Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
As I’m sure you’ve heard we are in one of the most cosmic seasons of our lives. We have the Solar Eclipse under a New Moon in Aries while Mercury is in Retrograde on the 8th.
This cosmic event will shift us all on a very deep level.
Psychically I’m seeing the human collective wake up to our ancient sacred gifts (think X-men level abilities), we will be undergoing deep shadow work with the releasing of rage and trauma both in this lifetime and in the bloodline. Finally we will collectively stop participating (at least energetically) in a system that truly doesn’t have humanity’s best interest at heart.
This week I’m doing a deep psychic dive per astrology sign to see exactly what you can expect to happen to you emotionally, mentally, spiritually etc post eclipse.
Ya’ll ready??
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at Use code: BOSSIP for $10 off. *Limited offer*

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN: Change is the theme for you. Big and small. Many of you will have much needed breakups – and yes some of them will be fire dumpster style. And yes this will include decades old marriages. This is happening for two reasons: One, most Capricorns marry for convenience and move from the mental space and not the heart. Two: Many of you are set to meet your Twin Flame (or reunite with them) and this partnership is holding things up. Brace yourselves…
RED FLAG: Watch your bank account under this eclipse as your wayward emotions may have you spending recklessly.
SWEET SPOT: Soothe your nerves with tea and meditation over smoking and drinking…you need deep emotional healing as you move through this season not escapism.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
You all will feel and most likely benefit the most from this eclipse as we are now solidly in the age of Aquarius. Many of you will feel called to deeply help heal humanity in some way. Follow that calling because therein lies your new tribe, new love and deep peace. Make moves strategically and consistently, but whatever you do, don’t stop until you feel fulfilled at a deep heart level.
RED FLAG: Be careful of those in your life who are jealous of you for any reason. Your sign more than most will shine like the sun post eclipse and these jealous people can easily become hidden enemies who smile in your face.
SWEET SPOT: To help you integrate this powerful energy think about spending times with animals -such as going horseback riding or feeding pets at the zoo. Their earthy nature will help you to ground and center your own energy.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES:Chaos is on the way for most of you. And you should welcome it. Because in the end it will be for your best outcome. Now here’s the thing, many of you are sitting on old jobs, relationships, hell even old underwear that has expired but you’re too afraid to jump ship. So the eclipse will push you off. Grab a life jacket cause it’s gonna be bumpy…but you’ll ultimately land on your feet. This will also apply to those with Pisces in Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter.
RED FLAG: Family secrets will be revealed under this eclipse energy. Brace yourself and take all the time you need to get over the shock.
SWEET SPOT: Learning a new culinary skill at this time will not only help you relax but give you some bragging rights around the house.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: All this fiery energy during your season with the New Moon happening in your sign may have many of you feeling all over the place – ragey, hormonal, sad, upbeat, etc. Spirit wants you to lean all the way into those feelings as your soul knows what it needs at this time. Don’t hold back and under the Eclipse either sit in meditation or participate in some sort of ritualistic dance that allows your body to move without judgement. You’re rapidly shifting into the next version of yourself. I’m here for it – are you?
RED FLAG: Heads up, some layoffs may be coming down the pipeline at work. Brush up your resume and warm up your industry connects.
SWEET SPOT: Indulging in sweets is fine, just make sure you don’t miss your gym sessions cause summer bodies are right around the corner!

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS:Money, money, moneeey! Whew! This eclipse happening on an 8 date (the number of wealth) is signifying for many Taureans that a portal to great wealth has now opened up. Be prepared to have game changing ideas pop into your head, to have doors opened by wonderfully connected associates and strangers alike and if you’re an entrepreneur of any stripe – you can make amazing strides in your business over the next 12 months. Werk!
RED FLAG: Many of you have childhood trauma, will feel those old wounds coming up – don’t run. Embrace them, sit in them and then say out loud “I release….” and then let it go. Literally turn on some music that you love and dance your way back to joy.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been feeling burnt out – treat yourself to a quick beach getaway. The sun will really help to reset your nervous system.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:If you’ve been sitting secretly on magnificent creative talents, then this eclipse will give you the motivation that you need to start taking them seriously. But it will cost you, your old life and possibly some of your closest relationships as the creative version of you is the butterfly in a cocoon ready to take flight. Many of you are surrounded by people who benefit from you dimming your shine and that simply won’t do as you step into your creative power. Do it anyway!
