Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
This week’s transits are pretty complimentary. On the 4th Venus enters Virgo under a New Moon in Leo. Then on the 5th Mercury goes Retrograde in Virgo.
This energy will have us focusing on fixing things in our lives and making them glamorous –from relationships to our physiques.
The key here is to not to go to hard on ourselves (hello Virgo) and to manage stress and anxiety that may come up when we feel that we aren’t quite meeting our goals.
The New Moon in Leo will be great for all fire signs to move the needle when it comes to romance – so be sure to be out and about when you can.
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Source:Tommy de Yampert
This Leo New Moon will treat Cappy’s quite well. It will give you a chance to let out more of your playful side and even invite in new romantic options and/or spark new life in your current relationship.
RED FLAG: If a loved one has been begging you to change some things about yourself, please don’t ignore them or put it off any longer.
SWEET SPOT: Enhance the goodness of this new Leo moon by taking a Self Love Bath: 3 cups of epsom salt, 10 drops of rose essential oil and your fave smell good bath oil. Amplify these vibes by listening to a heart chakra meditation while bathing and sit holding a Rose Quartz crystal for at least ten minutes.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Some of you may be feeling a need for a sabbatical at this time. Which means you’re fully in alignment with your enlightenment, and spiritual growth journey. If you really do want to take a break and spend some time in isolation then start a vision board detailing everything from location to length of the sabbatical as well as how much income you will need to sustain yourself during this time. Don’t worry about the how- just craft the future you want and watch how fast it manifests for you.
RED FLAG: Double-check all legal documents before signing them under this retrograde in Mercury!
SWEET SPOT: Defining freedom will be a big theme for you this week – get to (or in) the nearest body of water to help you facilitate this.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Should you go or should you stay? If you’ve been feeling very indecisive on just about everything then this week’s transits will provide some relief and illumination. Spirit is saying that you actually know what you want to do, you’re just too scared of not being able to fully control the outcome of your choices. I will say this – take action now – and pivot on your way towards your goals and desires accordingly.
RED FLAG: Sticking to a short-term budget for a long-term goal, will serve you well at this time.
SWEET SPOT: Your home needs a bit of a boost, think about adding accent colors in orange, gold, and pinks. This will lift your mood and make the home feel more cozy.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Fulfillment and focus often go hand in hand. The Virgo energy in both Mercury Retrograde and in Venus will help you to finally cross off those big tasks (or goals) off your list before month’s end. However, you’re gonna have to resist the temptation to veer off the path and not put things off for later.
RED FLAG: Some of you have been fools for love over the past few years – know that the time for that has come to an end. Set some boundaries or cut folks off – if not you’ll pay a hefty price for the lessons you refuse to learn by the new year.
SWEET SPOT: Have you been getting enough Vitamin D and Vitamin SEA? Do a two for one with a beach getaway weekend stat.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
How’s your money goals looking? Taureans are great with funds and during this Lion’s Gate Portal which reaches a powerful height on the 8th along with this week’s transits will prove to be a financially beneficial time for you. Go over your financial goals under the New Moon to make sure you’re still on track and look carefully through your bank statements to make sure that all the things you’re paying for are truly worth it.
RED FLAG: Calorie counting is no fun, but neither are obesity triggered diseases. If you’ve fallen off or haven’t even gotten started, leverage this Virgo Mercury Retrograde to get yourself back in the swing of things. A trainer to get you started would actually serve you well.
SWEET SPOT: Be sure to rotate in some summer fun with loved ones who miss you! Maybe treat them to a small trip or go and do a special bonding activity.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Transformation takes time and courage. It consists of many small steps both backwards, forwards and sometimes not moving at all. The biggest thing it takes, is the motivation and strength to truly release what is holding us back. Often this can be energetically dead relationships, old ego tied identities or even our place of living. Take some time and use this Virgo energy to clear all the clutter from your life.
RED FLAG: If you’ve been living on the edge with your health or specifically your car insurance. Please wrap that up before the end of the week. I’m seeing some serious trouble ahead if you don’t.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been emotionally struggling, you may want to start a journaling practice and even do a 3 day silent Vissipana meditation retreat. This helps to calm the mind. Check them out around the globe at Dhamma dot org. Thank me later.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
New beginnings and tiny miracles can be expected this week and to continue through the month of August. Continue to hold the vision of the outcome you wish to manifest and then leave the rest up to Spirit. Remember manifestation requires trust in unseen forces and a relaxed nervous system., If it’s hard to relax, then spend some time in nature or go and get your Erykah Badu on and sip warm tea, turn on some jazz, light some incense and just chill at home on your couch.
