Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
Pretty busy week in the cosmos! Let’s start with some awesome news! Mercury finally goes direct on the 15th and many of you will feel a sense of relief that things can now move forward more smoothly for you.
Also on the 15th we have a Full Moon in Gemini which is a great time to craft creative rituals, calling in for more joy and spontaneity in your life, or if you’ve been hiding your creative gifts then ask Spirit to open doors for those particular gifts to flourish.
Finally on the 21st the Sun moves into Capricorn. This is a great time to make huge plans for your life and then set things in motion on the 30th when we have a New Moon in Capricorn.
Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week…
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Alrighty, Cappys get ready to move full steam ahead. With Mercury going direct on the 15th and then the Sun moving into your sign on the 21st, y’all are being set up to make some powerful moves now. I suggest mapping out a master 2025 plan and then get ready to move on them once Mars is out of retrograde in Feb.
RED FLAG: Car trouble ahead! Get those snow tires checked if you live in cold weather regions and make sure everything is running smoothly.
SWEET SPOT: A new love interest could be on the horizon for you during your birthday season – if you’re ready to “meet and greet” then accept all the birthday and holiday invites.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
You’re being cautioned to slow things down a bit in a variety areas of your life most noticeably with investing in pricey ventures and moving too fast in a newly formed romantic duo. Listen to the pauses coming from your gut and let the folks around you know that you need more time before making any major decisions.
RED FLAG: Admitting your vulnerabilities is a sign of strength – not weakness. Read that again.
SWEET SPOT: Harnessing your gifts, whether the mundane, intellectual or spiritual is highly advised at this time.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’re single, Spirit wants you to be open and flexible as to how love could show up for you over the next few months. You’re going to be tasked with getting crystal clear on exactly how you want to be connected to a partner and what your boundaries truly are.
RED FLAG: If you have some hard end-of-the-year-goals, it will be vital that you tune out all distractions from now until then. #yougotthis!
SWEET SPOT: Nurturing yourself first during this holiday season will really get your 2025 off to a good start.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
You’re entering a season of high potential and rejuvenation- yay! However you’re gonna have to face any pesky addictions that you simply refuse to address. Be aware that in 2025 you simply won’t be able to just ignore things that need to be healed.
RED FLAG: If work is “not giving what it’s supposed to give” it’s totally fine to change tracks in the new year. All will be well.
SWEET SPOT: Are you hosting this holiday season? If so, be mindful of both your monetary and your energetic budget.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
When going for your dreams – dream big and then even bigger. But before you get set on world domination – LOL- take some time to sit with yourself and ask with sincerity if what you’re seeking is truly what you want.
RED FLAG: That investment in a new course should pay off – however you may need to refine how exactly you utilize those new skill sets.
SWEET SPOT: Have faith that now that you’ve revealed your true feelings for someone that they will eventually reciprocate them.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
When facing adversity, it’s important to engage in higher reasoning. Why? Because this allows your emotions to not override your logic and moves you along faster to a reasonable solution.
RED FLAG: This Full Moon may reveal some unfavorable aspects of your personality to you loud and clear. But don’t judge yourself harshly, just get curious about how to shift it.
SWEET SPOT: Finally publicly claiming your art and your love for that “thang” you secretly love doing will be a great way to kick off 2025.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
A family member may trigger you a bit this week. And believe it or not this is a good thing because it’s going to push you to finally speak up on a long held family “taboo subject.” It’s time now. All that is done in the dark has to come to light during this Pluto in Aquarius period. Brace yourself.
RED FLAG: Watching a loved one battle addiction is never easy. However, remember that you can lead a horse to water – but you can not make them drink it. Set your boundaries and decide right now how much you’re going to help now and in the future.
SWEET SPOT: Freshen up your home and your energy with scent. Look into getting incense such as a Lavender and Sage mix along with Sandalwood and Myrrh. These help lift the energy of our chakra system while also relaxing the nervous system.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Expect a wake up call this week that will push you to face the shadow aspects of yourself. Believe it or not, this is a thing of beauty. Why? Because in the crevices of your soul lies your strongest talent. You’re gonna be called to do what you truly love and isn’t that a beautiful thing?
RED FLAG: If you feel like you’re not attracting the right circle of friends and lovers- then take a look at yourself. What about you needs to change in order to shift your vibration? Remember your vibe attracts your tribe.
SWEET SPOT: Stop putting off that “trip of a lifetime” that you’ve been wanting to do. And certainly don’t wait around for a friend to go with you. Just do the damn thing!
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Embracing your personal power at this time means living your life boldly, freely and to the fullest. And while this won’t always make you the “popular kid” it leaves you free to really build a solid foundation within your own soul. Get ready for 2025 to bring you a new version of you.
RED FLAG: When someone disappoints you, learn to accept it with grace. However, moving forward choose wisely how you will engage them.
SWEET SPOT: As we move into a new year, take a moment to look back over the past few years and be sure to count your wins and blessings as much as you count your perceived losses.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
You may be asked to take the lead at work, following the long lasting illness of a higher up. And while I would love to scream “yesss” I have to whisper: “caution.” It appears that you will take on a very stressful workload, yet not be compensated properly. If this comes to pass, then you need to make sure that you negotiate the best outcome for yourself aka “don’t get played!”
RED FLAG: “No.” Is a complete and whole sentence. Get ready to use it a lot more over this coming year. #boundariesup
SWEET SPOT: Accepting what is, is the absolutely best way to release stress and release what no longer serves you with ease.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Loving yourself means that you live authentically (with the understanding that we grow and change over time) and being totally okay that not all of your friends and loved ones will be able to flow with the real you. Choose wisely who you allow to come into your personal energy and who you extend your kindness and support to.
RED FLAG: Spirit will be working overtime under this Full Moon to reveal false friends. Don’t ignore the heads up.
SWEET SPOT: As the holidays roll on, be sure to do all things in moderation from spending to eating…
Source:Tommy de Yampert
When focusing on rapid success, it’s important to also practice patience. Not everyone can move as fast as you, nor do you have control over every inch of anything. Timing is key and remember to trust in the divine plan that is often not revealed to any of us until it’s time.
RED FLAG: Make no judgements as a close family member reveals long hidden secrets over holiday family gatherings this month. Whew!
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been feeling like you need a rapid fire change of scenery including your social circle, give deep thought to picking up a new hobby or volunteering with an organization that you firmly believe in. This will put you firmly into a new circle of people that you share a core commonality with.