Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week we are moving full speed into the Age of Aquarius with so many prominent planets moving into this sign- expect this week to be subtly (or not) transformative.
Spend a lot of time being introspective and observe the choices that you make – are they healthy patterns or destructive? Don’t judge yourself just get to the root of the why.
Expect a bit of a rumble on the American political stage (yes there’s more) and surprising reveals from some beloved celebrities who has this sign prominent in their planet.
Transits to note:
A New Moon in Aquarius on Feb 9th which will now line right up with both the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius pushing us deeper into the Age of Aquarius. Under this New Moon you can do a simple ritual of writing down some of the ways you seek to expand your consciousness /spirituality over the next 30 days as well as call in new friends and partners that can help you do this.
Then on the 10th, we slip mentally into this sign as Mercury joins the Aquarian party bringing with it a fresh wave of mental activity – enhance this by taking in a ton of helpful information in any way that you see fit. As a spiritualist I’m always going to encourage you to expand your spiritual gifts and your consciousness.
Also it’s totally cool to wear those zany outfits – Aquarians love “zany” — especially if you’re bopping around during NYC FASHION WEEK, which kicks off the fashion season on the 9th, or you’re taking in Art during Mexico City’s gloriously indulgent art week which kicks off on the 7th.
Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for you.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA at ASKZYA.COM?

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN:Cappys are known for being grounded and levelheaded which is great. However 2024 will be pretty tumultuous and you may find that you all are anchored into your power while others around you are floundering. Be empathetic but pay attention to those who use hidden jealousy to poke holes into your confidence or work very hard to pull you into some drama that has nothing to do with you.
RED FLAG: Some old flames may rear their raggedy heads. Keep them on block and don’t falter- nothing has changed.
SWEET SPOT: Use this Aquarian energy to step out of your comfort zone- try a new dish or a new unusual nail polish color.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
AQUARIUS: You’re going to fully feel the effect of this week’s transit. So it’s key that you stay grounded (wear black tourmaline crystals and take salt water baths) and focused. Under the New Moon is a great time to journal around the types of friendships you wish to bring into 2024 and make some global travel plans. You’re in a very expansive energy – use it to your advantage. Also this will affect those with Aquarius Moons, Mars and Jupiter.
RED FLAG: Your spiritual ideals may come under harsh scrutiny this week by coworkers and family members alike. IGNORE. Don’t even try to explain… pearls and swine and all that.
SWEET SPOT: Keep your mental space nice and clear by decluttering your home and bringing in scents of eucalyptus via fresh florals or essential oils diffused throughout your space.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES: Many of you have been setting boundaries and working hard to stand on them. Bravo! However, expect several tests this week as folks really try it. This will especially apply to those who run large teams at work or home. Take it in stride and remain flexible but firm. You’ve got this!
RED FLAG: Don’t dim your shine for anyone! Of course there is a time and place for all behavior but you know intuitively when someone is just insecure and trying to project that onto you.
SWEET SPOT: Magic is all around you! You just have to adjust your POV and allow things to unfold at their own pace. This applies heavily to the area of romance.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: Under the New Moon on the 9th is a great time to make plans to further your studies. This could be anything from joining an online Masterclass to moving forward with a body of work that gets you inside your next degree. It’s a time to harness your focus, inner power and strength and really take yourself to the next level.
RED FLAG: Your romantic partners may be feeling a bit neglected lately. Make this Valentine’s Day a special one for them by going the extra mile.
SWEET SPOT: Have you been wanting to pivot into a career of the healing arts? Well now is the time to explore your options.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS: So many of you have spent these past two years deep in your shadow wounds – pulling out pain left and right. Congrats! This is never easy but for those souls who do so- your rewards lie in new doors of prosperity opening for you rapidly and with ease. Under this New Moon think deeply about the things missing in your life and what you would ideally like those areas of your life to look and more importantly feel like.
RED FLAG: Healing is an ongoing thing – don’t rush yourself- however if you know there are some deeply held wounds still lingering then don’t hesitate to call in professional help when you can.
