Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

This week on the 22nd the Sun enters Scorpio kicking off the birthday season of this smoldering sign. This is a great time to work on inner healing, deep transformation, shadow work and exploring your sexual depths.
Prepare for things (and people) to be passionate, intense, and strong.

Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week.

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Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Some of you have been dealing with a lot of mental anguish and uncertainty about how to move forward in your life. If this resonates, hold tight. Right now, too many of you are searching for answers outside of yourself instead of going within. Your angels are clearly telling you to do what you love and while that may seem cliche, it’s often an important directive and yet so hard for many to take action on. Become a clear channel for your spirit, so that you hear the guidance and thus I recommend that you get serious about keeping up a weekly meditation practice. It will be a huge game-changer for your life!

RED FLAG: Keep your commitments. You made them and people are counting on you – so keep them.

SWEET SPOT: Do all things in moderation — an oldie but a goodie. This will be especially helpful to keep in mind if you’re playing “holiday host” this year.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

How have you been handling loss and disappointment lately? Are you moving deeper into victimhood and feeding your addictions or standing in your power and tackling your feelings head-on? If this applies then you need to get into Somatic Movement (check out the Workout Witch online) and start to learn how to purge and alchemize those heavy emotions. You’re human- we are emotional creatures who are born onto this planet with life lessons. Some are heavier than others but all must be processed for our highest benefit. Get yourself the help you need so that you can flourish!

RED FLAG: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by adulting then take this week to reevaluate your priorities. You’d be amazed at how you keep placing yourself on the back burner and just how good life can get once you stop doing this.

SWEET SPOT: It’s okay to express your joy when life is really good – just take note of who all may not be super happy for you when it’s your time to shine!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Spend this week doing all the things that make you feel rejuvenated. This will be especially key if you feel as though your light is getting a little dim lately along with your physical energy. Some of what could be lurking under the surface (and dragging you down) are emotional wounds (such as romantic heartbreak) that still have yet to be faced. Think about this during the week while taking a walk by a body of water or in nature.

RED FLAG: Forgive and forget doesn’t always apply. Use discernment when it’s time to do both or it’s best to simply forgive but keep a safe distance from any future harm.

SWEET SPOT: If you’re considering a costly home renovation, triple-check all numbers and fully think through what you actually need now versus what could wait for another season.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Many Aries are cooking up a pretty big life project at this time. This could run the gamut from a first-time pregnancy to directing a debut theatrical play to finally deciding to get married and move across the world to be with the love of your life. This is phenomenal – but keep in mind– no journey in life is without a few unexpected bumps and delays. The key here is to tune out distractions, accept disappointments gracefully, and fully focus on success. This will also apply to those with Aries in their Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus.

RED FLAG: If someone is hurting your feelings with unkind words or actions, then please speak up sooner rather than later. It appears they really aren’t aware of how their behavior is affecting you.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been wanting to take up a professional creative class now is the time to explore your options.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Taureans, if you’re facing a crossroads at this time – it’s important to engage higher reasoning and imagine a wide range of solutions. Things are not as finite or black and white as they may appear. Sit at your ancestor altar while saging your space and yourself with Sage Smoke. This will help to raise your vibration so that you can hear more clearly from the Universe. 

RED FLAG: If you’re hitting roadblocks – pause and ask yourself- what lessons am I supposed to be learning at this time? Spirit is also advising that you may simply need to change tracks but if you do – to do so quickly.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been considering changing up your look or hitting the gym – now is a great time to do so- and see just how much things shift for you in the best possible way.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Have you been losing all your friends lately and your appetite for the things you used to enjoy? Good! You’ve just hit the first level of your new life. See what’s happening is a big shift in who you are from the inside and out and that means your personal frequency is also shifting. When our personal frequency shifts – most of the people and things- that used to align to us no longer do. Just accept what is dying and look forward to the new that wants to enter your life.

RED FLAG: Before you go out seeking hidden treasure in unhealthy pleasures – take stock of your destructive behavior and work to get to the root of what is driving it.

