Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
This week on the 19th we have a rare blue full moon which will be in Aquarius. This mega moon will be felt by everyone but certainly by fixed signs.
Expect to crave more independence, to make rapid pivots and for unconventional characters and circumstances to enter your life.
This is a great time to do a radical new wardrobe or hairstyle if you’ve grown tired of your old look.
And on the 22nd we enter Virgo. Which is a great kick off energy to the Fall season. The fall always reminds us to get our ducks in a row (think back to school supply shopping) as well as the push to refocus on big life projects such as house shopping or tackling debt.
Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for you.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Embracing emotional flow and ease over hard-nose logic will be a big theme for you under this rare blue Full Moon in Aquarius. And as the Sun goes into Virgo this week as well, expect the Universe to give you a full test run. In other words, don’t overly plan and allow room for things to be slower than usual.
RED FLAG: Trusting someone who has previously and consistently lets you down is not wise, no matter how much of a soft spot you may have for them.
SWEET SPOT: Spend some time chasing the sun before it heads into it’s nesting stage this Fall. If budget permits, try and squeeze in a quick island getaway and leave an offering for the water spirits for well wishes for yourself and your loved ones.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, the solution is mindful rest, not going harder. In order to put your best foot forward in life, we often need to take a step back to power up! Restructure all obligations this week and make more time for proper sleep, chill time and heck don’t forget the lovers’ time.
RED FLAG: In the Age of Aquarius what was in the dark will come to light. Brace yourself for some revelations about higher-ups at work or some of the elders of your family.
SWEET SPOT: A new Fall wardrobe would do wonders for your self-esteem, especially if you’ve been working out or have had to make room in your life for fresh love, friends, and career pivots.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Did you know that forgiveness (not forgetfulness) can be a form of success? Often disease in the body starts with emotional “dis-ease.” Who do you need to forgive and release from your emotional body? Here’s a quick forgiveness ritual via a Burn and Release. Meditate on who you need to just move on from under the Full Moon and then write their name on a piece (or pieces ) of paper, then burn the paper while saying “I forgive and release …X” and then drop the burning flame into a fire proof bowl. When done, simply scatter it in your yard or flush it down your toilet.
RED FLAG: Include energy cleansing in your Fall routine to keep your vibe high. This can include a Reiki session or consistently doing Yin Yang yoga.
SWEET SPOT: When’s the latest time you planned a little adventure for yourself? If you can’t remember, that means it’s been too long. Don’t let the summer close without you doing this for yourself.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Some of you are headed into a period of Healing Chaos where your false sense of identity is set to be eliminated. This period will require deep introspection and solitude. While this won’t be emotionally easy, you’ll be delighted at your spiritual growth once you get to the other side.
RED FLAG: Have the courage to speak up for those who can’t find their voice. This can include taking the lead on an issue at work or volunteering at a Domestic Abuse shelter.
SWEET SPOT: A new love interest has the potential to go the distance…stay in flow and don’t falter on your boundaries.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
New Beginnings are on the horizon. The question begs — what are you willing to give up though? Many Taureans are in a season of deep reflection and realizing that they’ve possibly dug themselves into some deep ruts. Shake off this energy by looking at all possibilities and staying open for unexpected solutions to serendipitously appear.
RED FLAG: Be patient with that friend going through a hard time at the moment. Yes, even if they kinda caused their own problems. Remember we all learn at our own speeds.
SWEET SPOT: Inner peace is an inside job and starts with setting and then standing on your boundaries, setting and keeping to a budget, and getting plenty of rest.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Your extreme focus, hard work, and fervent manifestations over the past year appear to have been heard by the Universe and your ancestors. Gateways of opportunities will start to unlock under this rare Blue Moon this week. Don’t get shy and don’t wobble. This is what you’ve asked for and you’re more than qualified at every level, even if you think you aren’t. You got this!
RED FLAG: Wisdom isn’t guaranteed to come with age, it comes through taking risks, self-reflection, and being humble enough to apologize when you’ve messed up. Keep this in mind as the seasons change.
