Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week you’ll be still feeling the effects of Mercury in Retrograde and the Uranus -Jupiter in Taurus conjunction, which can make your plans around money and career moves have a start-stop type of flow. So it’s best to wait until Mercury goes direct on the 25 in Aries before making any final life changing choices.
On top of all of this intense planetary energy we have a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd which frankly can force many of us to deal with serious issues that we’ve been trying to ignore.
All in all, this week is best for laying low, taking the high road when it comes to conflict and allowing yourself to honor your emotions.
Okay, lets see what the stars have in store for you this week.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at Use code: BOSSIP for $10 off. *Limited offer*

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN:The combo of the post Solar Eclipse energy and the Full Moon in Scorpio will have many Capricorns reevaluating their relationships and their role within those relationships. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself needing to rebalance the scales and address long overdue behavior that frankly isn’t helpful to either party.
RED FLAG: Even though the world is a bit funky right now, just focus on your blessings while working to hold a high vibration as often as you can.
SWEET SPOT: If you struggle with raising your vibration start with getting a Reiki and Sound Healing session and then adding frequencies to your music playlist.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Before opening up and speaking up – especially when in a state of anger- pause and think things through. We are still in Mercury Retrograde and with this heavy incoming Scorpio energy you may find quite a few people are trying to “test ya gangsta” but hold steady and wait until you’ve cooled off, before popping off.
RED FLAG: A young person in your life is going through some thangs, if you can, try to assist them with standing in their power and learning emotional regulation.
SWEET SPOT: Singles, are y’all open to love? The universe will send you a few opportunities this week to see if you truly are.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES:If you’ve been heavily focused on work, then now is a good time to cut all distractions and retreat into a space where you can hunker down and knock this thing out. You’re definitely working on a project worth putting your energy into (this could be work or family related) and you’ll reap many rewards come the Fall season.
RED FLAG:Forgiving is healthy, but forgetting is a selective choice. Watch out for those who have proven to be untrustworthy time and time again.
SWEET SPOT: If you find your creativity waning, then take a moment and do a Higher Self meditation and ask for inspiration.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: Since the eclipse, have you been feeling that your current circle and your current reality just ain’t mathing? Good. This means you jumped a few timelines during that fiery Aries fueled portal and now it’s time to really set the stage for the next version of you. Spirit asks for you to really do what you love with full force and let the new circle of friends who are attracted to this version of you come in.
RED FLAG: Folks will waste your time with their emotional dumping and steal your energy – cut that ish out and while you’re at it- cut that person out too.
SWEET SPOT: A family member may come to you with a long held secret, make no judgements, just be a trusted ear.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS:Some of you have been asking yourself as we go deeper into your birthday season- how you can be of service to the collective and get paid well. And the answer lies in strengthening the gifts that you can earn a lovely living from. But note that this requires refinement of your attention. Which means your social life might take a small hit- but it will be worth it in the end. Time to level up!
RED FLAG: Under this Scorpio Full Moon some of your shadow wounds may come to the surface to be healed. Follow your energy on that day and give yourself grace if you simply can’t do more then stay in bed.
SWEET SPOT: The best thing about Taureans are that they are super strategic – well this week your masterful mind may be called on to help others who are in a jam.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:Spirit is asking for you to be a clear channel/advocate for whomever you feel called to represent. This could be your inner child who needs more healing or a group of co-workers demanding better pay and working hours.
RED FLAG: Shining your light doesn’t mean it’s putting out someone else’s even if they make you feel that way. Shine on.
SWEET SPOT: Before signing that new lease or a mortgage, pause and check in with your gut. Does this feel like the right thing to do at this time?

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER:: Many of you are undergoing rapid change since the eclipse – and yet it’s so subtle that you may not even understand what is happening. Don’t fret – many of you just jumped right into 5th Dimension vibration which is quite high but also very different from the density of 3D earthy vibes. Spend this season of Taurus getting grounded and working to center the newness you feel inside.
RED FLAG: Loving yourself is a full time job especially if you’ve had a traumatic upbringing. Be kind and loving and think about starting an affirmation journal to help you on those down days.
SWEET SPOT: If you feel called to explore a new part of the world, or take up another form of study – now is a great time to do so. Or you can pull out that old art and ideas book from college and see what you can restart at this time.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:Learn to move on faster from disappointment by stubbornly and brazenly looking forward and focusing on all future successful outcomes. Keep in mind to balance this with play and introspection. This will also apply to those with Leo in their Mars.
RED FLAG: Brace yourself. Some of your haters may show up online this week under this Scorpio Full Moon. It’s okay to get a little low but don’t spread it too wide on Social Media as it may come back to haunt you later on.
SWEET SPOT: If you find that you’ve made a few mistakes in how you handled situations at home with your loved ones, then be the bigger person and own up to it and then take everyone out for ice cream.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: Do something different! This is what popped into my head from Spirit as I was downloading your forecast. Now, right now is the time to go for your dreams – no need to stop and talk to anyone about it – just be courageous- and do it. Now use your Virgo sensibility and make a sound strategy but don’t sleep on your deeper yearnings.
RED FLAG: Keep your resume and LinkedIn contacts nice and juicy and continue to network as layoffs are imminent.
SWEET SPOT: If textured fabric helps you to relax, think about adding a new couch throw in your fave texture to help you beat back any anxiety.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Being true to yourself and living in your sacred truth means that one must have a life plan that honors that. Spirit begs the question- do you live in your fullest truth? And if so, how often? And if not, why not? This week’s Full Moon will reveal some thangs about where you may hiding from yourself and others. You ready?
RED FLAG: Taking the lead at work may result in well… just more work. Not even a better title or salary. Choose wisely.
SWEET SPOT: Changing tracks in life requires grace- be sure to give yourself a second helping as you navigate to your next timeline.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: This Full Moon in your sign is gonna drag out any remaining bits of unhealed shadow laying in the crevices of your soul. Now while that may want to send you running for the hills, in the long run you will be grateful. Trust Spirit on this.
RED FLAG: If you’ve been hiding parts of your identity – now is the time to bust of your cocoon; find your safe bubble and allow them to hold space for you.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been wanting to upgrade your vehicle, it’s totally available to you but you may have to make some financial sacrifices now to get your dream car in the long run.#yougotthis

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: Even if someone is celebrating a life milestone that you have yet to achieve, there is no need to feel competitive, jealous or like it’s never going to happen for you. Life is a stroll with plenty of bumps, hills and valleys along the way — not a race. Stay in your lane and genuinely be happy for others good fortune. Why? Cause it speeds up all the good that is on the way to you.
RED FLAG: When trying to decide where to cut expenses, take out the emotions of your choices and make it about the bottom line.
SWEET SPOT: When it comes to planning the family vacation, loosen up and go with the flow – let someone else do the leading and choosing for once. Expect to be pleasantly surprised.
Have a great week, guys!