Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

So this week we will still be feeling the effects of the eclipse on the 2nd and relationships of all stripes will come under heavy evaluation as Libra energy often calls for us to do.

Now on the 9th Jupiter goes into retrograde in the sign of Gemini which means we can expect some major news around crypto currency, the status of the dollar and possible financial changes coming down from the government.
**Note that this isn’t the best energy to job hunt under so expect some delays here…

On the 11th Pluto goes direct in Capricorn before it stations in Aquarius next month for the next 20 years. While in Capricorn we could see way more drama during this Presidential election season as well as more issues with our weather especially here in the US.

Note that if you have a dominant Capricorn or Pluto in your chart – then you may find that either life goes really smoothly or gets really stuck under this transit…just stay in flow and focus on the outcome you wish to see.

Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week.

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Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Feeling a bit directionless lately? I’m picking up that many of you have been thrown into a bit of chaos during this eclipse season both mentally and emotionally, especially if you dealt with loss of any kind. Don’t panic – even though you prefer Control mode over Cruise Control – your spirit is guiding you to a new version of yourself. Spend time in meditation and do a bit of traveling until your birthday to get a grip on your final destination energetically. Come back in February to this message — it will make a lot more sense then.

RED FLAG: Check up on all paperwork regarding family insurance etc…

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of getting into a new fitness routine now would be a great time to start.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

You’re entering a lucky streak — especially once Pluto moves back into Aquarius next month. But here’s the thing- you’re still carrying dead weight, such as literally too much physical weight, frenemies, and soul-level burnout from a career that you secretly hate. Work hard to release these things before Nov. 20th because if Pluto has to release them for you – it will be a brutal break. 

RED FLAG: Your boundaries are going to need to be tightened up, especially for relatives who come dripping with sarcasm over the holiday season.

SWEET SPOT: Try out a new wintery fragrance and watch your romantic life get a bit more lively.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Why must you procrastinate when it comes to getting your financial house in order? This bad habit is going to cost you dearly as we head into the winter months. It’s better to just do the hard thing now so you can start to wrap your head and your heart around your new financial status. It’s fine – these things change all the time and credit can always be rebuilt.

RED FLAG: Don’t loan out items that you would be heartbroken if they are never returned or returned damaged. You’ll see why this message is vital this week…

SWEET SPOT: A new pet -foster or permanent- would really lift your spirits if you’ve been dealing with a bit of depression.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Some things and people are meant to be a season – yet many of you are trying to stretch the relationship into a lifetime. Why? It’s clear that the person doesn’t share the same romantic interest level! You’re worthy of so much more and worthy of someone who really wants to be with you. Stop trying to force your way in and turn towards the direction of flow…

RED FLAG: When was the last time you hung out with your ancestors? If you didn’t get a chance to connect with them during these eclipse portals then be sure to do so over the coming week. Set up or dust off your ancestral altar and ask for downloads on how you should proceed in a variety of areas of your life.

SWEET SPOT: Good fortune this week can be found with you wearing a variety of shades of green, gold and brown. This can be from a new coat to even wearing healing crystals in these tones – start with emerald, jade or yellow calcite.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

The universe has a big surprise coming for your love life in the coming months – but practicing self-love at this time is the key to manifesting this. Y’all also must up your daily gratitude mantras, as when we practice gratitude for the big and little things, we are telling the universe that we know how to cherish all seasons of our lives.

RED FLAG: An awkward secret may be revealed about a friend and her lover in your friend group. Oop! And it’s juicy too…just be mindful of adding fuel to the fire.

SWEET SPOT: Under the next New Moon indulge in a sacred bath with a Taurus theme. You can add in coconut oil mixed with rose and lavender essential oil and 3 cups of Epsom Salt. Throw in a few rose quartz crystals while listening to a heart chakra meditation – this will help to heal any latent romantic issues and bring in that lover you long for.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Your intuition and psychic clairs should be flaring right about now. The eclipse season opened up many of you to your “supernatural” side. This can look like having more precognitive dreams, to folks literally getting in touch with you moments after you just thought about them. Take some time now to enhance these abilities by listening to 3rd eye-opening meditations and learning to read the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Get ready to be amazed at your natural skill set!

