Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

This week we have a few amazing transits happening in the cosmos.
On the 16th Venus enters the dreamy, feminine sign of Cancer and Mercury (our collective brain thinker) enters on the 17th.

This combo will definitely have our heads battling between being in our feelings and staying grounded with our thoughts.

However it does seem like our emotions will win because on the 20th the Sun not only goes into Cancer but we have the Summer Solstice which is the official kick off for the first day of Summer, at least here in North America.

A super simple but sweet ritual to call in a fun summer romance is to simply light a baby pink candle and meditate and journal on the 20th on the type of love that you wish to bring in.

If you’re prone to already working with a particular Goddess deity, then refresh your altar with roses, lavender scents and sweet chocolates to honor the season of Summer and to usher in a beautiful love.

With all these delicious romantic vibes sparkling down on us this week, I’m going to take a deep dive into what love looks for each sign this week.

This week is one that really will allow us to meet a beautiful summer love, if we allow ourselves to harness these deeply emotional vibrations.

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Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Pleasure is your birthright and in pleasure is where many of your blessings live. Your goal this week is to seek pleasure to the extreme (with no harm to none of course) and if the lover you’ve got your eye on or someone you’re currently partnered with doesn’t really give you the pleasure you seek, then work to find a compromise or maybe make a hard break.

RED FLAG: Seek pleasure yes, but remember to do it mindfully and strategically.

SWEET SPOT: Indulging your culinary senses this week will lift your spirits to the highest high.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Love this week looks like stepping into leadership or providing support to a trusted leader in your world; this applies to personal and professional relationships. Spirit wants you to look at how you show love and respect.

RED FLAG: Be mindful of overspending under all this Cancerian energy – perhaps take out a physical cash budget for the week and stick to it.

SWEET SPOT: On the 20th think about playing hooky from work and taking yourself and your fave person on a lil road trip -even better if it can be via  a scenic route through nature- think mountains and lakes.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Are you seeking new beginnings? If so with a bit of focus and sitting in quiet and stillness you may be surprised to see rapid manifestations happening before the Fall season. Being still at this time and letting your inner voice rise to the top (and then following it) will allow you to call in romance, abundance and so much more.

RED FLAG: If you’re a caregiver to a young child who is acting out at school, it appears that they may have an undiagnosed medical condition. Dig deeper into it.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of relocating, now is a great time to put plans in place. If you take action now, you could be in a whole new world by your birthday next year.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

:To find and flourish in love, Spirit wants you to know that flexibility, patience and foresight are needed at this time from your camp Aries. This will be for both those single and attached. This also means that the love you seek may require you taking smart risks. Are you up for the challenge?

RED FLAG: If you know that you are looking to be in something solid romantically why would you settle for someone who wants to simply,  “go with the flow and see where it leads”? Move around and go get what your heart really desires.

SWEET SPOT: To call in the summer romance of a lifetime, drop the red colors in your wardrobe and pick up more white, gold and pinks.

5. Bossip Horoscopes

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

 Often in life, especially with Taureans, one can get too comfy in a routine. If the routine is somewhat uncomfortable, sometimes it’s just easier to stay put. Well, Spirit is placing you in a bit of upheaval so that you can get on the right path, because many of you need to be shaken and stirred to get to your next level. Apologies in advance.

RED FLAG: You’ve learned to set boundaries, now it’s important to stand on them. The hard part is standing on them, especially with loved ones, but you gotta do it anyway.

SWEET SPOT: A beach getaway for the 4th would do you wonders –try and plan it now.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Have you been slightly unfulfilled this birthday season? Do you feel like you missed out on past opportunities both personally and professionally? Well, Spirit wants you to know that all is well and that you can pivot the way that you wish to at any point. And yes there will be some fallout, but in the end, you’re just happier and your inner peace is sparkling. It’s ok to take baby steps and go slow towards your goals…

RED FLAG: Follow your instincts this week. New players will arrive at work or in your friendship circle and some of them may have hidden agendas.

SWEET SPOT: Tiny miracles can look like serendipitous events or kind words at a vulnerable moment. Remember to look for these and stay in gratitude.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Have you been feeling the call to take up a daily spiritual and or mindfulness practice? It appears that many of you are undergoing rapid expansion of your consciousness and soul at this time. Start slow and easy with daily meditations and if you’re already doing this, then add some mantra chanting and perhaps a dry fast for a few days a month. You can even schedule a short pilgrimage through sacred land. (Think India or Bali)

RED FLAG: Remember, forgiveness when done and applied well can bring a lot of emotional freedom.

SWEET SPOT: Spirit wants you to capture the good moments in your life more often. This can include taking actual photographs or even journaling when the time calls for it. Getting a gratitude practice going at this time would also serve you well.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Deep change requires consistent action with a touch of speed. Are you up for the challenge? You’ve some hard decisions to make in the coming weeks regarding your finances and your career choices and it appears to be difficult for you. Grab your favorite cup of tea and sit and think about the various paths ahead of you and simply choose the one that is the least painful or the one that will be the least painful in the near future. Remember this too shall pass.

RED FLAG: Once you see someone’s true nature, it’s important that you make a plan as to how you’ll engage them to your benefit. This will be especially important if you simply can not walk away.

SWEET SPOT: If it’s blazing hot in your area, be sure to stick to cool delicious treats and take cold showers often. This will keep your health in a good state.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

You’re moving into a time when you’ll need to refocus your energy and come into a balanced position of power within yourself. This is key because many of you are set up to take up a leadership role in the coming months/years and learning now about emotional regulation, boundary setting and leading from the heart, will make you not only a powerful leader but a happy one.

RED FLAG: If you’ve got a child in daycare, double-check their insurance policies and their upcoming school year fees. Something appears to be out of bounds to your initial agreement.

SWEET SPOT: Nature walks need to be rotated into your schedule often this summer. Why? It will allow your nervous system time to cool off in a stress-free environment with no time constraints.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Abundance is an interesting ideology. Like what feels and looks like abundance from person to person, family to family, and situation to situation is so different. As summer gets underway, spend some time thinking about how you can live an abundant life that brings you both joy and physical comforts.

RED FLAG: Someone’s time out may look unproductive to you, but be something they truly need. Be gentle and slow to judge. Try to support emotionally and if it’s too much for you mentally, then step back/out of the situation. We can only lead ourselves.

SWEET SPOT: Now is a great time to tighten up your spending! Go through your account and cancel all wasteful subscriptions and even think about making it a summer of reading, writing and strolling instead of scrolling and streaming. It will improve your mental health a ton!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Potential is a wonderful thing to have. But it’s pointless without the “doing” part. Scan yourself and your actions and see where you’ve been relying too much on your potential and not enough motivated action. Talking the talk without walking it, makes you well a sloppy storyteller.

RED FLAG: Don’t be afraid of AI. Make it work for you, as Spirit is showing that  many of you will be impacted by it at work, but if you jump ahead of it now, you’ll actually possibly secure a promotion.

SWEET SPOT: If you’re up for it, go crystal shopping this week, and be sure to pick up some raw emerald and wear it around your neck. This will increase the vibration of your heart chakra and make all relationships run a lot more smoothly.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Dear Sag, patience is not your strength. However, endurance and tenacity are. Try to find the sweet spot between these three and you’ll find that life just goes your way more often and when it doesn’t, you’re still good emotionally. This will also apply to those with Sagittarius Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus.
RED FLAG: Expect some harsh truths to come to light before the year’s end about a co-worker and/or loved ones.
SWEET SPOT: Though it may be hard, becoming more financially responsible at this time, will serve you extremely well in the coming years.