RED FLAG: Managing money isn’t easy; if you’re struggling then call in professional help ASAP.
SWEET SPOT: If you’re lucky enough to still have an elder in your life that you love and enjoy, then please go spend some quality time with them asap. Remember to do something they like to do- even if you don’t particularly enjoy it.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER:: So emotional. Will be the theme for you this week (and the collective in general) but unlike others you’re not necessarily releasing trauma, but actually calling in your psychic powers. The ability to feel deeply is what your intuition needs to sharpen. Go deep in your feelings but also listen to Heart and third eye chakra meditations while undergoing this metamorphosis as the emotions are lubricants for the unlocking of these energy centers.
RED FLAG: Stop gaslighting yourself. The person that you keep giving chances to will not improve and doesn’t want to. Cut your losses and keep it moving. The eclipse will reveal a truly ugly side of them too. Brace yourself.
SWEET SPOT: Filling your home with fresh florals (pinks, whites and yellows ideally) will lift the vibes of your home and yourself.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:Your ancestors are standing at the ready under this eclipse. For Leos they want to bring you good juju, ancient wisdom and heavy protection. Spend the eclipse in prayer with them and at your ancestor altar and watch all of the big and small miracles start to rapidly unfold.
RED FLAG: Resisting change is futile especially when you’ve no control over the situation. Release the death grip and trust that is is working out for your highest good.
SWEET SPOT: This eclipse will usher in a radical rebirth of you and your energy – help it along by giving your wardrobe and hairstyle a swift and much needed change.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: Necessary storms are on the horizon. Especially for those of you who have never had the “luxury” to indulge in much needed grief from previous events. And while this may all seem unpleasant, this level of deep, deep healing is so vital to you Virgo at this time. Take it in stride and know that it gets better later.
RED FLAG:Also share that workload at work and at home as you’ll need more rest at this time.
SWEET SPOT: If an elder you trust offers to give you some me time and take care of the littles, take them up on it. Everyone deserves a break now and then.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Themes around scarcity and lust will come up for introspection and ultimately healing under this eclipse. Whichever ways you work to escape your shadow elements or whichever ways you live in a state of fear of there not being enough of anything will have many of you in a chokehold in these coming months. Since you’re getting this heads up- start to address these issues NOW for an easier ride.
RED FLAG: Be mindful as to how much you let others trauma dump on you at this time. The eclipse wants you to focus on your own healings, not others. Read that again.
SWEET SPOT: Treat yourself to an Akashic Records reading to find out what cosmic powers are held within your blood line. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: A fearless, once-in-a-lifetime love will be presented to you with this Eclipse. However, Spirit is tricky. This love may be self love, a romantic connection or even the arrival of a baby. The way to manage this is to sit with yourself and ask yourself and your ancestors where is love missing in your life and which type of love would serve you best at this time in your evolution? Sit with this message for a few days and journal down all of the feelings and thoughts that come up.
RED FLAG: If you’ve got toxic old lovers still mucking up your heart and your inboxes – Google up how to cut etheric cords and please do that. STAT!
SWEET SPOT: Live out loud. Laugh out loud. Enjoy life even in the dark moments because they don’t last for long.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: What brings you pleasure? Not just of the erotic kind,but the childlike happy just to be alive kind? Some of you have been forsaking pleasure for overwork and mothering grown adults who need to get their shit together on their own. Put down your capes and pick up some ice cream, roller skates and your fave teen movie soundtrack and go outside and play.
RED FLAG: Don’t loan anything you want back – from money to clothes. In this season, you’ll have to use more discernment so the takers don’t take too much from you.
SWEET SPOT: Awakening to your higher calling will start to slowly unfold post eclipse. Don’t fight it, as it won’t look like what you thought it would, but you’ll soon discover that it’s perfect for you.
Have a great week, guys!