Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

This week the big astrology show is the second eclipse in a week. You’ll recall eclipses are time periods of intense transformation. The sun, moon and earth do a pretty dramatic metaphysical and physical dance that influences the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants. This week on October 2nd we have a Libra Solar Eclipse. This eclipse will focus on new partnerships, relationships, alliances, and commitments that not only excite you but open up big new opportunities for your life.

With this in mind I chose to look at what romantic opportunities lie ahead for each sign. Take note that you should also read the horoscope for your Moon and Venus signs to get a full scope of what you can expect.

A super easy but powerful ritual to call in Divine Union under this eclipse looks like this: Get a pink candle, light it and write out a list of what you want in a romantic partnership. Dribble some rose essential oil (or substitute coconut oil) on the paper and burn the list with the flame of the candle. And then go and take a nice soak while envisioning the love that you seek.

If you’re already partnered then you and your partner should do this ritual together — with the list consisting of where you want the relationship to grow.

Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for your love life this week…

This week the big astrology show is the second eclipse in a week. You’ll recall eclipses are time periods of intense transformation. The sun, moon and earth do a pretty dramatic metaphysical and physical dance that influences the vibration of the planet and its inhabitants. This week on October 2nd we have a Libra Solar Eclipse. This eclipse will focus on new partnerships, relationships, alliances, and commitments that not only excite you but open up big new opportunities for your life.

With this in mind I chose to look at what romantic opportunities lie ahead for each sign. Take note that you should also read the horoscope for your Moon and Venus signs to get a full scope of what you can expect.

A super easy but powerful ritual to call in Divine Union under this eclipse looks like this: Get a pink candle, light it and write out a list of what you want in a romantic partnership. Dribble some rose essential oil (or substitute coconut oil) on the paper and burn the list with the flame of the candle. And then go and take a nice soak while envisioning the love that you seek.

If you’re already partnered then you and your partner should do this ritual together — with the list consisting of where you want the relationship to grow.

Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for your love life this week…

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Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

You’ve been granted a Sacred Union from the most high at this time. What this means in plain English is that you’re set to enter into a union filled with love and great vibes. Use this Solar Eclipse to do a small heart-opening ritual to bring in the love you seek. (This can simply be doing a heart chakra meditation and writing down what you seek in love.) For those who are already attached and unhappy expect a possible change such as a breakup or a breakthrough in your current relationship.

RED FLAG: Pay attention to any potential car issues or weak spots around your property that could leave your home vulnerable to an attempted home invasion.

SWEET SPOT: If you’re single and seeking then go out and be flirty this week and expect to meet someone special.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Our romantic partnerships of all stripes will come under heavy review under this eclipse this week. Many of you may find that you are getting into heavy arguments with your significant other that either propel you forward into a better situation or move you apart. Take note that you know instinctively what is best for you and your romantic needs so don’t shy away from that.

RED FLAG: Be aware that if you happen to be in an abusive (of all kinds) partnership things may take a drastic turn this week. Be mindful.

SWEET SPOT: A promotion at work could be on the horizon for you.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Ooh Pisces! The cards show that a secret admirer may finally step out of the shadows this week and approach you. Are you excited? You should be, as this person feels like a really good fit for you. Be sure that you aren’t projecting any insecurities or your own traumas onto this person. Step back and really allow them to show themselves fully to you. Stay open. *This will also apply to those with Pisces in their Moon, Mars and Venus.

RED FLAG: If you happen to be in the path of Hurricane Helene, be sure to check your home for gas leaks as well as mold in the aftermath.

SWEET SPOT: A good friend may pop into town unexpectedly, and though you may feel a bit put upon, trust the visit is just what your heart needs.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Trust will be a major theme for you this week. Remember transformation occurs through acceptance. Once you accept the current situation, it will automatically transform. How? Because your energy of just letting things be allows you to see things immediately from a different perspective. And gives you the inner strength to do the hard thing. This will apply to both romantic matters as well as any other area of your life where there is currently a lack of harmony.

RED FLAG: Keep a close eye on your bank accounts this week as some errors may occur technically and be hard to resolve if it’s left too long.

SWEET SPOT: Under this eclipse you should do a sacred heart lifting bath: pour two cups of epsom salt, several drops of jojoba oil and rose oil into the tub and listen to a heart chakra meditation while visualizing the love life you seek.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

For those Taureans who are single, lonely and seeking, the cards are saying that your Soulmate is already with you in spirit. The key here is to believe this deeply in your heart, which will allow them to manifest sooner here in the physical. Spend time under the Solar Eclipse doing a vision board of what your love life would look like for you at this time. Be sure to surround yourself with things that make you happy while doing so – this could be flowers, incense, and music – this helps to cultivate the energy that you want to feel in a romantic union.

