Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week we will feel the lingering effects of the Virgo Full Moon that took place on the 24th and start to lean into the Pisces vibes. This means we will feel a nice balance of being productive but at peace and more accepting of the mistakes of ourselves and others.
If you can, go out and sun gaze this week as we are set to receive quite a few solar flares which will be great for leveling up our DNA.
Okay, let’s see what Spirit has in store for you this week.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at Use code: BOSSIP for $10 off. *Limited offer*

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN:Have you been feeling like your mental is running in circles? Like you can’t quite get it together? Your Spirit team wants you to know that the solution lies in making a plan to do something completely different. And while this doesn’t come easy to Saturn ruled Caps – once you all map out a plan – you truly rapidly manifest it into being. Take your time coming up with different solutions and then just go ahead try one.
RED FLAGS: If you’re in a very snowy area – please be careful on icy roads and driveways. Get those snow tires up to speed as well.
SWEET SPOT: For those of you in the middle of a real estate transaction, all will work out even with the small hiccups.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
As 2024 unfolds many of you will feel the need to retreat into yourself. This is a good thing. Your shadow is asking to be acknowledged, healed and integrated with the rest of you. Don’t let others make you feel bad because you want to be less social or if you need to break out of romantic partnerships. With so many powerful planets in your sign, Aquarians more than most will need more alone time for recalibration. Stay the course and be gentle with yourself.
RED FLAGS: If you’ve been dealing with a skin condition and ignoring it – please don’t, as it may become embarrassing by the summer. It does seem to be tied to your diet.
SWEET SPOT:If someone offers to take you on a staycation at a posh in-town hotel – do it! But ask if they can spring for your own room or you go half. Again alone time is crucial for many of you at this time.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES: Have you recently committed to something or someone and are now realizing that it’s not quite right for you? Don’t sweat it! But don’t delay being honest – tell them right away that it’s not working and cut your losses where you can. Note: If this is a situation that you paid money for – you may find that you’re going to lose some coins – but at least you won’t lose your sanity. Hello!
RED FLAGS: Going with the flow is cool – but if the person leading you is not up to par- best to go it alone. This will apply to many areas of your life. Read this again.
SWEET SPOT: Before being vulnerable with someone, use discernment and pay attention to the levels of their lack of selfishness and their empathy towards others.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: In order to step into a role of leadership both in your own life and in others you must learn the power of NO. Boundaries must be lock step with leadership, otherwise the sink ships. As we move into your birthday season this will become a vital practice, so start now.
RED FLAGS: Check your spending – especially those late night Amazon purchases. Come on now!
SWEET SPOT: When it comes to romance, let go and enjoy it – with discernment of course.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS: For those seeking a romantic partner, Spirit is asking you to be both patient at this time and continue to work on self care and self-love. What we often miss in dating is that we attract and choose ourself over and over again. Until we heal deep wounds – or at least become aware of them so that we can operate better through them. So go slow and continue to go within. Ya heard?
RED FLAGS: For those in the dating pool actively getting it in- please do background checks – some of these people looking kinda shaky.
SWEET SPOT: Try and get to a soundbath healing ceremony before your birthday – this will help to reset your nervous system.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:This week you’ll feel called to reflect on your deepest truths which will then propel you to dust off languishing dreams and give them a new life and purpose. Spirit wants you to get excited about all the possibilities spilling open for you this week.
RED FLAGS: As you take the time for deep self-reflection, it will be vital that you tune out any and all distractions. This looks like halting all mindlessly scrolling, turning off the TV and spending time in deep meditation.
SWEET SPOT: Notes of lavender, patchouli and Frankincense will help you open up more to spiritual downloads that literally put wings underneath your plans to go after those long held dreams. You can use incense or even an essential oils diffuser.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER:: Why do you continue to dim your light so that others may step out and steal your credit? Embracing your power will be a major theme for you this week/Spring season and with it will come some much needed epiphanies about self-sabotage and crappy programming by your caregivers.
RED FLAGS: Don’t lend money you can’t afford to lose. The person that’s asking (or soon will) has no way to pay you back and is straight up lying about what they can and cannot do.
SWEET SPOT: What gifts do you have (and enjoy) naturally that you can strengthen and turn into gold? Get really curious about this and create a list.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:Speaking up when something is terribly wrong or someone is being treated horribly is somewhat hard to do. But do it you must especially if you’re the victim. If not the repeated cycle will just continue and then in the end you’ll still be blamed for everything going wrong. Take note that this applies to family and professional life – as you’ll find over this coming week.
RED FLAGS: When it comes to saving your income, if you start now making the necessary sacrifices you won’t feel the pinch later.
SWEET SPOT: Correcting your mistakes is easy once you remove your ego. Stay in a positive emotional flow and all will be well.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO:Are you hiding your artistic side in lieu of security and the scrutiny of others? If this resonates, now is the time (and the Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th is still giving you power through the entire week) to actually take a tiny step in this direction. It doesn’t mean you need to quit your day job, but it does mean that you should book that studio session, vocal coach or art class. Don’t delay, your ancestors want to help you shine in this direction.
RED FLAGS: You’re pretty good about keeping your commitments but many are not. Take note of the tiny red flags in a new relationship to avoid getting burnt later.
SWEET SPOT: Rejuvenation looks good on you – create a self-care plan that goes just beyond your normal routine and watch just how much joy you feel inside and out.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Expect some harsh wake up calls this week about a few people in your life and the role you play in theirs. And it’s all fine, because through the chaos and hurt, you’re gonna just focus on yourself. This in turn helps you turn your light on even brighter and eventually elevate to your next few levels in quantum speed. You got this!
RED FLAGS: A young person in your life may disappoint you greatly this week- but remember we are here on Earth to learn by mistakes. It’s fine, you’ll both bounce back.
SWEET SPOT: Warm up your professional network and start now to bring in secondary income – it will be extremely important as 2024 unfolds.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: You know how when you’re flying they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first before attempting to help anyone else? Yea, that’s the type of time you need to be on right now. Remember, we can’t help anyone if we haven’t helped ourselves. Start saying and standing on “No” to those in your life who simply have their hand out stuck in victim mode — all the damn time! Time to let it go ya’ll.
RED FLAGS: If you’ve been dealing with tightness of the chest please go and check your heart and lungs and don’t forget your annual check up.
SWEET SPOT: Changing tracks mid-stride is fine. Just work hard to mitigate any fallout that may effect others.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: Forgiving and forgetting, but choosing not to engage is totally healthy and don’t let a soul tell you that it is not. The best way to come out of feeling like a victim is to call back your physical involvement with those who have hurt you and spend time nurturing yourself.
RED FLAGS: Grieving losses looks different for everyone, and different losses cause us to express grief differently. Be gentle with yourself and others over these coming weeks.
SWEET SPOT: You’re entering a season where choosing your friends wisely and choosing how to engage them will be crucial. Take note of who pours into you and who doesn’t. Cut those who can’t or won’t be emotionally supportive and be sure to actively return the favor to those who do.
Have a great week, guys!