SWEET SPOT: To ward off any possible global diseases, think about boosting your system through detoxing and doing saunas regularly.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
An opportunity for true financial freedom appears to be on the horizon for you shortly. The best way to quickly manifest this is to do a vision board and then spend 10 minutes a day sitting in the EMOTION of what this would feel like for you. This literally can speed up the much-needed change in your circumstance and yes it may feel a bit foolish, but it does work.
RED FLAG: Now is a great time to up your spiritual protection, especially if you’ve been in strong disagreement with a variety of people in your life. Start by wearing black tourmaline, saging your home and even placing a Hand of Fatima symbol above your front door.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of doing some home renovations, now looks like a perfect time. Just double-check all costs and expect some delays.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
This Full Moon in Aquarius will find many Leos ready to take leaps of faith. Especially those who may feel frustrated in their current career or love life. I would caution you to plan things fully and make sure that you’ve sufficient finances and physical energy for any big pivots.
RED FLAG: Do your due diligence before making any big purchases this week especially if you’re closing on a home.
SWEET SPOT: In what ways have you been seeking security? How can “security” show up for you to make you feel secure – emotionally, financially, physically? As we head into Virgo season, this will become a bigger theme for you…plan accordingly.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Your bday season is finally here! Get excited ‘cause the cards that came up for you include relaxation while also feeling really good about taking risks. Your Virgo Queen Beyonce took a risk by going into Country Music and look how that worked out for her. Be like Bey and add a little razzle-dazzle to your lifestyle by doing something radically different during this peak Virgo period.
RED FLAG: What inner truths do you keep to yourself to keep the peace in your home? It seems like this habit is causing blockages in your throat chakra which can later lead to resentment. Try to wear more blue tones (this chakra responds well to this color causing it to open) and have weekly family meetings to air out grievances before they become too large to contain.
SWEET SPOT: Remember abundance isn’t always about finances, it’s often about having a loving circle of supportive friends, good health, and true inner joy.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Despite what the world will tell you, truth and pleasure often go hand in hand. We as a society feel that speaking our truth or keeping it real with people may lead to hurt feelings. Well, there are a lot of blessings in being honest with people especially when they may need words of encouragement that may not be very sweet but can help them tremendously. Just exercise that classic Libra class and diplomacy when letting folks know what time it really is.
RED FLAG: Those of you dodging your health issues, the Fall season looks as though it will make you tackle them…jump ahead of it all — asap please, and thank you.
SWEET SPOT: Tiny miracles happen every day if we practice gratitude. Try and do this all week long and see how much lighter you feel by the end of the week.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
How’s your consciousness enlightenment journey going? Tell me are you in the Dark Night of the Soul part (the one where you lose all false friends and are heavily isolated) or on the let me purchase all the “crystals and tarot cards” part? Either way, enjoy it. As this 8 year comes to a close, many of you will take up careers in the healing arts and even start on the path to becoming this generation’s Spiritual Leaders.
RED FLAG: Don’t envy someone who is in the “thriving” season of their life. You’ve no idea of the storms they pushed through to arrive there. Plus you know Social Media is only for one’s highlight reel. Stay focused on you and your loved ones.
SWEET SPOT: Taking action is as simple as taking action. You’ll find that you will have to often just make it happen even if you don’t know all of the possible outcomes upfront. Just trust…
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Community is often where we draw emotional strength when life gets tough. Make sure you’re giving what you need to your chosen circle and they are doing the same. If you find your circle is coming up empty-handed, start building a new one.
RED FLAG: Flexibility at work will be greatly needed. Expect reorganizations that are announced abruptly and may have you concerned about your financial future. Now is a great time to re-heat all professional networks and see what other opportunities are out there in your field.
SWEET SPOT: Stillness is needed this week. Especially for those of you who have had a whirlwind summer (and summer romances) or if there’s simply been a lot of rapid change in many areas of your life over the past few months. This could mean spending more nights in, reading poetry, or taking long (er) baths or showers.