RED FLAG: Heads up! Many of you will experience old flames trying to circle back — heavy! While they may talk a good game, only time will tell if they’ve truly changed. Also Taureans know BS when they see it – so don’t ignore the tiny red flags that you may spot off jump!

SWEET SPOT: To call in this soulmate — under this eclipse light a pink candle and journal up what you wish to have in a lover and then burn the list by the flame of the candle trusting that the Universe will answer your call.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

With this potent fellow Air Libra energy with this week’s eclipse you’ll find that you’re suddenly just magnetic! All eyes will be on you whether you’re shopping at your local Target or simply sitting at the bar minding your business. If you’re single, take advantage of this energy by dressing up and going out where a super “meet cute” could possibly happen or take a long drive through on the dating apps. If you’re already partnered then feel free to get a bit more adventurous in the bedroom.

RED FLAG: Stop focusing your energy on past events, life is too precious to waste. Move on and be free. 

SWEET SPOT: Remember you can create the reality you seek with your thoughts. Spend this eclipse deep in meditation while working on a vision board of what you wish to unfold for yourself over the next eight months.



Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Love is not always about agreeing just for the sake of it. A great relationship is one that both challenges and soothes. Under this Libra eclipse your relationship or lack thereof will come under heavy scrutiny. For those who are in partnership this may cause some necessary harsh discussions which will lead you to being closer than ever before. If you’re single you may find that you finally cut any dead weight that simply refuses to commit to you.

RED FLAG: There is no point in trying to change what is beyond your control. Decide if you’re going to continue as is or move on from the person or the situation and don’t look back.

SWEET SPOT: Whatever you seek to accomplish at this time is already yours. The path is clear.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

So this week Cupid arrow wants to strike! Congrats! If you’re single and not feeling so great about the way you look or your romantic prospects, it’s going to be important that you allow yourself to feel joy. You can do this by chanting up a few mantras all day under the Eclipse. Say something like: The Love I seek is Seeking Me… You can amplify this by wearing pinks, reds or golds and even doing this while taking a shower. For those who are attached, expect the love between you to deepen even further this week and try and plan a sexy dinner just because.

RED FLAG: If you’re married remember one of the keys to keeping intimacy fresh and hot – is giving your person healthy space. Be sure to keep this in mind as the week unfolds.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve recently met someone that feels pretty special to you — be sure to go slow! Allow nature to take its course.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

If you’re partnered, expect a huge transformation in this union this week. This could be an unexpected pregnancy, finding out something you didn’t know about your partner that makes you look at them differently (not necessarily something bad) as well as possibly having to take on a family member into the home temporarily. If you’re single and seeking, be sure to read the context clues that all of your potential lovers are giving off. Pay attention to how they show up –not just what they say.

RED FLAG: The past is now behind you. Anyone who continues to bring it up after you’ve corrected yourself (and apologized if needed) doesn’t deserve to move forward with you. Take some time to meditate on this.

SWEET SPOT: You’ve got a lucky hand this week – try to apply for a new job or maybe even buy a few scratch-off lottery tickets.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

You may not always understand why certain things happen the way they do. But remember there is always a higher purpose. This week’s Solar Eclipse will hit Libra’s heaviest. Expect high highs and low lows in almost every area of your life. Stay calm and practice mindfulness this week, while giving yourself and others grace. When it comes to your love life, it’s advised to lay low until after this energy passes. 

RED FLAG: Friendships are just as important as romantic partnerships – are you being a good friend? How do you show up (if at all) for those who show up for you?

SWEET SPOT: Laughter is the best therapy. Have fun with your partner and especially the children in your life.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

An old flame may surface this week. This could be via text, email or even an unexpected DM. They appear to have really grown during your time apart – so they may be worth another shot. However I see that for many of you, you could already be in partnership, but I’m going to encourage you that unless you are legally married then you should go out for coffee at least with this person. But remember ultimately the choice is yours…

RED FLAG: When you pass from this world you can’t take a single thing with you – so don’t build up debt collecting material things – instead collect lessons for your soul so that when you return you’ll be much more elevated and filled with love.

SWEET SPOT: If you could do anything what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart – try and follow your heart more this week and see how things go for you.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

A new adventure in the romance department unfolds under this eclipse for many of you. Now here’s the thing: if you’ve been doing your shadow work and inner child healing, then you have the ability to cultivate a partnership with your divine soul mate. However, if you’ve been avoiding your shadow and hence refusing to grow up emotionally, then you’ll certainly be getting a master class in matters of the heart. Whoa! 

RED FLAG: When it comes to that person who you’ve had your eye on – be patient. Only time will tell you how they really feel about you.

SWEET SPOT: Under the eclipse, you need to remove all negative energy within and without. May I suggest deep cleaning your home while adding in some Florida Water into your mop bucket and saging every room in the home from top to bottom? You can also sprinkle salt across your threshold as well and leave incense burning. Try notes of vanilla, Palo Santo, or Lavender to help lift the vibes.