Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.

This week is a big one for all things Gemini cause so many amazing planets are going to join up in the sign this week.
Starting with the Sun entering Gemini on the 20th bringing with it our need for mental activity, planning, socializing and keeping busy.
And on the 23rd Venus enters Gemini, helping us to get creative, express our true romantic desires and can even make communication between partners go smoother.
Also on the 23rd we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius which can make us more bold when speaking out about our beliefs, our big picture goals and giving us just enough of an energetic boost to make these things happen!
Finally on the 25 Jupiter’s year long station in Taurus comes to end and now it’s set to give all the abundance to Gemini for the next year. So if you’re a Gemini Sun or have Gemini in your Venus, Jupiter or Moon sign you should definitely do some abundance rituals on this day.

Alrighty, let’s see what week has in store for your sign.

Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at Use code: BOSSIP for $10 off. *Limited offer*


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

The cards are all pointing to expectations of serendipitous opportunities that lead to joy and renewed wonder at the goodness of life. The key to manifesting this into your reality with rapid speed is to stay OPEN. BE STILL. DO NOTHING. Don’t try to control the outcome – just focus on the outcome you wish to see and let the universe take care of the rest.

RED FLAG: Take note that the above message doesn’t mean neglecting your family and financial responsibilities; which a Cappy would never do anyway.

SWEET SPOT: Grab a piece of purple amethyst crystal and meditate ten minutes a day with it while focusing on the outcomes you wish to see.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

The success you’ve been seeking is just at your fingertips but you’re too close to the problem to see it. Take a short trip this week for a fresh perspective or call up your fave intuitive life coach for a shot of confidence and some Spiritual guidance.

RED FLAG: Do you have the courage to go after what you really want in life? A lot of you are in old stale romantic partnerships but too afraid to let go of them because “something is better than nothing” right? Wrong. Step up and get ready to be pleasantly surprised.

SWEET SPOT: Speaking of success, all of the Astro Gemini energy will be to your benefit. Journal and road map out for yourself what success possibly looks like for you in these coming years.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Your number 1 goal this summer should be learning how to cultivate inner peace and this is done through a two-part strategy – setting and standing on your boundaries and cultivating deep self-awareness so that you can know when to apologize, when to let go, when to take the high road and when to stand your ground based on your behavior. Start with the book Taming Your Outer Child by Dr. Susan Anderson, take it slow, and incorporate a breathwork practice to help you move through it all.

RED FLAG: New beginnings often start with chaotic endings. Hold tight as you move through the summer season as it will come with some trials.

SWEET SPOT: Taking risks – is often scary but oh so necessary. When is the last time you’ve done so?


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Human potential is endless and Aries with all of the fiery energy in your energetic and physical make-up you’ve been given a lovely headstart. However, embracing the ability to flow and let go is hard for you all as strong-headed Rams love to be in charge and move with speed. This week spend some time learning to slow down, listen to your body and watch for signs from the universe and allow them to be your green light.

RED FLAG: What flaws are you fighting against instead of embracing and turning them into a superpower? Think long and hard on this.

SWEET SPOT: Thriving often takes internal work, but don’t forget going outside in the sunshine and just playing also works!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Forgiveness is tricky for us fellow Taureans. First of all, we got that stubborn thing going on. Then we got that loyalty thing going on. What most people don’t understand is that Taureans loyalty is DEEEEP. So if we are betrayed it cuts just as deep and we aren’t keen on forgiveness. But Spirit is saying that in the act of forgiveness therein lies future blessings. So have a think on it – but remember forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or reunion. 

RED FLAG: Be mindful of overspending as we head into Gemini season…it seems that it will try to hit many in your sun sign right in the pocket for some reason.

SWEET SPOT: You need a bit more stillness in your life- you can try planting a small garden or even getting a few potted fruit plants and working to grow them into a beautiful bounty.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Some of you are expanding rapidly at the soul level. Your consciousness and intuition are set to GLOW UP under all of this Gemini energy this week. This is awesome but could leave you feeling spacey. Be sure to do some root chakra meditations and wear a lot of hematite and smoky quartz crystals.

