Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
Overall this week’s transits don’t come with a lot of drama which is great right?
On the 19th the Sun enters Pisces which urges us to get dreamy, play in our subconscious and even get curious about plant medicine, Akashic Records and Past Lives.
On the 24th we have a Full Moon in Virgo which is a great time to deep clean your home or take an energizing spiritual baths. Expect your productivity and out put to be at a maximum.
Okay, let’s see what Spirit has in store for you this week.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA at BOOKZYA.COM?

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN:Spirit wants you to ask yourself: “Self, am I living life to the fullest?” and if you get a quiet – “not really” it’s time to switch it up. Many of you have gotten yourselves into a rut and a slight depression since the pandemmy and have forgotten how to live. Brush off those Debbie Downer dust bunnies from your shoulders – and go and make some fun memories for yourself.
RED FLAG: There will be a possible loss of some type this week – allow it to be a wake up call and please don’t judge others too harshly as to how they handle pain.
SWEET SPOT: If you’re into wintery vacations – maybe plan a weekend retreat in the woods and go ice fishing. It could prove to be both meditative and fun.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been feeling like the breakthrough success you need is right around the corner – it is! But patience and discernment must be at the core of your emotions. Keep plotting and keep showing up!
RED FLAG: Are you sincerely asking for what you need in your relationships or leaning into people pleasing tendencies to keep the peace? Read that again.
SWEET SPOT: If the jealousy monster creeps up on you -as it does- take a step back and count both the blessings received and those on the way.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES: What is it that you really want? Ok then, and what short term but necessary sacrifice are you willing to do to get what you want? Saying no to what you don’t want will get you further to what you do. This week, get really curious as to how you show up in the world and then dig deep into the why so that you can truly understand your internal compass which eventually leads to gold.
RED FLAG: Choose your friends and their friends wisely. Not every circle group needs to include everybody.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been feeling a bit blah lately then create a new morning routine that includes walks in nature or spending time listening to your fave teen bops and dancing in the mirror.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: You may need to retreat this week to work deeper on your shadow wounds – especially with this Full Moon in Virgo which will cause a lot of internal illumination. Take it slow and without judgement but do the work. If you haven’t already, look into doing Somatic workouts and shadow journaling,.
RED FLAG: Having faith in someone who has a proven track record of letting you down, is a fool’s errand. Chop, chop and move on.
SWEET SPOT: Winter whites and baby pinks added to your wardrobe this week will keep you feeling more content even if your emotions are a bit chaotic.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS: Have you been suffering from various vague physical aliments – constant headaches, achy joints, subtle depression? If so don’t fret – your body is telling you to raise your vibration (and of course seek medical care when necessary). To help with raising your vibes – listen to a few heart and root chakra meditations, learn about EFT- emotional freedom tapping and look into doing some Somatic body workouts. These are all things that help to release emotional baggage from the body and energetic fields. Give it 30 days and see how you feel.
RED FLAG: Some of yall have fallen off your Ancestor Veneration routine. Please get back to it as they have some wonderful downloads they wish to share with you.
SWEET SPOT: Rock some rocks this week. Add rose quartz, selenite and black tourmaline to your jewelry rotation.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:Embracing your power ideals will come up for you this week. This could be in the shape of getting a higher promotion at work or extended family duties (or property) falling into your lap. Either way Spirit is telling you to jump in and take the lead. You’ve got this!
RED FLAG: What happened to long held dreams? If you’ve been asking yourself this same question then spend some time seeing how you can gently rotate back in some of the passions that you used to have.
SWEET SPOT: Trust the divine plan of your life. Follow your heart- strategically – and keep your cards close to your chest. Not everyone is rooting for you during this pivotal season.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER:: Accepting disappointments gracefully is an art form. And this week you’ll be getting a lot of practice. Don’t fret because denial is simply a way to move you to a higher and better timeline.
RED FLAG: Admitting your vulnerabilities to those you feel safe with isn’t a weakness -it’s strength and intelligence. Allow others to hold space for you emotionally.
SWEET SPOT: Shake up your daily routine this week to make the most of the Pisces season and the Full Moon which is set to give us some good juju collectively.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:The best way to stay in a good flow is to laugh at your demons while engaging common sense and a commitment to doing better, once you know better. In other words, never stop growing, but don’t judge yourself too harshly when you may fall off or backwards. Sometimes we need a re-do.
RED FLAG: Some of you have had a few rough moments over this past year – spirit wants to remind you to grieve your losses. Feeling your emotions helps to heal you faster and more soundly.
SWEET SPOT: Speaking up for your needs and boundaries will prove to be very beneficial and surprisingly well received.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: The sooner that you can accept what is dying and let it go, the sooner you can begin to heal and be open to love again. This love includes that of community, friends and of course romantic partners that are more in alignment with the latest version of you.
RED FLAG: Your ancestors want you to address any lingering addictions. This isn’t necessarily about traditional addictions, but more about the ways that you may be too attached to a routine, people or even a title. Dive into it under the Full Moon while listening to a heart chakra meditation.
SWEET SPOT: Virgos often have big goals and great follow through – but you’ll need to tighten up your plans and revisit them often.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Facing your adversities will be a huge theme this week and frankly for all of 2024. What’s happening is that you’re being pushed to refine your attention and rethink goals, groups and choices. While this is certainly not an “assignment” for the week – it will prove to be extremely beneficial in the long run.
RED FLAG: Don’t shy way from difficult conversations this week, but do give yourself breathing space if you feel overwhelmed by emotions.
SWEET SPOT: If you’re single and seeking, set up a self love altar under the Full Moon and then get active on the apps. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised as to what shows up for you
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: : For those of you who have been heavily isolated this winter, get ready to bust out of your cocoon with the rise of the Pisces sun this week. It’s time for you to explore your outer world and build solid relationships for your next life stage. Expect a lot of new characters to enter your world over the next six months.
RED FLAG: When problems arise at home or work, before getting too emotional, take a moment to sit and meditate on all the possible solutions available to you and then move forward.
SWEET SPOT: What does rejuvenation look and feel like for you? Whatever comes up in your psyche, spend some time doing that this week. Follow your joy, your rest and your relaxation.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: While it’s important to reach for the stars when planning goals, it’s also important to recognize, correct and learn from your mistakes. Spirit is asking that you think things through before moving impulsively and if nothing else, follow your gut, it won’t lead you wrong.
RED FLAG: There will be situations that arise, that will trigger you to reflect on your personal truths – the good ones and the harsh ones.
SWEET SPOT: Remember to do all things in moderation. And it’s totally okay to say no to something that you previously agreed to do if it’s no longer in alignment.