Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
We are now entering the season of ellipses which always bring about massive change – both internal and external.
Starting with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra this week on the 25th.
This one is a bit of doozy when it comes to making decisions, especially around our love lives.
I would advise against making any big decisions until mid April when some of this clears down.
In general this eclipse seeks to hold up a mirror to our insecurities and our deep need for overly relying on others for approval.
Spend as much time as you can sitting with your Spirit team asking for guidance and if you’re in a rocky relationship this is the perfect time to seek couples’ therapy or at least deep dive into your individual attachment styles to see if you are indeed a fit.
Alrighty let’s see what the stars have in store for you this week.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at Use code: BOSSIP for $10 off. *Limited offer*

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN: Many of you’ll begin to realize that in order to really flourish in your biggest dreams, you’re going to have to make additional kinda hard but necessary sacrifices. This will look different for each of you, but the key is to focus on the bigger picture and share with your friends and family why you are making your current set of choices. For those in relationships and/or parenting…tread carefully here and do take others into consideration.
RED FLAG: Do you know how to forgive but not forget? It’s ok…many times when someone has hurt us we are more cautious. But if you see that someone has truly changed their behavior then perhaps it’s time to let those memories fade.
SWEET SPOT: When is the last time you indulged your inner artist? Pop open your art and have at it. It will be food for your spirit and inner child.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Doing what you love requires speaking up for yourself and holding your boundaries against those who would like to talk or tease you out of your true passions. Many don’t mean harm when they tell you “play it safe” but often these people are deeply miserable and live in a rut. Follow your flow.
RED FLAG:Don’t invest in anything that isn’t built on solid ground. Read that twice.
SWEET SPOT: Keep your commitments to the children in your life…they will certainly notice when you do not.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES:Where is your attention these days? If it feels scattered then know that many of you are picking up all of the chaotic energy that this eclipse season is set to bring. Instead of wallowing in indecision, make a pros and cons list AFTER listening to a Root Chakra meditation while holding a piece of hematite. This will ground your mind and energy and help you to get crystal clear on what to do next.
RED FLAG: Have you properly grieved the loss of a loved one or even a career or business? Some of you are being emotionally constipated subconsciously and it’s coming out in small destructive behavior patterns. Take an internal assessment and move forward without guilt or harsh judgment.
SWEET SPOT: Reach for the stars isn’t just a saying – truly you’re in the season to go after what you fully want. Just focus and move forward with confidence and just pray to learn quickly as you go.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: Before making big life plans this bday season, take a beat and reflect deeply on your truths, how you show up for yourself and others. This is important during birthdays so we can clear house and step up our own patterns. Once this is done, then yes, absolutely go for your dreams!
RED FLAG: If too many people are pulling at you, then now is the time to reevaluate your priorities and give notice to those who didn’t make the cut. Please do this with as much empathy and as little drama as possible.
SWEET SPOT: Taking the lead at work will go a long way with that promotion you’ve been eyeing. Light up cinnamon incense this week to bring in more abundance and luck in all areas of your life.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS:Live your soul, not your role. This mantra needs to be repeated daily through your bday season. Too many Taureans are seen as the one who helps everyone and never needs any help. This ish ends today. Admit your vulnerabilities and ask for help or at the very least give some folks back their burdens.
RED FLAG: Things are never as bad as they seem. Remember to count your blessings not just your stressings…lol
SWEET SPOT: Embracing your power can be scary but it’s vital to true peace and happiness.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:If you haven’t done deep healing, this Spring you’ll be forced to face your shadow. While this can be terrifying, remember that most of our deepest gifts lie in our shadows. Eventually you’ll get so good at going down the rabbit hole of healing that you’ll be able to laugh in the face of your emotional and psychological demons. Stay the course.
RED FLAG: If you’ve got a big project in front of you – now is the time to tune out distractions, if not you won’t make your deadlines.
SWEET SPOT: To help facilitate healing, think about taking some weekend trips or taking your work on the road…different points on the earth will open you up emotionally and facilitate rapid healing.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER:: Are you open to true deep love? Do you know that it starts with deeply loving all parts of yourself first? You can do this by nurturing the areas of your life/personality that you deem unlovable. Sit and meditate on this message.
RED FLAG: When making a big financial decision in the coming weeks, work to keep all emotion out of it and really get clear on what your finances are able to handle.
SWEET SPOT: Bust out of your cocoon and routine by signing up for something fun and unusual this week. Be extra bold and go do it alone.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO:Changing tracks at this time is the better strategy then beating a dead horse. We both know you’ve tried, but now it is time to accept what is dying and move on. This will apply to both your personal and professional life; and for some this is literally talking about your wardrobe and outdated makeup and haircut. #sorrynotsorry
RED FLAG: Before having any work done on your home, check the person’s reviews…seems there may be some potential problems from inefficient expertise down the line.
SWEET SPOT: Remember “No” is a full sentence. If you’re a people pleaser, start testing it out slowly but surely until you build up strength.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: One of the things that Virgos do is block their manifestations. How? Because you all like to know the outcome of any venture before moving forward. Well this month you’ll be tested to actually just trust the divine plan, while facing any adversity with calm and patience. This will also apply to those with Virgo in their Mercury, Moon and Mars.
RED FLAG: Just because someone apologizes doesn’t mean they mean it and it certainly doesn’t mean they are going to change their behavior patterns. Observe and then move accordingly.
SWEET SPOT: What does expressing your joy look like for you? Dig deep and then please by all means do more of that, no matter what it may look like to others.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: Accepting disappointments with grace and diplomacy is actually a secret weapon of Libras. Well get ready to use it in the coming weeks as things change slightly both at work and at home. If you can, work to remind people of their prior promises and see if there is a compromise available instead of chucking out the entire situation.
RED FLAG: If you’ve any addictions that you’ve been hiding or not admitting to, even to yourself, then expect this eclipse season to bring it all to light. You’re powerful and that power is anchored by your ability to change even when it’s hard. #yougotthis!
SWEET SPOT: Singles, do something quirky to meet some new interesting folks. Love is in the air for many of you. This also applies to those who have Libra in Venus and Jupiter.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: If you’ve been hitting roadblocks with your health, then take a moment to meditate and imagine the solutions and outcomes that you want. Then allow your angels and ancestors to bring you what you need ina timely manner.
RED FLAG: Focusing on successful outcomes (of all varieties) is crucial for all of you at this time; and while this can be hard for Scorpios, find a buddy to help keep your vibes high.
SWEET SPOT: Think things through before agreeing to pay upfront for everyone in a future group trip; cause some of them folks will leave you holding the bag.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: If you’ve been looking forward to something that seems to be dragging ass, Spirit is asking you to exercise patience and spend this time strengthening your gifts. The timing of everything is being worked out behind the scenes with your ancestors and your higher self. To help with being patient and staying hopeful, meditate with heart chakra music while holding a piece of flourite or green calcite crystal.
RED FLAG: If you’ve had a recent health scare that you were able to move beyond, congrats! But let that be a wake up call to start a new direction and get super healthy.
SWEET SPOT: A holistic retreat on a beautiful island would serve you well at this time. Go for it!
Have a great week, guys!