Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
This week we are knee deep into the Lion’s Gate Portal which reaches it’s height on 8/8. Now is a great time to set financial goals for the remainder of the year, while also harnessing the power of the sun. Get your Vitamin D and your dating on –during these peak summer weeks. Oh and if you’re so inclined, grab a money candle and keep it lit while writing down those financial goals. This will give the abundance fairy a little boost to come your way!
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been feeling like time is running out in an important area of your life, Spirit says that it’s not . But your home and energy needs a spiritual upliftment. Spend this week deep cleaning your space, while also practicing meditation for at least 30 mins a day. Take it deeper by placing salt on your floors and sweeping out the front door as well as sprizting the air with lemonade water. You’ll notice that things start to move after doing this.
RED FLAG: It looks as though you may have a neighbor that may become troublesome in the near future. Be mindful of being too open with your home and your time with this person.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve got big holiday plans – start budgeting for them now!
Source:Tommy de Yampert
In order to elevate, we must eliminate. And while this is easy to say it often can be hard to do- especially when it comes to those we truly enjoy. Your ancestors are standing by to give you the “treasures” you seek during this grand Lion’s Gate Portal but there are some folks in your circle who would only mooch once you receive it, so everything is being held off. If this resonates, take time to carefully examine the people in your life and the role that they play.
RED FLAG: If you’ve a delicate piece of clothing especially if it’s expensive, take the time and investment to get it cleaned properly. I’m seeing a special upcoming event ruined because this garment gets damaged needlessly.
SWEET SPOT: Relief from a financial burden appears to be on the way soon. Have faith.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Someone from a Past Life may appear during this Lion’s Gate Portal. This person will be into all things magick, mysterious and the occult. But in like a fun way…lol. They are appearing at this time to get you to tap in and harness your intuition more deeply. If you can – grab a Past Life reading or an Akashic Records reading now – it will serve you well over the coming months.
RED FLAG: Having the courage to stand up for yourself and others at work, could backfire. Make sure your co-workers have your back, before you go to bat for them.
SWEET SPOT: The Death card came up for you. Which is great! It simply means that you’re in a season of heavy transition and will be rewarded for letting go with grace and ease.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Growth will be a major theme for you this week. But it will be more in the form of you going through situations and handling them very differently from how you would’ve done so in the past. Be the observer of your own behavior this week -look for patterns, lessons and changed mindset. The bonus is – you’ll find plenty to laugh at in yourself too! Congrats! Note this will also apply to those with Aries in their Moon, Mars and Venus.
RED FLAG: Before you invest in another expensive online DIY course- make sure you’re actually going to complete it.
SWEET SPOT: A child may come to you this week with a message to you from a loved one in spirit – don’t ignore it. The babies are truly tapped in.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Under this prominent portal, a karmic path towards your highest inner power is unfolding before you. You must dig deep for signs from the universe and let your intuition lead you. You may feel like you’re doubling back to well-traveled roads, however, you’ve shifted so much spirituality and emotionally over these past few years, that you’re simply closing a loop that started a decade ago.
RED FLAG: As an Earth sign, it’s important that you stay grounded and your Root Chakra stays balanced. Do this by eating root veggies, drinking fresh beet juice and listening to music that makes you feel good at a soul level.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of moving into the healing arts professionally, now is a good time to take on more research and perhaps start a program over the winter.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
A new life filled with luck and delicious friendships will blossom for you under this potent portal. The key to manifesting this is to start doing daily affirmations, set up some strong boundaries, get to the root of any lingering people pleasing issues and apologize to those you’ve hurt in the past. Getting nice and fresh allows space for good things to come your way. Let’s goooo! I’m excited for you.
RED FLAG: Focusing at work over socializing is heavily recommended now, especially because layoffs in the fourth quarter are looming.