RED FLAG: If you’ve been thinking of joining any spiritual religions, like African Traditional Religions such as IFA, Santeria, etc please do a deep dive research on the organization’s leaders before going all in.

SWEET SPOT: The path is opening for new friendships to come through. Harness this energy by writing out a physical list of what qualities and dynamics you want in these new relationships. 


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Where is your dominant focus these days? Spirit is asking that you tend more to your emotional and mental well-being at this time, especially if you’re both a caregiver and the breadwinner of your family. Also if you’ve been ignoring some lingering health issues – you need to handle this stat before they turn into a problem that will be timely and expensive to resolve – or worse move into a status of being unable to be healed at all because you literally waited too late.

RED FLAG: There may be some unexpected loss in your extended family this week – provide emotional support where you can but don’t run yourself ragged into the ground trying to care for everyone else.

SWEET SPOT: Brighten up the vibe and bring more peace into your home with plants such as cactus, Peace Lily, aloe, and bamboo.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Whatever personal storms you’ve been facing, know that relief is on the horizon. Small note – the relief may come from a non-traditional source or method – don’t judge. Take the help where you can get it and move on. Be sure to journal your feelings and thoughts at this time as so much is shifting at the subconscious level for you and it will be hard to notice your growth until much later on. Having notes will help you to track your progress…

RED FLAG: If you’re planning international travel over the next few months, then double-check all flight details and be prepared for some unusual delays.

SWEET SPOT: If you’re single, then know that a soulmate type of love could be in your near future. Continue to work on setting healthy boundaries with others and focus on the growth of your soul and your physical and emotional health.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

The inner power and strength you seek will be honed during life’s challenges. You see we often grow the most when we are put through the “fire of life”. So if you’re undergoing one of these periods right now, just know that you are being trained for your next level which will require a sharper version of you. With every blow, setback, and disappointment – ask yourself: “What am I to learn from this experience?”

RED FLAG: If someone walks away from you at this time- let them go with ease. They are not meant to join your next chapter. Cutting dead weight will be a major theme for the entire Zodiac as we hurl rapidly into this Pluto Aquarius phase.

SWEET SPOT: Good news! You’ll finally summon the courage to ask out your crush – keep in mind that even if they don’t say yes (or at least not right away) you’ve still achieved a new level of confidence simply by mustering up the courage to ask them out!!!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Single Libras, all eyes will be on you throughout your bday season. This is both at home and in romantic situations. A word of caution – if you’re already involved with someone and know that you’ve the tendency to stray – then you need to be extra cautious during this time as your person may not forgive you as they have done in the past. And when it comes to nosey family members – just ignore them.

RED FLAG: Expect a bit of drama at the workplace – from mass layoffs to a last-minute (and frankly sketchy) firing of a higher-up. Stay out of the way and out of the gossip.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been particularly stressed then getting out into nature or bringing more of it into your home will prove to be quite emotionally healing for you at this time.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

It’s time for a Spiritual Cleanse of both body and home. This will be especially true if you’ve been dealing with quarrels in the home, or you feel that the energy around you is “off”. Gather the following herbs and boil them in a big pot of water: peppermint and basil. After letting them steep for 30 minutes you can add them to your floor wash, as well as splash cups of this brew (after it has cooled) all along your body after taking a long shower. You should immediately notice how much the energy does change in your home and your heart. Keep doing this on at least a monthly basis through the end of the year.

RED FLAG: Don’t make promises of connecting with the young people in your life only to break them later. You’ll find that this habit as they become older means that you don’t get to enjoy a close relationship with them; which you’ll deeply desire as you get older.

SWEET SPOT: Kudos to those of you who have been doing deep shadow work. You’ll start to see how it pays off handsomely for you both financially and personally as we dive into your birthday season.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

You may get proof that someone in your friend group (or workmates) is indeed jealous of you. It could even be a family member. Don’t flare up and confront them though, as their ego is tender and they can be petty. Just take note and move away from connecting with them slowly and over time. And be sure to immediately stop sharing any important life details and plans.

RED FLAG: If you’re currently taking courses, triple-check your bills as I’m afraid that they could be tacking on extra and unnecessary fees.

SWEET SPOT: Many of you want to be affluent and influential – this can be achieved both by choosing your friends wisely and making sure that you’re an asset to others. Plan accordingly…