The Daily Grind Video


Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.


As the year gets underway Mars Retrograde enters Cancer on 1/6/25. This can make it difficult to control your emotions and even cause you to act out of order. During this time give yourself and everyone else a bit of grace and try not to make any long standing decisions.

On the 8th Mercury goes into Capricorn which will help with all of this watery Mars energy however it may find you feeling conflicted as to whether to lead with your heart or your head.

Alrighty, let’s see what the stars have in store for your sign this week.

Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

With Mercury sliding into your sign on the 8th while Mars leans back into Cancer expect a battle between your head and heart over the next few weeks. Especially when it comes to issues of co-parenting, romantic adventures and choosing your passions.

RED FLAG: To calm your nervous system bring more of the element of air into your physical and energetic space by diffusing your home with eucalyptus essential oils and spending ten mins every day journaling your feelings.

SWEET SPOT: Shift into 2025 with a focus on rest, resilience and joy.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to deepen your commitment to trusting and listening to your intuition. During this period of Pluto in Aquarius — all of you — will have a serious uptick in spiritual capabilities and the “trick” to mastering all of these new gifts is to start getting in touch with your intuition. Lean into it by wearing Purple Amethyst crystal and playing psychic games via different apps.

RED FLAG: Be mindful of any overly expensive travel plans for your birthday – watch your budget please.

SWEET SPOT: Learn to work with the moon cycles by taking sacred baths and performing different rituals to increase your spiritual capabilities.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

When seeking change we must listen to the truth shouting (or whispering) from our soul. Your Spirit team is encouraging you at this time to go within instead of seeking the opinions of others. Prayer, meditation and silent walks would all be extremely beneficial to you and your soul’s evolution at this time.

RED FLAG: Move in silence with big goals over these next few months – you gotta few quiet haters in your mist.

SWEET SPOT: Relief may be around the corner around a medical issue. Have faith and patience.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Has the jealous monster got you in its clutches as of late? None of us ever want to admit to being envious of others but it’s a natural human trait. What’s unnatural is to sit in this energy for too long instead of working to get to the root of your deeper feelings. Spend the launch of 2025 sorting through your emotions (hello Shadow Work) so that this year can be one of your best ever.

RED FLAG: Investing in  pricy educational program should be taken into consideration with great intention and strategy and most importantly be crystal clear on how this will improve your circumstances.

SWEET SPOT: Getting in shape should be a top priority for the first half of 2025 and this means your mind, body and soul. Letssss goo!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

A soulmate is in your energy at this time. This person wants to come towards you and may already be watching you from afar online. The question begs – is your heart open to love and all of the healing chaos and releasing of what doesn’t serve us that it brings? In love, when it’s healthy, the juice is always worth the squeeze. But you gotta be ready to put in some elbow grease and remain flexible as two become one. This will apply to those also with Taurus Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury.

RED FLAG: If you’ve been feeling a bit off then now is the time to get grounded with your energy and mental space. Do this by listening to Root Chakra meditations and eating more root veggies – like greens, potatoes, beetroot, etc.

SWEET SPOT: You’re at the edge of a karmic path that will eventually lead to new levels of abundance. Use discernment when engaging with new people this year.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

This week your luck lays just outside a new version of you. What does this mean? There are people, places and things in your life that are simply dusty. They are causing energetic stagnation in your emotions and not allowing you to move towards your next chapter. Spend some time meditating on this message this week and then get busy cleaning house!

RED FLAG: Romantic partners from the past may do a pop in as Mars goes retrograde in Cancer (the sign of emotions). Don’t be foolish – use heavy discernment before allowing them back into your world.

SWEET SPOT: New opportunities at work will come up this month- get ready for them now by really evaluating your skillset and the path you want to take professionally over the next three years.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Building wealth takes time, strategy and business acumen. Where do you stand when it comes to having these wealth building blocks on lock? In 2025 you’ve the opportunity to create a brand new foundation of abundance for yourself and leave a legacy as well. How do you plan on making it happen Captain? This will also apply to those with Cancer in Jupiter.

RED FLAG: You’re an emotional sign which means you always need to have water nearby. Plan a quick beach getaway or head to your nearest lake and chill there for a day or two to keep yourself in balance.

SWEET SPOT: Moving from one stage of life to another happens slowly and then fast and then slow again – learn to ride the rhythms of life with ease and you’ll find that you’re generally happier overall.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Doors to deeper parts of your subconscious, intuition and your psyche are opening up swiftly at this time to help usher in a New Life from the inside out. Lean more into your divine feminine however that looks for you and know that as you harness your trust in Spirit you’ll deepen your own brand of magic. Screenshot this message and look at it often over the coming months.

RED FLAG: Brace yourself for some long held secret truths to come out about your family. Know that in the end all will be well.

SWEET SPOT: A spiritual cleansing is needed at this time. This can be as simple as taking a salt water bath or diving deep into some beautiful ocean near you. Or amplifying your prayer regimen with an incense of your choice.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Learning spiritual protection practices at this time would serve you well. This would also include taking up a meditation practice such as chanting daily affirmations while looking in the mirror or getting into Yoga Nidra. The power of your ability to produce abundance at the levels that you truly desire starts with keeping your emotions in harmony. You may also start learning about crystals and their healing properties and how to use them in your life to enhance and attract all that you desire.

RED FLAG: Some of your loved ones are undergoing big inner shifts at this time, take note of this and work hard to be there to emotionally support them.

SWEET SPOT: Upgrade the energy of your home by adding in new plants, rugs and perhaps think about doing an accent wall of gold, rust or purple.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Are you seeking to partner romantically? Then now is the time to embody the frequency you wish to have your partner embody. To do this, start with going deeper into your self-love, self-care and your mental health. Open up your heart chakra with sound meditations and strengthen your boundaries. Like attracts like on all levels so you need to get yourself into alignment to usher in the love you seek. Note this will also apply to those with Libra in their Moon and Venus.

RED FLAG: Be mindful as to who you invite into your home and your intimate thoughts and feelings at this time. Heavy discernment is needed. Pace all relationships at this time.

SWEET SPOT: Raise the vibration at work/in your work space by bringing in the element of water – it can be as simple as having vases filled with flowers and water to having desk top sized water fountains. You’ll notice that the element of water allows you to stay cool under pressure.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Shadow work will be a major theme for many of you this month. Give yourself grace as long suppressed emotions come up for air and try not to be triggered by people who refuse to honor your boundaries no matter how  many times you ask them not to. Leaning into your divine masculine will help you balance these heavy emotions out. Be sure to wear black tourmaline and quartz crystals during this period to help release any wayward vibes. 

RED FLAG: A family member may under go an emergency medical treatment in the coming weeks – while you help them, make sure that you are receiving the support that you need as well.

SWEET SPOT: Gratitude is always in style and keeps us closer to Source energy. Get into a daily practice by stating out loud five things your grateful for every morning when your feet hit the floor.

12. Bossip Horoscopes

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Your fortune in this season  can be found in choosing the right friendships, focusing on what really matters to get you to the next level and listening to your Spirit Guides who always have your back. Spend as much time in nature as you can and away from the digital world to help you get centered into your own personal power.

RED FLAG: Growth is such a powerful thing but it often comes with a bit of chaos and stormy weather. Hang in there through it all and trust that by the end of the year you’ll be so glad you did.

SWEET SPOT: Add the element of fire to your life on a daily basis to stay motivated. Some easy ways to do this is to eat spicy foods, wear bold reds, oranges and golds and listen to percussion drum music while dancing in the sunshine.