Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Mars entering Taurus on the 9th will be the biggest planetary shift this week. This signifies that you can get a lot of things done if you stay focused and determined.
This placement also highlights that any business that deals with real estate, finance or the culinary arts will do well if you open it now or seek to expand at this time.
Continue to get creative and enjoy those pursuits under all of this zany Gemini energy that we are in.
Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for you this week.
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Source:Tommy de Yampert
True love requires vulnerability between two people. And yes allowing yourself to be fully seen as you are — your shadow and your light- is scary AF but isn’t receiving joy and emotional support worth it? Let that person in. You know whom I’m speaking of. If it doesn’t go the way you’d like at least you learned how to exercise the muscle of vulnerability, which is a gift in and of itself.
RED FLAG: Car troubles ahead- plan accordingly and be prepared that you may have to fork out for big repairs.
SWEET SPOT: Desserts bring us happiness but only short -term. Find better ways to cope with deep emotions such as hiking, yoga or chatting with a good friend.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Some of you aren’t able to shine fully because you’re filled with unworthiness issues. And underlying that is a deep sense of shame. While you certainly (in most cases) DIDN’T cause these wounds, it is your job to heal and patch up your “baggage.” The question remains – how long will you allow this stuff to weigh you down?
RED FLAG: Be careful who you share secrets with at the job. True blue friends don’t tend to dwell at the JOB.
SWEET SPOT: Trying out a new haircut or color, will lift your spirits and open the doors to some secret admirers.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If your desires lead to self-sabotage then now is the time to address the underlying issues head on. With this being an 8 year and in the planet being fully anchored right now into the age of Aquarius, Pisces have a double helping of being able to master the alchemy of your money, mind and emotions. Source the support you need and make it happen!
RED FLAG: If you want to be respected by others, then you must learn to honor their feelings. Read that again.
SWEET SPOT: Learn how to manifest the reality you seek through Script Writing your future. Go down a YouTube rabbit hole to learn more and get ready to be amazed!
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Your love life is coming up all roses over the next few weeks! This will apply to those attached and single. Singles, try and go out and mingle but with a focus of meeting someone special. Those who are attached – think of some cool (wink) things to do that can add a little variety in the boudoir and in your hearts. A trip to a very sultry location would serve you well (think Morocco, Greece or the Canary Islands).
RED FLAG: To open up these doors of love – you need to cut etheric cords – with that toxic ex. Look up how to do this on YouTube or find a professional psychic who can assist.
SWEET SPOT: If you want it, a radical rebirth is available to you at this time. In other words, what do you want your life to look and feel like in the next few months/years? Map it out and then work through it.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
There is the possibility of betrayal by someone who you frankly may not see it coming. The upside? This situation will really bring you a lot of relief in the end, because it seems that this person is a bit of a burden on you both emotionally and financially. What’s important is that you brazenly face the truth of who they are deep inside and more importantly how they truly value you and simply cut them loose or place them in an area of your life where you won’t have to pour into them emotionally.
RED FLAG: Self care is more than massages and pedicures, it’s often dealing with handling our mental health with a professional and making sure we are not indulging in self sabotaging habits that could cause us other problems later on.
SWEET SPOT: Miracles don’t always come wrapped in a bow. Stay vigilant.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Brace yourself for some family secrets to be revealed under your bday season through the end of the year. Whatever happens, allow yourself and others to speak up and speak their truth. But be mindful of taking sides before hearing everyone’s side. We know there are 3 versions of the truth and then there is the truth.
RED FLAG: Who do you need to forgive at this time? Remember forgiveness is allowing your heart to heal and doesn’t mean you need to reconcile with anyone who has hurt you.
SWEET SPOT: Pick up some tourmalinated quartz and do a Root Chakra meditation to help lift your spirits this week.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Have you been feeling roller coaster emotions lately? It’s okay. Right now many of you are moving into a higher celestial alignment with Source and your elevated ego. The emotions are releasing what is holding you back and integrating ones that will life you up. Keep flowing and keep going and stay in or near water as often as possible to help keep you in a steady elevated mood.
RED FLAG: Rage is a funny thing. With no energy it’s called depression. If this resonates, go deeper into your emotion to see where and why you may be suppressing rage and then work to find a healthy way to release it.
SWEET SPOT: Many of you are moving into a deep awareness of your “wounded healer” status. Which means that you’ll be working to help the collective in the way that you see fit, using your own wounds as the lessons and encouragement that you’ll impart to others.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Your ancestors want to alleviate any grief or scarcity concerns that you have at this time. Please don’t wallow in pain and misery. Start asking (out loud) ideally while holding a quartz crystal for your elevated ancestors to lift any veils of darkness and misery at this time. This will also apply to those with Venus in Leo and Mercury in Leo. Do this for at least ten minutes a day in sacred prayer and watch how things start to even out and abundance starts to flow in.
RED FLAG: Sometimes in life, we have to be foolish. And what I mean is that the Fool card in Tarot came up for you. This card signifies new beginnings are in front of you – but you may have to take a leap of faith and trust that it will go well for you even without an upfront guarantee.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of hiring a genealogist to help you find your ancestors by name, now would be a great time to do so.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
This week your liberation, especially of the emotional variety can be found in starting a breathwork practice and starting to hone your sacral and root chakras energy. You can do this by wearing red and orange and eating ground vegetables (sweet potato, beets, etc) and fruits.
RED FLAG: Don’t let anyone kill your vibe this week. Take the high road and don’t give any nonsense a second of your energy.
SWEET SPOT: What gives you pleasure? Spirit wants you to seek healthy pleasure this week and do it on repeat. Your soul will thank you.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Many of you like the general collective is stepping into your Cosmic Powers at this time. (Think the X-Men meets Buddha). LOL, I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. However unlike Pisces, Scorps or Cancers too many of you are resisting making the necessary changes to move into your greatest version. I know that it can be scary – especially with many Libras set to have strong intuitive powers – but now is the time. Find a trusted mentor to help you move through the shadows as you make your way into the light. A good book to read is The Untethered Soul by Micheal Singer…it’s great for understanding intellectually how the soul expands.
RED FLAG: If the above message resonates, then give thought to working with the Orisha Yemaya. You can simply light a blue colored candle and ask her to come into your dreams with healing messages. You’re powerful…it’s just now time to own it.
SWEET SPOT: Giving and receiving is what makes life worth living and to feel fulfilled. Take a look at yourself and then your circle. If it’s all flowing well and balanced, give thanks. If not, cut and release.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Living boldly in your truth, requires a certain type of trust. You see, most of us play roles to fit into what someone else needs with us becdause we don’t want to lose their love and favor. Well this week, Spirit is going to thrust you into living boldly in your truth. And yes there will be fall out, but more importantly you’ll be falling INto your truest and highest self. This is called Divine Alignment and it’s so dang yummy.
RED FLAG: Be wary of those who promise one thing and then literally do the opposite. You can’t plan a future of any type with these types of people.
SWEET SPOT: Scorps are known for having a high carnal nature – which is fine- but at this stage in your spiritual evolution, you should only be practicing a sacred lust with a high vibrational partner.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
You’re entering a season of good luck all around. Now is the time to place your bets– mainly on yourself and your talent – because you will be handsomely rewarded. Also the more you align your actions with your divine truth, the better things work out for you. Congrats!
RED FLAG: Many people in our life are there for just a season. Too many people mourn the departure instead of honoring and being grateful for the growth that the brief union brought to us.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been in the early stages of a romance and been wanting to see someone’s true intentions/heart then this week will provide that to you. Remember to always look for both red and green flags.