Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

We’re starting the week with a “get your ish together” energy as we sail into the New Moon in Virgo on the second.
If you’ve been dragging your peach on things you need to be doing – trust you’ll feel more motivated under this transit.
On the 4th Mars moves into Cancer which will put your emotions in sync with all of this nose-to-the-grind, overachiever energy that Virgo loves to give.
Be mindful of entering petty arguments that you really don’t have the bandwidth to see the distance. It’s rarely that serious…ya dig?

Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

It can be said that all Earth Signs are very old souls. They often carry lifetimes of wisdom with them into each rebirth. So why then are so many of you trying to be ordinary? Are you not exhausted from sitting on your crown? Share your life jewels mindfully and gleefully — even if it means starting a podcast. Some of the humans need you…

RED FLAG: There may be someone in your life this week who may need you to help them carry a few burdens. It’s crucial that you only take on what you can handle –and know that it may not be a situation that resolves quickly.

SWEET SPOT: Speaking of rebirth, the Past Lives card came up for you. It seems that your Higher Self needs to impart some wisdom from you to you. Seek out a Past Life psychic reading, ASAP.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

A harmonious life starts from within and then blossoms outward which will help you to only focus on what’s in your control. Remember this message this week during life’s many “mini adventures”. Folks may try and work your last nerve, or drag you into petty arguments that have nothing to do with you. Focus on the “nothing to do with you” part and move around or above it all.

RED FLAG: How much do you trust your inner circle? What position does each person hold in your life? Spirit wants you to spend some time reevaluating these folks…

SWEET SPOT: Friendliness should be like a rose — smell good, look good but have thorny boundaries. Choose wisely who you extend yourself (friendship) to.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Listening to your inner voice in a timely fashion is the key to opening all of the possibilities for your success. Pisces are some of the most deeply intuitive souls on the planet – don’t let your ego get in the way of you using this powerful gift. Life is so much easier when you lean into your inner flow…

RED FLAG: If you find that you’re battling a “rabbit mind” then take three days to eat a plant-based diet and stay consistently in a body of water, (ocean, bath, shower, hot tub) while abstaining from all digital devices. Watch how fast you deeply relax – body, mind, and soul.

SWEET SPOT: When it comes to receiving the love you wish – you must first become that love, then make sure to love yourself the way you want a future lover to love you, and then watch things get really good!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Feeling like you’re shifting from the inside out and not sure where it’s all headed? Spirit is asking you to stay the course and continue to tap into your inner thoughts, shed habits that don’t serve you, and release all comparisons. Your “spiritual guru” journey is uniquely your own. Prepare to be amazed at how much you’ve changed emotionally and mentally a year from now.

RED FLAG: Not everyone has the same moral values as you– which is fine — as long as they aren’t asking you to compromise yours.

SWEET SPOT: If you’re looking to pivot into a new career, staying in a state of receptivity that may look very different from what you imagined will help you to manifest it faster and smoother.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Your spirit team — which includes your ancestors — want to let you know that many of you have done the very hard work of integrating your traumas and elevating your boundaries and that you will soon be rewarded in all areas of your life. Congrats:)!!

RED FLAG: The time is ripe to really go after the things you want in life. Taureans can handle a lot of things at once but now may be the time to just focus all of your energy in one area so that you can maximize and speed up your results.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of becoming certified in Yoga as a teacher or have been looking for a Spiritual Master to work with – then start to call it in now by letting people know you’re looking and staying open to signs sent to you from the Universe.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Being a rebel and a freedom fighter is all well and good but don’t forget that as humans we are here to play too! Incorporate “fun and foolishness” as often as you can to keep your world just a lil’ bit sweet.

RED FLAG: If you’re leading a community – then tap in with them often — to make sure you’re still serving their needs so that you’re not blindsided by any surprising ruckus.

SWEET SPOT: Courage often looks like stepping outside of your comfort zone even when you don’t trust the shoes you’re walking in to hold you up.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

What people don’t tell you is that as your consciousness rises you often start to feel like an outsider to all of the things, people, and places that used to feel like home. If this resonates…come closer. It’s okay, your new frequency will call in a new tribe…just be patient and let go with grace. Elevation requires isolation.

RED FLAG: The Clinging to the Past card came up for you — which is just underlining that you are indeed moving onward and upward. Let go, let go, let go– from old shoes to old (friendship) souls.

SWEET SPOT: As the summer winds down here in North America, take a moment to relive your sweetest and happiest moments and sit in gratitude and confidence that more bliss is on the way.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Many of you are at zero point in life. The Fool card signals that you are ready to embark on a fresh new journey in a variety of arenas in your life. What’s important here is that you don’t go back into the same old patterns based on fear or comfort. I’m seeing mega success if you finally just deep dive into the life that you truly desire.

RED FLAG: If you’re traveling soon, double-check your travel insurance and take your time when doing any last-minute scrambles that force you to take things out of your purse, pocket, etc while on the road…

SWEET SPOT: Silence is golden. Sometimes, folks just need to learn for themselves. Just sit back and observe the stubborn “donkey” going in the wrong direction…they’ll learn eventually.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

As we head deeper into your bday season, the question of abundance will come up for many of you. What does it feel, taste, and look like? You’re at a crucial turning point where you’re being tasked to give yourself equal amounts of leisure and work without feeling crappy about it. Who knows? By the time September closes you may find that being able to take leisurely lunchtime walks makes you feel more “wealthy” than watching the coins stack in your bank account.

RED FLAG: Resisting change that you can’t control is a fool’s errand. Read that again.

SWEET SPOT: A few young people in your life are hitting their “flowering” season and could use your counsel. Step in and step up.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Your mental health may need some support as we head into the Fall. This will be especially true for those who are carrying a heavy load both at home and at work. Rest and rest some more and learn to give people back their own problems. At work, if you’re not getting paid to do more — then don’t do it.

RED FLAG: If you’re a newlywed and struggling to integrate each other’s lifestyles – don’t stress. Hire a coach who can help y’all get through this first year which many say is the hardest.

SWEET SPOT: Do you have a special type of creative activity that you often throw on the back burner? Now is the time to bring it back home to you. This will be a balm to both your soul and your heart.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Have you been feeling like life is one big fight lately? If so, then Spirit is asking you to think about what you are manifesting with your daily emotions and thoughts? What are you giving your attention to? Are you allowing every little thing someone says (or posts) to send you into fits of rage or despair? In other words, mind your mind and see if things don’t feel so “crazy” after putting this into practice. Remember you’re the source of all experiences that you allow in your life.

RED FLAG: Suppressing guilty feelings only leads to emotional distress. If you feel that you’ve done someone wrong – then simply own up to it and work to do better. We are human – we learn through mistakes. We fail when we refuse to double back and make amends.

SWEET SPOT: A trip may be gifted to you in the near future by a close friend – break out your vision board and get to updating it with destinations of choice.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

When it comes to birthing anything – patience is required. Many of you are in your gestation season in many ways — don’t rush the process and don’t let anyone rush you either. Also, be mindful as to who you share your dreams and goals with for the remainder of the year. Some people have no vision and will try to blind you as well.

RED FLAG: You may be entering a season heavy with swift tumultuous change – instead of bemoaning what’s happening ask yourself consistently – what am I learning from this experience?

SWEET SPOT: When it comes to romance — make sure your fantasies are grounded in reality and allow space for people to have their own shadow and light.