RED FLAG: Be aware of false prophets and two-faced spiritual teachers- tap into your intuition and look for red flags as you seek out higher spiritual enlightenment.

SWEET SPOT: You may find pleasure in training in a specialized form of Yoga or Energy Healing to help you further in your spiritual power gains.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

If you’ve been under a tremendous amount of pressure lately and it doesn’t seem to be letting up, Spirit is asking you to take a beat and do some serious releasing. You must make yourself step forward with a lighter load so that you can relax at a soul level and head off any burnout that could lead to illness.

RED FLAG: Be wary of that new romantic interest, they are definitely not telling you their full backstory.

SWEET SPOT: Try and get to a body of water asap -even if it’s just your bathtub. Water helps Crabs relax and rejuvenate faster than anything else.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Romantic partners and flirtatious nights out are on the horizon for Leos. But be aware that if you haven’t done your internal shadow work, you’ll attract and ultimately choose a bunch of lessons masquerading as passion. This will also apply to those with Leo in their Moon and Venus.

RED FLAG: Don’t sign any contracts that make you uneasy, better to walk away now than want to have to run off later.

SWEET SPOT: Rotating or updating your perfume /cologne collection will add a lot of sassy to your sizzle. 


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

The right community leads to more self-love and more power when taking on life. How are your community-building skills these days? Have they died off since the Pandemic or increased? Take stock of where you stand when it comes to community and correct/adjust as needed because community is very much needed.

RED FLAG: Do your full due diligence before making any big purchases over the next few months. Spirit is giving you the heads up that there are some lemons in your midst. Move smartly.

SWEET SPOT: Mind the business that pays you when it comes to family squabbles that aren’t directly affecting you. Folks love to fight and then make up without notifying a single soul.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Libras are born romantics, always outwardly and inwardly seeking that divine soulmate, while often indulging in love in all the wrong places in the meantime, which can be both delightful and dreadful. However, many of you have reached a point where you’re looking for a high-vibrational type of love. Well, your ancestors have your back – set up or clean up your altar and deep dive with them about bringing you a healthy love. For partnered Libras, spend this Venus in Gemini time to deepen the love between you and your partner.

RED FLAG: Flexibility will be the name of the game at work this week – if layoffs are looming – be smart and do what needs to be done to keep your job in alignment.

SWEET SPOT: Updating what abundance means to you today would be a great journaling exercise. As we shift with the years, our priorities and wants shift too, often without us noticing, which can cause unnecessary emotional conflict when it comes to making choices for ourselves and our loved ones.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Transformation into a leadership role (could be work, family or community-related) is ahead of you. It will be fully apparent in the coming weeks. The question begs — are you up for the challenge? I think you are. But if this message frightens you – don’t let it. If need be, look up leadership training courses and do some deep shadow journaling on why the idea of this scares you. If this excites you, then get ready – your time is coming very soon!

RED FLAG: Stress is a vibe killa and can lead to illness. Give serious thought to treating yourself to a spa day and look to get treatments that purify the body – think sauna and scrub treatments.

SWEET SPOT: Mini adventures that reflect things you used to do for fun in your youth will really lift your spirits at this time. Don’t judge yourself either – nothing is too silly. Smile.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

A gateway to a lifestyle you’ve dreamed of is opening up this week but the path to this destination is cleared with Healing Chaos. Yes. Many of you have a crap ton of self-placed burdens and obstacles in your way which Spirit has to move in order to get you where you need to be. Brace yourself as it won’t be permanent (although the change will be) and remember when undergoing any trials …you simply need to ask yourself: What lesson should I be learning here?

RED FLAG: Sometimes when things are at a standstill – it’s the Universe’s way of giving you time to pivot and come up with a new plan.

SWEET SPOT: Action and change go hand in hand. Don’t expect one without the other. Read that twice.