SWEET SPOT: Get into the habit (if you haven’t already) of waking up and doing a daily gratitude prayer. It truly makes a difference.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Know that you’re always protected on every level and in every realm. I say this because a harsh truth about a loved one will become exposed over the coming weeks and you and your immediate family may be greatly impacted. Stay the course, keep your prayers up, and know that this too shall pass.
RED FLAG: Boundaries will be needed at work with an upper management team mate, who wants to treat you like a subordinate.
SWEET SPOT: On a good note, there may be a small windfall of money coming to you. I would even suggest trying your hand at the local lottery for these next few weeks.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been going through it with your dating life, have faith, better is on the way. Right now, you’re in a big shift in this area of your life and your inner child needs a moment to process some of the changes within yourself over these past few years. Stay the course.
RED FLAG: Sweet talkers know how to grease their words to hide their BS intentions. Stay sharp!
SWEET SPOT: Your guides have been trying to get your attention. They’ve been sending small brown birds, white roses and bright colored cards with the number 8 featured on the license plate. Take note and keep your intuition open.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Many of you need to harness more of your divine feminine so that you can lead from your intuition and not just your mind. This helps create a better flow between you and your loved ones as well as the well-being of your own emotional and mental connection. A simple way to do this is to take spiritual baths where you bathe in Epsom salt water and add in the essential oils and herbs of your choice. Doing this under the Full and New Moons would also be ideal.
RED FLAG: If there is an elder in your life who has been reaching out, wanting to connect, please honor them if your soul allows for it. They have some important messages they want to share with you at this time.
SWEET SPOT: Plants bring in oxygen and style into the home, pick up a few that you like, and be sure to include Snake plants and Peace Lillies as these both protect and calm the energy within a space.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Have you been feeling more psychic lately? Having intuitive dreams that come true or “guessing” things correctly a lot more lately? Congrats! You’ve entered a space of consciousness expansion. If you’re enjoying this journey, then check out some books by Joe Dispenza and Cyndi Dale to take your gifts to the next level.
RED FLAG: If you’re looking to get a promotion at work soon, start dressing better- yes –even if you’re just meeting on Zoom…it’s not going to hurt, trust me it will make a difference.
SWEET SPOT: Nature is asking for a date. Go out and play at your nearest park or literally take a hike and then spend some time sitting and meditating or journaling. You’d be surprised at the amount of creative inspiration that pops into your head. This will be mega beneficial to those who have to lead teams at work or are responsible for being very creative.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Have you been secretly seeking a high-vibrational soulmate? If so, then there’s some juicy news in store for you. It looks as though under the next Full Moon or on 8/8 you should do a self-love ritual -like taking a bath with rose petals and writing down a list of what you want in a mate. Why? Because a gateway is opening up for you in the romance department but you’ll need to throw a little energy behind it to speed up the process.
RED FLAG: Knowing when to throw in the towel is just as important as knowing when to keep going. It’s time for you to get very clear on this.
SWEET SPOT: If the horoscope above really resonated with you, then take the time now to make a talisman — this can be a simple rose quartz crystal necklace – going all out and buying an expensive piece of jewelry that represents the union between you and your future soulmate.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
What have you been avoiding doing that needs to get done? Is it a diet change? Tackling your taxes? Fixing that leaky sink? Having that dreaded talk with a teen in your life? Now is the time to just rip the bandaid off and do the damn thing. The longer you procrastinate, the harder it will be to motivate yourself and move forward. You’ve got this! Let’s get it!
RED FLAG: Remember, we go through personal storms so that we can recognize, heal and integrate the shadow bits of ourselves that we deem unlovable. Be gentle with yourself this week as you move through life’s hard moments.
SWEET SPOT: Did you know that meditation isn’t just sitting cross-legged on the floor and doing deep breathing? YOu can do walking meditations, dancing meditations, water meditations, and more. Find one that works for your nervous system and start practicing it daily. It will give you the emotional fortitude to get through life’s trials while also relaxing your nervous system.