SWEET SPOT: Making or purchasing a lucky talisman at this time would serve you well. Ideally this would be a piece that includes silver and purple amethyst crystal.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI: If you’ve been trying to achieve a “soft girl” life then know that the path is now open to you. But the shifting into this more divine feminine energy isn’t easy if you’ve spent most of your life in survival or competitive mode. May I suggest start with rewiring your nervous system and incorporating Somatic bodywork. This coupled with diving deeper into your psyche will get you to a good space by your bday season. Fly on butterfly!
RED FLAG: Don’t ignore the warning signals coming from your vehicle…something is definitely off. This could also be the vehicle of a bestie or your partner – spread the word.
SWEET SPOT: You’re on fire at work lately and the higher ups are taking notice. Keep going.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER: Have you met someone special and new lately? If so, lean into this situation (just do a quick background check first) as this appears to be a soulmate level vibe. Remember we have many soulmates – so if this doesn’t work out – trust another will spin in. Take your time with giving over your heart and vulnerability. Be open but smart.
RED FLAG: Ignore your intuition at your own peril this week; especially around matters of finance.
SWEET SPOT: Your ancestors wish to connect with you -spend some time refreshing your ancestor altar and speaking with them.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:Stepping into your power like whoaaa! Leos, especially those who’ve been working hard behind the scenes- your center stage moment is literally happening right now! Though many of you can’t see it – Spirit is working swiftly behind the scenes. This Aquarian energy is ready to lift so many of you to the highest highs. Remember 2024 is a year of karma- so everyone will reap what they’ve sown- no matter how long ago.
RED FLAG: Stop holding onto dead weight. This applies to every area of your life.
SWEET SPOT: Decide right now what power and affluence means to you – and then go and get more of it. PS: No need to share your plans with the world – just do you.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: If you’re facing tremendous change and need some courage – walk past your usual vices and straight into the arms of your Spirit Guides. Spend some time speaking with your inner child, ancestors and the Universal energy that inhabits all of us to cultivate the help and direction you need. Remember you’re never given a challenge that you can’t win – you just have to dig deeper than usual to figure out a MasterPlan.
RED FLAG: Slow down on making new work related commitments until you’ve finished your old ones. They can wait.
SWEET SPOT: When is the last time you’ve indulged your love for live music/art or physical activity? Now is the time to book a special outing for yourself and deeply enjoy it.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Quite a few of ya’ll are emotionally and mentally constipated. You’re holding onto people and ideals that have never served you – yet you keep indulging in them just so you won’t feel alone. Unfortunately because you’ve not done the work of releasing these things – Spirit is going to do it for you. The dragging will commence this week. You can jump ahead of it by doing the hard but necessary thing NOW. And yes it’s the thing you really don’t want to do. Start there anyway. *This will NOT apply to those who have been moving on and getting out of their own way.
RED FLAG: Spiritual cleansing of your home and your closet is needed at this time. You can start with sweeping your floors with salt and saging your closet and your clothing.
SWEET SPOT: Keep your spirits lifted with good music and beautiful florals kept in view.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: You all are some of the most naturally psychic signs of the Zodiac but too many of you consistently suppress your gifts for a variety of reasons. But…with all of this Aquarian energy- you may find that you finally have the courage to step fully into your power. The question begs: do you want it? Spend some time doing third eye opening and inner child meditations to get to the root cause of your fear. The collective needs your gifts at this time.
RED FLAG:Expect to hit some bumps on a project that you are working on this week – and that’s ok- keep pushing through. Be sure to take mental breaks when you need them to manage frustration.
SWEET SPOT: Growth is not all roses, but in the end everything comes up all roses. Read that again.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: If you’re feeling bored career-wise, then this week you’ll want to spend some time going back in your past to find your happiness. What were things you used to enjoy that you can flip into a lucrative career? Start with your heart’s joy and go from there.
RED FLAG: Be sure to get that premium insurance for any expensive upcoming trips — especially if you’re traveling over the summer months.
SWEET SPOT: Step up your protection rituals at this time. You can start by adding plants like cactus and snake plants to your home and work space.