Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
Lots of movement in the cosmos this week as we kick off with a New Moon in Sagittarius on the 1st. This is a powerful new moon for starting new projects or exploring areas of your life that have been sitting on a shelf. It’s also a good time to circle back to big ideas you may have had in the past.
On the 6th Mars goes retrograde in Leo which can be a tricky energy as this normally signals feelings of frustration and irritation. Unfortunately this transit will last until Feb and be paired up with Mercury currently in retrograde in Sagittarius.
Side note: Prepare for some incoming Presidential drama with this transit.
On the 7th, Neptune goes direct which will allow some relief from any mental fog you may have been under as of late while on the same day, Venus enters Aquarius which bodes well for deepening friendships and romantic partnerships.
Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week!
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at
Source:Tommy de Yampert
For those of you who are entering romantic partnerships – it’s important that you take the lead on speaking up for your needs but also learning to hear clearly from your partner what their needs are. The Venus in Aquarius transit will help you to build a deeper friendship as well which is the secret glue to many happy and successful partnerships.
RED FLAG: If a loved one (or you) is facing a medical emergency, have faith that all will work out in the end.
SWEET SPOT: Spend this month seeking “hidden treasure” in your friendships, deep belly laughs with loved ones and making good memories in general.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Focusing on the success you wish to have is a wise choice at this time and it’s important as you take some big leaps over the next six months that you practice strategic patience while reflecting on your personal truths along the way. Pay attention as to how your behavior moves you forward or causes roadblocks.
RED FLAG: Don’t forget to catalog your blessings especially on the days when things ain’t so sweet.
SWEET SPOT: If you have in person big-wig meetings in the coming months then take the time now to truly spruce up your wardrobe.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
This week practice imagining solutions over problems, laughing at your “demons,” and living your life to the fullest. Your ancestors want you to win but also to stay more positive no matter what life is throwing your way.
RED FLAG: Correcting your mistakes takes emotional intelligence and the ability to be humble. Let’s get to it!
SWEET SPOT: Look forward this week to new romantic interests and dinner invites with people you truly enjoy.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Feeling lost as to your next steps in your career? Looking for a refresh, but don’t want to simply take the lowest hanging fruit? Then take note that 2025 is a great year to move into heart centered work that really makes you happy. Doing what you love may take a moment to bring in the income that you seek, but you’ll get there if you strategically go for it.
RED FLAG: Expect to face some adversities this week. Don’t worry, they ain’t got nothing on you.
SWEET SPOT: Grieving your losses is deeply healing. Don’t suppress what you truly feel.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Forgiving and forgetting is not a strong spot for my fellow Taureans. But you are urged by your spirit team to start putting this into practice especially when it comes to those who have let you down over and over again. Now to be clear this doesn’t mean you have to have them deeply involved in your life again- that’s foolish talk. Simply let the energy of anger and disappointment go and move on with your life.
RED FLAG: This week at work may be a bit of a crazy shuffle of higher ups some of which you truly feel don’t make any sense. Just observe and engage higher reasoning when you can.
SWEET SPOT: Work hard to keep your commitments to yourself and to others this week in particular.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
A career pivot at this time has nothing but green lights for you. With all this Aquarius air energy swirling in the cosmos, you’re gonna be blessed no matter which direction you go into. The key here is to be true to yourself and make a plan that can be shifted as needed.
RED FLAG: Take some time to really observe the friends in your life and see if they are really giving what they are supposed to give or just place holders…
SWEET SPOT: Loving yourself deeply at every stage is the best way to win at this thang called life!
Source:Tommy de Yampert
With both Mars and Mercury in retrograde in the fire signs of Leo and Sag, you may find that you are forced to reevaluate your priorities. Focus on finding and retaining your joy – both in how you express it and how you receive it. What makes you tick? Happy? Brings you more energy? Take your time digging deeply into your emotions and feelings as this year comes to a close so that you can get on top of what (and who) makes you really feel good for a better start in 2025!!
RED FLAG: That new romantic interest isn’t being all the way honest…take it super slow and follow your gut instincts.
SWEET SPOT: If a friend invites you to try out a new activity, even though you may have a few doubts, Spirit is suggesting that you go with the flow and prepare to be pleasantly surprised. You may even find that you now have yourself a new hobby.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Be decisive. This is the directive for you this week. Don’t waffle on your feelings or the actions you want to take. Do what must be done (the hard thing) and give yourself permission to simply learn from your mistakes and move on with as much dignity and grace as you can. This will apply to all areas of your life.
RED FLAG: Retreating when you’re in the wrong instead of apologizing and standing on business is a bad way to go. If this resonates then work to do better – especially with the young people in your life and your significant other.
SWEET SPOT: How do you plan on being of service to spirit and others this holiday season? Consider volunteering if you generally don’t do so as you may find this fills your soul up in a very different way than you are used to.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Virgos are wonderful at achieving their goals of all varieties in record time and in top shape simply because you all know how to easily tune out distractions and make the necessary sacrifices. Don’t forget this wonderful trait as you go through the next chapter of your life that may come with some unexpected challenges as well as opportunities for personal growth and advancement.
RED FLAG: Although you may be being sincere and honest with people, they won’t always return the favor. Choose your alliances and what you give your energy to wisely.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve had a hard year, this holiday season your ancestors simply want you to let go and enjoy yourself for the month of December. Release all worries and feel free to pick them up in the New Year.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Where in your life are you wearing a mask? Where are you hiding your true feelings about individuals in your life? The Mars retrograde is gonna do a wig snatch on many of you and force you to get “real” about what (and who) really matters to you. Yes it will be a fiery time, but you’ll move through it!
RED FLAG: Overeating is a holiday tradition but the cards are showing that you need to do all things in moderation at this time. Watch your waistline and your intake.
SWEET SPOT: Going for your dreams can be scary but exhilarating. If you feel that you’re not fully living your life then in 2025 you need to start doing so. Show up for yourself Libra! This will also apply to those with Libra in their Mercury, Mars, Moon and Jupiter.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Are you seeking love? If so, then the key to manifesting the love you seek is to nurture yourself first. This is important because the way you treat yourself tells the universe how you need a future lover to treat you as well. Stay open to love but use discernment and have strong boundaries. This will also ensure that when various suitors come calling that you aren’t out here taking on more lessons in love and instead are only engaging with high level candidates. This will also apply to those with Scorpio in their Venus, Moon and Mercury.
RED FLAG: Accept what is dying. That old dress that no longer fits, as well as that old friendship that has truly run dry. Make room for new and better as you elevate in this life.
SWEET SPOT: Admitting your vulnerabilities and shortcomings to loved ones that you may have wronged is a beautiful and powerful thing. Meditate on this message often.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been wanting to take an artistic path then now is the time to trust in the Divine Plan of your angel team and just go for it. Try not to allow the judgements of others to weigh you down as you seek this new venture. Note it doesn’t just have to be an artistic path, it can totally be one that just allows you creative freedom and true peace and happiness. Be bold and follow your deepest desires as we head deeper into your birthday season.
RED FLAG: Refining your attention at this time will serve you well and get you off to a great start in the New Year!
SWEET SPOT: With both Mercury retrograding and the Sun in Sagittarius you may find yourself just wanting to bust out of your cocoon and usual routines. Defo languish in this energy and simply try a variety of new things -from your wardrobe to what you eat to the types of hobbies and events you engage in. A new chapter is unfolding for you during your birthday season.