Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
This week the cosmos are moving and shaking. On Sunday the 21st we have a Full Moon in Capricorn which is great for executing ambitious plans.
Then on the 22nd the Sun enters Leo and the lions are allowed to bask in their glory. This is a great time for love, play and fun. Get thee to the nearest Day party and live it up.
Finally on the 25th Mercury enters Virgo which will help facilitate any big goals that were made under the Capricorn Full Moon. Note that this Mercury Virgo energy will have you warring between what you ‘suppose to do and what you wanna do.
Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week.
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Source:Tommy de Yampert
So the Full Moon in Capricorn and the Sun moving into Leo is gonna spotlight for you two things: –some family secrets or even suppressed childhood trauma will come up — It may start slow/small and roar into something huge. (Brace yourself darling). Two: You’ll really wanna have fun this week and play a bit more, not take yourself so seriously and this is a good thing. Just roll with the emotional roller coaster and remember to feel and observe yourself at the same time.
RED FLAG: Electrical issues with your vehicle or appliances may come up…
SWEET SPOT: Warm up your energy with notes of cinnamon, vanilla and a wood scent of your choice all week long to balance all your energy. This can be done by drinking tea, lighting incense or even putting up your aroma diffuser.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Feeling safe and speaking up will be big themes for you this week. And you’re lucky because your ancestors have strategically placed some events and people in your path over the coming weeks for you to get absolutely clear on these two themes. Feeling safe is both about physical and emotional safety. Spend some time journaling under the Full Moon on what this means/looks like for you.
RED FLAG: It seems that some of you have placed yourself in the role of the wounded healer- coming to everyone else’s rescue but doing nothing for yourself. If this resonates — ask yourself– why do you have this pattern?
SWEET SPOT: Wearing green and gold will lift your mood and even help you catch the eye of your secret crush.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been yearning for a sacred love with intense chemistry, then be sure to be outside all-day, everyday, cause they’re out there and on your horizon. Word of caution – if you hold a parental wound – especially a mother wound – be mindful of taking on selfish partners who refuse to support you emotionally. (Read this again and again) This will also hold for those who have Pisces Venus, Moon and Mars.
RED FLAG: Someone else’s rage that you didn’t cause is not your portion. Give them back their problems and slowly back away.
SWEET SPOT: How’s your summer dress game going? If it’s slumping then go out to any store of your choice and add a few pieces — opt for all white or bold patterns.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been struggling to get over your ex, then you most likely need to cut energy cords. Also, do some deep soul-searching about what you learned or didn’t learn from that relationship. Find a Reiki healer near you who can help you cut cords and spend some time listening to heart chakra meditations and allow yourself to feel the feelings that come up.
RED FLAG: If you’ve recently restarted a toxic vice to avoid feeling your feelings – please stop- this time around it could severely impact your health.
SWEET SPOT: Your ancestors want to connect with you to help you through this emotional period of gaining clarity. Set up an altar and sit in front of it and let them pray over you.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Why do you continue to self-sabotage? Many of you use food and work to keep your health stagnant. The transits this week will force you to take a long hard look at how and why you treat yourself a certain way. Take note that you should also look at how “shame” may come up for you and how it manifests in your day-to-day.
RED FLAG: Miracles sometimes come in a bit slow and aggravating and then become literal blessings in disguise.
SWEET SPOT: Treating yourself to some sterling silver, gold or copper jewelry will provide physical protection and an energetic uplift.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Remember pleasure is your birthright. Seek it out, cultivate it, and let it be what it is for you. Don’t necessarily judge what makes you happy as long as it uplifts you and doesn’t hurt others.
RED FLAG: A betrayal from a family friend may come up this week. It will hurt but you won’t be completely blindsided because you’ve been seeing small red flags for a long time.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been struggling with your mental help, it appears that relief is soon on the way. Keep the faith.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
You’re an alchemist! The season of boundless creativity and strong vitality is yours for the taking. Can you feel the vibes? If not, you soon will. As the Leo season gets underway – go about and get all the D you can (wink) from the sun to someone’s son…hehehe! Special note for vocal artists – it’s your time to shine go bigggg!
RED FLAG: Don’t over promise your time this summer as your mood will be a bit free-flowing and it’s best to not be overly booked with obligations to others.
SWEET SPOT: Wearing red nails and toes will keep your heart chakra juicy and bring in romantic opportunities for those who are seeking.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
What are you resisting at this time? What aspects of your shadow have you yet to integrate? How much of your ego needs to be both honored and curated to benefit you the most? Once the Sun moves into your sign, a path forward through any current confusion will be illuminated for you. Just be strong enough to march through even if you’re slightly unsure of the final outcome.
RED FLAG: Giving and receiving is the foundation of any healed relationship of all stripes. Read that again.
SWEET SPOT: Grounding of your energy is needed at this time, especially for those of you who have been having weird little accidents, misplacing things, or having memory problems. You can do this by walking barefoot on the beach or grass, wearing the color red, eating red-colored food, or listening to Root Chakra meditations.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Don’t smother your joy. Most of you are in a great season or headed into one. Bask in your joy and don’t let anyone dim that shine that you’ve deeply earned. If this resonates, you should amplify this fantastic energy by wearing whites, golds and tones of watermelon pinks.
RED FLAG: Energy vampires are a thing…guard your energy carefully as well as be careful as to who you let in your home.
SWEET SPOT: If you’re starting the search to purchase a home, you’ll find that you’re lucky when you go out and search on Thursdays and Fridays and homes that feature the number 3 in the address.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Do you feel more sensitive lately? Are you having premonitions and dreams that come true? Congrats your cosmic power and true divinity are rising to the surface. Harness your relationship with your higher self and your ancestors by starting a daily meditation practice and learning how to read Tarot cards so that you can do daily pulls for yourself. This will help you to trust your relationship with you spirit team and most importantly with your own intuition.
RED FLAG: Just like you can’t eat everyone’s cooking, you can’t take everyone’s advice. Be mindful as to who you let fill your mind.
SWEET SPOT: Tapping into your deepest desires helps to show you where you can find unlimited power and confidence — as long as they are integrated or executed in a positive fashion.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Prepare for brazen change that will lead to your ultimate liberation. You’re set for deep change from the soul outward. Many of you will walk away from all that is familiar by the beginning of the year, while others of you will seek to find deeper roots in a current community but step more into a leadership role. As the Sun goes into Leo, opportunities will fall into your lap – just say yes- even if you don’t feel ready. Trust that your soul knows what to do.
RED FLAG: Someone close to you may share a secret of grief and guilt that they’ve been holding for a long time. Listen without judgment and follow your instincts on the best way to support them – but be careful of draining too much of your own energy during this situation.
SWEET SPOT: Drinking cinnamon tea and sprinkling some around your home and in your plants will clear stagnant energy and bring in abundance.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Worthiness will come up a lot over these next few weeks for you. It will range from you learning to curb any wayward spending habits, to trying to decide if your friendship circle is still of value and taking a long look at the many ways you cause both fortune and misfortune to happen to you. Take this period with a grain of salt but definitely celebrate the lessons and even enjoy the mishaps. It’s all a part of life.
RED FLAG: Don’t let the false idea of scarcity keep you stuck in dead-end life choices. There’s always more.
SWEET SPOT: You’ve got a strong hand for rapid manifestation at this time especially as you clear out any unworthy issues, Make yourself a small vision board that runs for the next 90 days and watch things rapidly unfold.