The tension between the lyrics and production is palpable, allowing every word she utters to feel like she’s talking to you personally as she tells your story with the booming beats building this up to stratospheric heights. France have got a special one with Dirtsa and it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world catches on.