Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week the planets are pretty chill. Take some time to enjoy the rise of longer days, more sunshine and generally good Spring vibes. This is a great time of year to get deep into nature and ask for psychic downloads from your ancestors, deep clean your home including using spiritual energy clearing tools like Sage and Florida Water as well as clean out your Social Media feeds.
Okay, let’s see what Spirit has in store for you this week.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at Use code: BOSSIP for $10 off. *Limited offer*

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CAPRICORN:New and loving friendships are in the air as we move closer to the official start of Spring. If this makes you “gush” with joy then definitely spend some time meditating on the types of friendships you need at this time. Note this isn’t necessarily about removing old friends it’s more about extending your current range of personal interests and natural human growth. Lean in and get ready for it to get really good.
RED FLAG: If you’ve been having a ton of headaches or just feeling sluggish check it out sooner than later.
SWEET SPOT: There’s an elder in your life that would love your company- please go and visit them — even if this is just a neighbor.

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been feeling like a getaway trip to help ease any emotional pain or mental distress- now is the time. Or at least start planning the trip now. Spirit is guiding you somewhere warm and sweaty – it doesn’t have to be a beach – it can be a beautiful Moroccan desert city. Either way make it happen and you’ll come back so very refreshed.
RED FLAG: Holding onto old habits that don’t serve you only cause your entire life to slowly roll to a dead end. Is that what you actually want?
SWEET SPOT: White floras whether in print or alive will do a lot to liven up your home and or work spaces. If you live with young people, allow them to help you pick them out.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
PISCES: Are you feeling confused about a potential course of study or are you simply afraid to go in a new direction– career wise? It’s ok. Start with thinking about all the things you don’t want to do and then start to look for things that will ensure that you aren’t doing any of those things. The more you do this, paired with meditative walks in nature will get you closer to the next version of you.
RED FLAG: Before investing in any future training, be sure to do a deep dive on the Internet for reviews – some of the places you’re considering are just shy of being a full on scam.
SWEET SPOT: You’re entering a heavy season of releasing – lean into it and let go with grace. In about six months it will become very clear why certain people/situations had to come to an end.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
ARIES: As we move closer to your birthday season – what you focus on will be crucial to you manifesting the reality that you wish to unfold for the rest of the year. Now is the time to cut all distractions and vices that leave you crashing with very little energy for truly getting to the things that matter. This will also apply to those with an Aries Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Leo.
RED FLAG: Have you visited your ancestor altar lately? Things are looking kinda dry over there…feed them so they can feed you. A simple white candle and a glass of sugar water will do. In other words it doesn’t have to be fancy, the positive intent + action is more than enough.
SWEET SPOT: Many of you have sacred spiritual gifts which will start rapidly unfolding at this time. Don’t hold back but be mindful as to who you share with – many people will be a bit afraid of what you’re capable of.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
TAURUS:Have you ever had a Past Life Reading? You should – there’s so much gold that your former selves wish to share with you at this time. If not a PLR then look into getting an Akashic Records reading. Either way you need to take a moment and meditate and ask your guides which Past Lives need to be revealed to you. Ask them to reveal the ones that will allow you to harness fortune, success and peace of mind from past traits and talents that you’ve already mastered.
RED FLAG: Courage sometimes looks like knowing when to shut-up and let people learn from the journey they’ve chosen. Read that twice.
SWEET SPOT: Those creative ideas you have – are worth a fortune. Start small and scale up strategically but please do something my dear.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
GEMINI:You’re being asked to cultivate your psychic abilities at this time. I know it sounds like a lot – but it’s what is being asked of you. Now that could look like you moving toward becoming a professional healer, teacher or even an artist. Whatever way it plays out, your connection to the divine will be in the driver’s seat.
RED FLAG: You may move unexpectedly this month. Trust that it’s in alignment and for your highest good even if it’s a bit chaotic.
SWEET SPOT: If you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps, check in with your home decor. Throw out old sheets and dusty curtains and spruce it up with organic fabrics and colors that instantly make you feel amazing. But also check for mold.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
CANCER:: Growth is often chaotic and painful but that’s what it unfortunately takes for most of us to actually grow. Funny how that works. Well Cancers, while many of you are about to hit some growing pains, many of you have been doing your shadow work so this season won’t hit as hard. Always remember that life is a game of tests. Are you ready to rumble and win? Cause the odds are stacked in your favor.
RED FLAG: For those of you who have big titles at jobs, you’re forgetting to take that hat off at home. Ermm. Please leave the boss title at the door before you mess up your mostly happy home.
SWEET SPOT: New people are set to enter your life this Spring season. Many of them are master teachers for your growth. Good luck!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LEO: A deep spiritual cleansing is needed at this time. Take some time for a wellness weekend and incporoate both a spa, a home cleaning specialist and a Reiki healing session. If your funds don’t align, then take a lavender bath at home and sage and clean your home – you’ll find that once you do this – many of your emotional niggling worries will simple float away.
RED FLAG: Spirit is showing me issues with your bones and your knees. If this rings true work to get everything checked out within the next few weeks.
SWEET SPOT: Luck can be found near bodies of water and spending time with those who make you feel good. Also it’s not a bad week to try your hand at the lottery.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
VIRGO: Your divine feminine needs balancing at this time. It’s calling for rapid transmutation. You can harness this by tapping into your third eye chakra with 3rd eye meditations or going for a sound bath. Spirit is asking you to rely more on your healed emotions then just pure logic. This will apply to all gender identities and those with Virgo in their Moon sign.
RED FLAG: Be very wary of entering business partnerships with those who you haven’t fully vetted.
SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been trying to get pregnant or adopt – expect some good news to roll around this spring.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
LIBRA: The time has come that many of your hidden enemies will be revealed to you. This is often a shocking and heartbreaking process. Give yourself time to accept the truth, but don’t be naive and be sure to keep folks at arms length until you can figure out the real from the fake. Also the people that are coming to mind as you read this will unfortunately fall into this category.
RED FLAG: If you’ve been battling serious weight- now is the time to get the professional help you need. This help will allow you to live a healthier and more importantly longer life. Be sure to get a therapist as well so you can unearth the emotional issues behind the struggle.
SWEET SPOT: Wearing white and neutrals will calm any anxiety that you have at this time.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SCORPIO: Have you heard of Forest Bathing? Yes. Forest. Bathing. It’s a thing. Simply put, you immerse yourself in the nearest forest with as little technology as possible and spend time there hugging trees, sitting on the earth, and contemplating your life while deep breathing. While it sounds like a day at the park- it’s not. It’s going into the forest to receive healing from nature and downloads from your ancestors. Try it out and then take note of your mental health and emotional well being during the week after doing so. This will apply to Scorpio placements with the Moon, Rising and Mars.
RED FLAG: Your affluence at work has not gone unnoticed. Be sure to let the leaders shine and not step on any toes.
SWEET SPOT: A soul mate relationship is available to you at this time. This could be platonic or romantic. If you’re single and looking then you need to hit the scene both offline and on.
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
SAGITTARIUS: 2024 is a year of karmic returns. It’s asking that many Sags address their shadow wounds- especially those of you who haven’t been so great to others. As you brace yourselves for repayment – use these opportunities to make things right and go deeply within to figure out what triggered certain unsavory behavior patterns. Good luck.
RED FLAG: Now is the time to learn to connect with your angel guides – better to go to them then a tarot reader as you’ve the capacity to receive and sort out your downloads.
SWEET SPOT: Quite a few of you have the gift of divination via Pendulums. Pick one up this week and learn how to use them to help you tap in more deeply into your shadow and your light.
Have a great week, guys!