Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week is filled with the ability to harness abundance to you triple fold.
On the 19th we move into the Get Money sign of Taurus which brings about fierce determination to attain one’s goals especially the financial ones.
Then the very next day on the 20th, Jupiter which has been stationed in Taurus since last year, will conjunct with Uranus in Taurus, which means this is a huge movement to maximize both the visibility of brands, entrepreneurs, public figures etc.
4/20 is a great day to do money magick rituals or at the very least grab a money candle and write out a wish list of what you wish to manifest money wise over the coming months.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at Use code: BOSSIP for $10 off. *Limited offer*

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN:The New Moon on the 8th under the Solar Eclipse opened up a portal to wealth for you- but more in line with spiritual and energetic wealth than traditional currency. Although, now is the time to learn ancient rituals to usher in financial wealth if that is truly what you wish to have. (LOL…of course you do…you’re a Cappy.)
RED FLAG: Learn to negotiate your salary at work better; you’re leaving several thousand on the table.
SWEET SPOT: Wearing green and gold on the 19th and 20th will increase your personal wealth magnetism.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Treasure this week can be found in blossoming friendships where seeds were planted last summer. Invite folks out to Spring Tea and biscuits or something equally vintage and get ready to discover a new side of yourself and others.
RED FLAG: Just because a door didn’t open in the time frame that you wanted, it doesn’t mean that it never will. Do some affirmations and level up your networking to get things moving.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with all of the plantery energy as of late, take a moment to go barefoot on a patch of earth. If this isn’t readily available, then take a salt water bath with your fave grounding essential oil.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES:For those of you who desire a completely new life- then know that this money portal on the 20th can help to usher it in. But the question begs what are you willing to part with, even if it hurts in the short term? Grab a St Expedite candle and write a list of all the newness you want. Light this candle on the 20th and recite the list out loud repeatedly for at least 10 minutes while staring into the flame of the candle.
RED FLAG: Some harsh truths may come down the pipeline about a beloved family member. Take heart, we are in the time of revelations and all actions must be accounted for.
SWEET SPOT: Any money magick rituals you do under the 20th will serve you well.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: Your emotional underbelly will take center stage as we exit your birthday season. This will be especially true for those who just hit a major age milestone during the Aries season. Fret not, your ancestors have your back as you move through these emotional storms. Trust that sunny days are on the other side of the shoreline. Go easy on yourself.
RED FLAG: If crime has been rising in your area, take extra precautions to protect your home.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been dealing with a strenuous legal matter then know that before the summer you’ll have some closure on it.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS:Your Taurus season can be whatever you want it to be. Know that those of you who have done your Dark Night of The Soul (healing pain and trauma) for the past few years are set to take flight in all areas of your life. But you have to sit and meditate with Spirit to map out exactly what your best life looks and truly feels like. Take this week to go deeper.
RED FLAG: It’s not your imagination, something is in the air energetically since the eclipse. Meditate to figure out your role in this new energy and move forward with positive thoughts.
SWEET SPOT: Your money rituals would really smack at this time – go for it and don’t hold back and try and do them on the 20th.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:Your power for producing the life and the money you want lies in harnessing the gifts of your divine feminine. Gifts such as your intuition, your emotional intelligence and patience. This applies to all genders. You can start to harness these gifts by doing a weekly meditation practice and start to heal and balance your chakras – starting with your third eye and root chakras.
RED FLAG: If you’ve had a lot of company in your home recently then make sure to do a deep spiritual cleanse – which can simply be saging your home with windows open while boiling cinnamon water and then spraying the water around your home.
SWEET SPOT: Grab some money plants (bamboo, aloe plant, and snake plant) and place these in the wealth corner of each room of your home on the 20th and watch how everything just blossoms.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER:: Your sign more than others is on a karmic path now that the Solar Eclipse has opened up some powerful energetic portals. On the 20th, you can do rituals of calling in what your heart desires and for many of you doing a call in for your healed, available romantic soul mate would be a big win for you. Let’s gooo!
RED FLAG: If you know you don’t love nature, don’t jump and lie and agree to a hiking adventure only to cancel at the last minute. Better to do a brunch outing instead…lol.
SWEET SPOT: Are you missing someone? Then reach out and let them know. Someone in your life could really appreciate deep emotional support at this time.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:Transmutation of one identity to another is often a painfully slow (and sometimes emotionally taxing ) process. Go gentle on yourself during this period of great change that has many subtle twists and turns.
RED FLAG: At this time, hold off on making any rash decisions that have the capacity to alter your life greatly. Be patient and methodical.
SWEET SPOT: A nearby amusement park is calling you and your inner child to come out and play. Go for it and indulge yourself.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: You’re entering a period of loss and regeneration. And this is both on the 3D earth level and the spirit emotional level. Shedding of people, places and former personality traits is such a valid component of birthing a new version of yourself. To help this along wear bright colors and plan frivolous solo dates.
RED FLAG: Money decisions should be held off until after the 20th. Read that again.
SWEET SPOT: A girls trip will replenish your soul and spirit – just don’t break the bank.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: In order to harness the abundance energy this week you need to tap into the strengths of a Past Life. Spirit is saying that you were quite wealthy in one of your Past Lives and those gifts are brimming under the service ready to be tagged into your current reality. So try and get a Past Life reading as soon as you can and ask them to find the lifetime in which you were wealthy.
RED FLAG: If you find that someone is constantly unlucky, quickly remove yourself from their aura, because somehow they are a core problem and/or their lack of discernment.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been trying to manifest more natural sensual energy and to feel more attractive in your body (and when is a Libra not aiming for this, lol) then think about getting into Yin Yang yoga.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: At this time you can rapidly bring into your reality whatever you focus on. And this increases ten fold if you’re leveraging your psychic energy alongside your focus. The challenge will be your ability to stay on the positive vibe and to shoo away any thoughts of not being enough / something being impossible to achieve. Aim and focus and believing is all that you need at this time.
RED FLAG: If the world stage has been causing you anxiety lately then you need to ground your energy. Get into a body of water and listen to at least an hour long Root Chakra meditation while soaking. PS: Bonus grounding/anxiety reduction would include drinking fresh ginger and beet juice on a daily basis.
SWEET SPOT: Gratitude is a verb. Practice it daily even for the little things and watch how much sweeter life becomes for you.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: There’s a few folks throwing the jealousy eye at you lately and most of you probably have an idea of who it is. No need to cut them off completely, just cut off their info supply. In other words, move in silence.
RED FLAG: Education comes in all shapes and prices. Choose wisely when looking to upskill and check in with your employer as they may have a lot of great and free programs.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of moving into a career of the professional Healer Arts now is a good time to start doing your research.
Have a great week, guys!