SWEET SPOT: Strengthening your gifts of all varieties is highly recommended at this time. Look into taking a new course or getting a mentor or coach to really shine in the area of your choice.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Laugh at your demons. This is a directive from Spirit that now is the time to get a grip on any insecurities or thoughts of people who may not mean you well. While certainly using your discernment is always crucial – not everyone is out to get you. Take a moment and assess where your ego and self-esteem are sitting at this time and work to bring them into alignment. You can do this by listening to Solar Plexus Chakra meditations on YouTube, wearing more gold and orange and rocking a piece of Citrine crystal. This will also apply to those with Cancer in their Moon and Venus signs.

RED FLAG: Children follow what you do- not what you say. Make sure your actions and words are in alignment if you’re in charge of raising some tiny people or prepare to deal with the consequences.

SWEET SPOT: As you reach for the stars at work, it’s important to be patient as there are a few things cooking in the background (unknown to you but known to your higher-ups) that need to come together in order for you to enter fully into a winning position.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

While you’re making plans for a better life it’s important to count your current blessings. Even more important is to not judge yourself for what you didn’t know beforehand. Often Leos can be harsh on themselves for not having a 2020 vision- but remember 2020 vision is hindsight – so all you can do is literally live, learn, and pivot.

RED FLAG: You may hear some very unsettling news about someone close to you this week – try not to rush to make any judgments. Just observe how they move and how the situation makes you feel. And most importantly work to be kind even if the truth is harsh.

SWEET SPOT: Spend this week overindulging in self-care – trust me you’ll be so glad you did as we get closer to the end of the year.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Saying no and standing on business will become your greatest muscle in this season. You’re entering your “hermit era” which simply means that you are now focusing on yourself and your needs as a primary goal – and while others will not be happy about this – it’s imperative for your mental health and emotional well-being. 

RED FLAG: Live your SOUL, not your role. Now is the time for deep introspection in order to purge all the areas of yourself where you are NOT showing up in your empowered truth.

SWEET SPOT: Speaking of retreating – if you’ve been eyeing a spiritual retreat then go ahead and invest in yourself – you’ll be so glad you did.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

As we exit your birthday season – if you’re still single and seeking – then now is the time to be open to love to show up how and when you least expect it. Redraft your list of what you want in a mate – but be sure to go deep. Emotional compatibility is just as important as physical attraction. Think about what you need at a soul level and how you like to love and be loved. 

RED FLAG: There may be a big screw-up at work this week that although it may not be your fault – the fixing of it could end up in your hands. Lead with grace but make sure the higher-ups are aware of the work you’re putting in.

SWEET SPOT: Like Virgo, spending the time to nurture yourself first is not selfish — it’s vital. Start with getting some new scents and redecorating your bathroom. These small things will make you feel like a brand-new person.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

When facing adversities it’s important to admit your vulnerabilities and call in help to support those “weak” areas. This applies in war and in life. For all Scorpios dealing with a ton of chaos at this time, remember that you are naturally a “chaos magician” and as long as you consistently refine where you place your attention, you’ll excel. Read this repeatedly throughout the week.

RED FLAG: Choose your friends and who you lend your energy to at this time very wisely.

SWEET SPOT: Try something different. Allow your intuition to lead you over the next few weeks and see how much less stressed out you feel overall.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Spirit is urging you to bust out of your cozy but let’s be honest — slightly suffocating routine and simply do something different. Maybe it’s time to get a new roster of lovers and friends, travel to a new country – or even move there. Big moves are the theme here friends and if this message is making you excited – then feel free to take that leap of faith.

RED FLAG: What part of your creative soul are you not claiming? Blow off the dust on those “old” dreams and start them afresh. Who knows, you may be very surprised at just how far you go.

SWEET SPOT: Set some lofty goals this week and make a loose plan of achieving them and then ask your ancestors to guide your steps and take the wheel. #yougotthis