Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week we have a double whammy of “all the feels” as a Cancer Full Moon arrives on the 13th just as Mars is going retrograde in Cancer. This means matters of the heart, home and emotions will come up for air, healing and clearing. Sit in your emotions and process them with dancing, meditating, journaling and most importantly speaking your truth. Oh this Full moon is also a great one to do a love ritual under.
On the 19th we enter the sign of Aquarius where the Sun stations itself for the next month. This is a great day to do a vision board if you haven’t already and be open to new career paths and romantic opportunities.
Also this is a great transit– to shake things up – get a new routine or try something completely different from what you’re used to doing – especially when it comes to your choices in romantic partners.
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at
Source:Tommy de Yampert
This week many of you will feel the double impact of Mars retrograding in Cancer and the Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th. Expect wayward emotions, emotional outbursts (I know — not your style) as well you having to finally stand in your truth and speak up on some long hidden family secrets. Trust that this “purge” will serve you well going forward.
RED FLAG: If you’re facing some financial troubles, hold tight as your ancestors work hard behind the scenes to turn things around for you.
SWEET SPOT: Splurge a little on that one thing you’ve had your eye for a while now – you’ll be glad you did. #treatyoself
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’ve been feeling out of sorts – it’s okay. You’re currently rebuilding your foundation from the inside out which means your emotions will be a bit wobbly especially with all the Cancerian energy flooding the cosmos this month. Also many of you are stepping more into your roles as healers, shamans, lightworkers, so you’re in a deep moment of shedding and shedding some more.
RED FLAG: Brace yourself as we move into your birthday season for several disruptions in your friends and family circle. Accept what is dying with grace and move on.
SWEET SPOT: Remember to be patient and spend time with both the elderly and younger people in your world. They often make the best companions and the best memories.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Be open to love in all the ways it wishes to show up for you! If you’re single and seeking your birthday season will bring a flush of suitors your way – you just need to be open to the packages that it comes in. Take the next month or so to go within – meditate on what you want, even do a vision board and then daydream (something yall are good at) on a daily basis about the love you seek. If you’re attached prepare for your relationship to go to the next level or possibly come crashing down, clearing the way for more and better.
RED FLAG: There may be some necessary sacrifices made at work – start looking for work NOW. This will apply to those with Pisces in Jupiter, Moon and Mercury as well.
SWEET SPOT: Starting or switching up your workout routine while in the winter seasons will reap amazing rewards come summer time!
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Don’t forget that the key to success is not only sustained focus but being true to yourself. Make sure that your head and heart stay in sync by listening to your emotions – you can do this by listening to heart chakra meditations, journaling and not ignoring your gut instincts. Also don’t rely too heavily on the opinion of others…
RED FLAG: Be wary of any office gossip this week – trust no one and let things play out as they should
SWEET SPOT: Seek hidden treasure and small pleasures by changing up your daily routine. Try a new coffee shop, a different hair color and maybe plan your vacation to a destination that challenges you in a good way instead of the typical “sun, sand, beach.”
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’re facing a difficult decision, try looking at it from a different POV and remove fear out of the equation. Engage higher reason and make a plan that you can knock out in 60 days and then take the time to reassess what makes sense and what doesn’t. This will also apply to those with Taurus in their Mercury, Mars and Moon.
RED FLAG: Boredom got you by the throat? Time to clear the stagnant energy in your space – grab some Florida Water, Sage Smoke and start wiping down and smoking out your space and then watch to see how much your energy shifts.
SWEET SPOT: What does living life to the fullest mean to you? Take some time to nosh on this ideology this week and then make a plan to do more of what lifts up your soul.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
In order to truly embrace your power one must dig deep into their shadows – yes those ugly, awkward feelings that we don’t want to witness. See, those buried feelings also bury our personal gifts because they eat away at our self-confidence and motivation to truly do the things we wish to do with our lives. Read that again!
RED FLAG: There may be an elder in your life who takes a nasty fall this week – pay attention to those in your life including your neighbors and be sure to check on them often.
SWEET SPOT: You’ve got some untapped artistic gifts that are begging to be set free! If this resonates – sign up for a class stat and just make it your downtime hobby. No pressure to monetize, perform or share on Social.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
If you’re currently grieving a series of losses – give yourself grace – it’s okay to feel all the feels and not know what to do with them. Call in emotional support in the form of good nourishing food, a close friend who is a great listener and maybe a night snuggling with a furry friend or two. The Full Moon in Cancer will impact Cancers quite heavily so grab the box of tissue and get ready to journal out your feelings.
RED FLAG: Think things all the way through before making any big long term financial commitments this week.
SWEET SPOT: The Full Moon in your sign is a great night to do a love ritual to call in the love that you wish to have or to strengthen a current relationship.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Become a clear channel for yourself and then for others. What does this mean? Your spirit team and intuition have been trying to get your attention but you’re too busy with “being busy” to really and truly hear from them or yourself. A wake-up call is coming to you soon and you’ll need to be fully tapped into to understand the full Divine plan of what is occurring in your life.
RED FLAG: If you’ve been in hermit mode for the past few years and you’re single, now is the time to step back out into the sunlight and get ready to meet someone new.
SWEET SPOT: Spend the Full Moon in deep meditation and contemplation on the choices you’ve made without judgement. You want to check to make sure you’re still in alignment with yourself.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Live your Soul not your Role. This statement will resonate more deeply as the year unfolds and many of you realize that you’ve taken on burdens, careers and even partners that aren’t truly fitting who and what you are. The key to getting through this moment of healing chaos is to love yourself more deeply while working to be as authentic as possible with every person you encounter.
RED FLAG: If things are not going smoothly at work, refine and redefine your focus and your skillset as well as any team members that you may manage.
SWEET SPOT: Take the lead in your life each and every day no matter who may wish that you would shrink yourself for their comfort and low self-esteem.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Doing what you love is so important but so is doing things in moderation. Work to find the balance this month and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t quite get it right! Wearing more yellow, orange and gold will keep your spirits high and juicy.
RED FLAG: Old flings will circle back this week – laugh at the demons who have not changed and simply do not engage.
SWEET SPOT: Look forward to a winter season spent making new friends and enjoying old hobbies.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Resting without guilt is such a luxury. If you feel the need to “celebrate the new year” in March and just spend Jan and Feb heavily resting- then please do so! Many of you feel a bit burnt out from 2024 and may already be grappling with the non-stop breaking news that 2025 has brought with it. Clear your calendar, puff up your pillow, turn on your Netflix and enjoy a long term chill session.
RED FLAG: The little people in your life need your emotional support heavily at this time that they may not be able to voice.
SWEET SPOT: Like Gemini, now is a great time to claim your art. Again like Gems, take this on as a hobby and a way to express your soul in a different way.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
How’s your gratitude practice been going lately? Are you counting your blessings or your stressings? It’s important that as you embark on a new year and explore all that it could offer to you that you remain grateful for all of the “good” in your life. This not only raises your vibration but brings abundance towards you like a moth to a flame.
RED FLAG: If you’ve got a big work or school project ahead of you then it’s important to tune out all distractions at this time. Start with the Social Media apps on your phone and consider adding a blocker app to lessen your scrolling time.
SWEET SPOT: Admitting your vulnerabilities to a loved one who makes you feel safe is very healing. Give a a whirl this week instead of stewing in your emotions.