RED FLAG: Inner peace is definitely an inside job, but it does require a bit of outer calm, so if you live or work in chaotic environments, do what you can to adjust the volume on the stress of these places.
SWEET SPOT: If you’re single and seeking, the Leo Moon and Virgo Venus is either great for making a circle back to that person you never gave a full chance or jumping on your fave dating apps and working to secure a few dates over the next week or so. You got this! This will also apply for those with Cancer moons and Cancer Venus.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
It’s your season baby! And this week you’ll find that luck is truly on your side. Under the New Moon in Leo on the 4th try and spend some time at your ancestor altar and ask them for downloads about your next best steps in any area of your life that you’re having trouble with. Be sure to cook for them and then on this day go outside and be seen as only a Leo can. Cheers!
RED FLAG: If you’re a candle lover, be sure to double-check that they are all blown out whenever you leave your home.
SWEET SPOT: Wearing notes (or jewelry ) of gold, white, black and copper will keep all eyes on you and your energy in a good place.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
This Mercury retrograde in your sign may encourage many of you to want to go back for more education. Which is totally fine, as long as you’re crystal clear on how this particular investment will pay off. In other words, don’t just do this to have somewhere to hide out from a bad economy or because you’re bored (or brokenhearted) and don’t want to deal with your current reality. Also, if you do forge ahead then try hard not to take on too much debt.
RED FLAG: Virgos tend to be pretty health-conscious, which is why it’s a bit odd that I see so many of you are ignoring lingering health conditions. Anytime Mercury retrogrades in one Sun’s sign, then one must be very careful. This retrograde does look as though it will spotlight your health – so please don’t continue to ignore your body – or mental — needs.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been wrestling with choices of a mate in the love department, hold tight, as retrograde moves along, folks will show their true intentions, which will make it much easier to choose properly.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
At this point, going forward is the simplest option. If this resonates, you already know which area of your life this rings true for. Be mindful that not everyone will be happy and frankly, you can’t make everyone happy – but if the end result will make things better in the long run – then do the hard part now and just work to stay calm through the changes. And remember, this too shall pass.
RED FLAG: Some seasons in life are for thriving and some are simply for surviving. Make this your mantra when things are hitting rocks.
SWEET SPOT: Deep purging of your closet, will make you realize how much you have and how much you waste. LOL. Sorry. Also try and release (or at least stash away) all grey colored clothing – it’s not helping your emotional state.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Success is inevitable. Often it’s just a matter of time and forgiving yourself for not knowing certain things sooner and/or not moving fast enough on opportunities that slipped through your hands. Spend some time under the New Moon in Leo building up your Solar Plexus chakra. This will help you to feel more confident on a daily basis and balance your ego. Help this golden chakra out by wearing gold, rocking citrine crystals, and eating yellow and gold-colored fruits and veggies.
RED FLAG: Brace yourself, a bit of healing chaos is incoming. It looks like it will either be a situation at work or with your family, but not your immediate family.
SWEET SPOT: Purifying your body works best in the summertime. Try and do a 10 day fruit juice-only detox and spend a lot of time at someone’s sauna.You’ll not only feel and look amazing but your personal frequency will be elevated as well.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Pleasure, like abundance, comes in so many formats. This week, get into the habit of noticing what brings you pleasure and what feels like abundance. Is it the people in your circle? Is it restful sleep? Is it having more than one stream of income? Understanding these things about yourself will not only make you more grateful on a daily basis but assist you in getting through any tough moments that life throws at all of us.
RED FLAG: If your gut is telling you something is off about someone or a situation, trust it. It’s your internal alarm system and sometimes you have to act on it, even when you don’t have proof of harm — yet.
SWEET SPOT: When it comes to romance, the key at this time to meeting the love of your life (for those seeking) is to stay open. The person coming your way will be in a package you didn’t expect and arrive when you least expect it. Stay the course and stay open.