Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.

This week the 4th takes center stage! We have Venus entering Aries which will highlight where we stand romantically; expect some arguments and abrupt pairings or breakups. Also on the 4th Jupiter goes direct in Gemini which makes it a great day to start new projects or at least bring together a group of people that you’ve been wishing to work with.

Also, note that many will find previous money blocks lifted and the road open to better and greater!

Let’s find out what’s in store for your sign this week and be sure to tap in with your Moon, Jupiter and Venus signs as well!

Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

There’s an upcoming revelation about your life and the role you play in the lives of others that will come during the next Full Moon on the 12th. One of the reasons for the delay is that you and the bearer of the news share a lack of emotional maturity, which has to shift over the coming weeks before this can be brought to light.

RED FLAG: Don’t ignore your need for rest and relaxation – this year those coffees won’t cut it.

SWEET SPOT: Someone’s moral code of conduct is not your concern as long as it doesn’t concern anything or anyone you have jurisdiction over.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

The new life many of you have been secretly craving is just on the other side of all the shadow work you’ve been avoiding. The only way through is to go through it. Focus on what you truly want which will make the lessons of unresolved pain easier to alchemize and move through. This will also apply to those with Aquarius Venus and Moon.

RED FLAG: Trying to control others is a fool’s errand! Focus on yourself and keep it pushing.

SWEET SPOT: Have the courage to have those uncomfortable talks with loved ones who have hurt and betrayed you deeply but want to pretend that they have not.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

If you’ve been working hard on raising your vibration and stepping into your personal power – why are you allowing others to heavily influence you – about you? Cut the fat, don’t look back, and continue to rise and walk the path that your elevated ancestors have set before you.

RED FLAG: The promotion at work that you’ve been waiting on may be postponed but only temporarily.

SWEET SPOT: Add more fire elements to your life such as lighting candles, incense and maybe sitting out in the sun for at least ten minutes a day. This is to help warm up your blood, balance your hormones, and enhance your mental strength.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Some of you have recently connected with a Soulmate from a Past Life – but too many of you are stuck on being negative, petty, and slightly competitive to actually see the gift from Spirit that stands before you. Read that again and don’t miss out!

RED FLAG: An ordinary life doesn’t have to be a boring snoozefest. Learn how to make the mundane magickal and every day will feel like a dream.

SWEET SPOT: Comparison is not only the thief of joy but also of time. Stay focused on YOU.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

You’re at an interesting point in your life. You’ve moved up so many levels on an energetic and emotional level but there’s still room to grow and right now you may feel like you’re treading water. And this is perfect! Because what you’re actually doing is integrating all of the juicy new emotional resets you’ve undergone these past few years. Keep up or start a meditative and journal practice and just observe what still triggers you as well as how much you’ve grown (or not) in self-love.

RED FLAG: Releasing old habits is hella hard, but refocusing on your healthy emotional standards will make it smoother.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been thinking of learning Tarot just to tap inward more deeply then it seems there’s nothing but green lights on your path.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Your metaphysical gifts are going to be kicking up a notch (or five) once Jupiter goes direct in your sign on the 4th. Take this time now to learn some spiritual hygiene protocols and perhaps pick up Cyndi Dale’s The Intuition Guidebook so that you don’t get overwhelmed when your psychic senses start to bloom.

RED FLAG: If your life feels slightly chaotic at this time – just embrace it — as you’re currently going through a rebirth.

SWEET SPOT: Do not allow others to burden you with their problems that they stubbornly refuse to carry. You’re not the mule!


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

This month prepare to learn how to really let go. Of people, places, and even old versions of yourself. Deep transformation and healing are available to you at this time and while it may feel like a struggle — trust you’ll be grateful for it all once you get to the other side of it.

RED FLAG: Prepare to compromise with a “difficult” colleague at work this week. And above all remember to “not sweat the small stuff.”

SWEET SPOT: When Venus enters Aries on the 4th don’t be surprised if you meet someone special –especially if you’re open to love at this time.

8. LEO

Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

How self-aware are you? Are you aware of what could be hidden deep in your psyche that could be holding you back? Many of you need to cultivate a deep understanding of self. Why? Because this allows you to build a better balance between your ego and your higher self. 

RED FLAG: This week may be a metaphorical or physical ending of someone or something in your life. Trust that you can handle whatever may come.

SWEET SPOT: If you’ve been feeling stuck – the key to opening up more -is to tap into creative gifts that you haven’t touched in a long time or never got around to exploring.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

This year you’ll end up walking a very karmic path that is going to lead you to self-mastery. And I ain’t gonna lie- it’s going to come with some storms and you’ll have to call on inner courage that you didn’t even know you had. Are you up for the challenge?

RED FLAG: If you’ve hit the ground running as the year got started be mindful that your body may need more time for rest – take it slow and learn to delegate even personal things in your life.

SWEET SPOT: Don’t forget to schedule in days of doing absolutely nothing. Spirit is really urging you to make rest and relaxation a priority this year. This will apply to those with Virgo Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Some of you are having a hard time making choices and it’s partly because you’re not really tapping in with your Spirit Guides. They’ve been trying to get in to guide you safely and with ease but you need to make time to sit with them. You can do this by setting up a small altar and meditating on it daily for at least 10 minutes or so. When stepping to your altar make sure it’s clean, all items are refreshed and you’re in a semi-fasted state. This helps to facilitate crisp downloads and deeper insights.

RED FLAG: Going with the flow is cool and all but make sure that you have on a life jacket.

SWEET SPOT: Expect a sense of completion and relief once you get a good word on something you’ve been waiting on…


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Your inner knowing holds the truth about a romantic situationship that you’ve been struggling with. Stop ignoring your gut just because all of the red flags haven’t fully lined up yet. Step back in gratitude that you have such a sharp sense of discernment and make the necessary changes without further delay.

RED FLAG: Be mindful of trying to push forward friendships that have grown “overdone and dry”.

SWEET SPOT: Regain some frivolity and innocence in your life by cutting your do list in half by simply choosing not to do most of it or at least push it off until further notice.


Bossip Horoscopes

Source:Tommy de Yampert

Have you been weighed down by secondhand guilt at all of the tragic world events happening and feeling helpless in the face of it all? It’s okay, many of us feel the same way. It’s important to regain and cultivate a personal bubble of peace by purposely bringing more joy and play into your life. This brings about consistent healing and emotional rebalancing.

RED FLAG: This month’s full moon will kick off rapid but painful emotional growth. Best to prepare for it all now and give yourself grace.

SWEET SPOT: Use heavy discernment as to who you choose to allow to guide you in your life choices. Meditate on the people in your life and adjust accordingly.