Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!
Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert
Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast! If you’d like to go even deeper, you can book a personal reading with Zya HERE.
This week is the Aquarian takeover with Mercury moving into this sign on the 27th and a New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th.
This is an opportune time to start new projects or restart old ones. Work on reprogramming your subconscious beliefs or start tapping into esoteric schools of thought.
Our mental space will be important to protect even as we think about the future and our role in shaping it.
Alrighty, let’s see what’s in store for your sign this week…
Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA? Try her out at
Source:Tommy de Yampert
On the New Moon on the 29th you should do a peace and gratitude ritual – this can simply be lighting a white or pink candle- and then journaling the things that you’re grateful for (while taking small breaks to stare into the flame of the candle) and the things you wish to bring into your life to bring more peace to you.
RED FLAG: Also on the 29th or around that date expect to receive some game-changing news about either your co-workers or your industry at large.
SWEET SPOT: Have you been thinking of relocating to another country/continent? It looks like you’ve got the greenlight from Spirit. #makeithappen
Source:Tommy de Yampert
With the cosmos literally dripping in all things Aquarius many of you are set to take the steps forward toward your best chapter yet. However this will require a new set of boundaries (#newlevelsnewdevils) which means you gotta prepare for people to fall off and fall back. And that’s fine. The lighter you travel the further you’ll go. This will also apply to those with Aquarius in your Venus and Moon.
RED FLAG: Don’t brush off a basic request to speak with you from a loved one – they have some important news to share with you and time is of essence.
SWEET SPOT: A new scent wishes to find its way to your body and your home. Treat yourself to a luxe body/home set of scents to help lift your spirits and balance your nervous system.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
For many of you the time has come for a new lease on life. And your angels want you to know that doors are being unlocked at this moment but you’ll need to “code” the reality that you want. This simply means making sure you’re doing all the things that get you the desired reality that you want – which often means making hard choices, even when you’re not certain of the outcome.
RED FLAG: When newly dating – don’t overshare so much in the beginning. Trust is built in small ways bit by bit.
SWEET SPOT: There’s potential relief from an ongoing medical or financial issue headed your way — just in time for your birthday season.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
A soulmate destiny is in your energy! This can be romantic, friendship or platonic, but whomever it is, this is a partnership you’ve longed for a long time now. The key to manifesting this person into your current reality is honing your divine feminine aspects. You can do this by listening to Sacral Chakra meditations, dancing naked, doing Mirror Affirmation work, honoring your intuition and eating decadent treats –within reason. This will also apply to those with Aries in their Venus.
RED FLAG: Your guides have been sending you signs of your future in your dreams but you keep forgetting. Remember your dreams by placing a cup of salt-water under your bed at night while sleeping and then when you get up simply record everything that you can remember before you fully wake up.
SWEET SPOT: Someone in your circle may possibly reveal a secret crush on you or a long held secret. Be kind and empathetic in your response.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Quite a few of you are raising in your sovereign divinity. People can literally feel (even through socials) that you are shifting into a higher frequency and that you’re already riding in a different dimension. This time requires going inward, possibly in hermit-mode so that you can alchemize all of the new energies that are taking place within you.
RED FLAG: Take note that during this powerful process – you may have a lot more jealous eyes on you. Take care by spraying your mirrors with salt water and sweeping your floors with salt as often as you can.
SWEET SPOT: Meditating– more and often– would serve you well at this time.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
As we move deeper into the Age of Aquarius and with all of these lovely Aquarius transits happening this week – many of you will feel the tug- to awaken to your magic or to take your spiritual practices a step further. Heed that feeling and allow it take you where you need to and leave the judgement “at home”.
RED FLAG: Spiritual baths are needed at this time for your energetic and physical protection. Grab a few cups of Epsom Salt mixed with an essential oil of your choice as well as a few bay leaves into the tub while you soak for at least twenty mins a day. Make this a weekly habit.
SWEET SPOT: A pathway to being an energy/metaphysical/naturopathic healer is available to you at this time…if you want it.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
The power that you seek is in keeping a gratitude practice strong and juicy. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the dullness of day-to-day living and forget to be grateful for the things we have (often what we prayed for previously). Muster the courage to be grateful even when things aren’t going well. Here’s an easy way to practice: As soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning – speak out loud – three things that you are grateful for!
RED FLAG: Just because someone is influential (and affluent) doesn’t mean that they have a high moral code – be mindful of the company you seek based on money and not their heart.
SWEET SPOT: You already know this but bodies of water are your sweet spot. This week stay in your flow by getting into or near a body of water as often as you can.
8. LEO
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Whew! Your ancestors want to load you up with new Spiritual gifts during these heavy Aquarius transits. Are you up for the challenge? Many of these gifts haven’t existed in your blood line in a looooong time – are you a generational curse breaker or nah? Don’t be afraid to step forward and turn your magick all the way TF up! #letsgo
RED FLAG: Be mindful of people you’ve left on old timelines who are trying to jump onto your new one. They are energy vamps and you must protect yourself at all costs from them. Give them a “Keep it pushing bookie!” energy without a shred of guilt.
SWEET SPOT: Many of you need to upgrade your underwear – it’s time. Been time!
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Up for furthering your field of study? Or what about a massive pivot? Both pathways are wide open and ripe for you at this time. If this resonates but you’re having trouble choosing then give thought to treating yourself to a career coach and then making a master plan. #yougotthis
RED FLAG: Check your bank statements often and keep them printed out – there may be some snags with your bank (s) in the coming weeks.
SWEET SPOT: Spending time in nature with a loved one or a furry friend will help to alleviate any emotional burdens that you have at this time.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
You’re being tasked with harnessing both your divine feminine and divine masculine attributes at this time. What does this look like? When undergoing difficult tasks or moments in life this means focusing on what you have control over while listening to your intuition during moments of high emotions. It means knowing when to push forward and when to take a step back. For a Libra this type of balance can be difficult but not impossible.
RED FLAG: Make sure your home and car insurance is up to date and even if someone else in your household manages that, double check it directly yourself.
SWEET SPOT: Pencil in “me time” on your calendar this year and stick to it. You’ll find that you’re in a much better mood overall, no matter what comes your way.
Source:Tommy de Yampert
A great circle of friends is simply lucky! Enhance your circle by making sure ya’ll are equally (and often) pouring into each other. If this doesn’t resonate then it may be time to really evaluate the friendships that you currently have. New people are everywhere and can be connected to at any time.
RED FLAG: Transformation often comes with “healing chaos”. In other words if you feel like everything in your life is falling apart – then it may be that everything is moving out of the way to make room for more and better.
SWEET SPOT: Growth isn’t linear nor does it have to be painful. Every bump in the road can teach us something. Move out of the victim mentality and ask yourself: What am I learning from this experience?
Source:Tommy de Yampert
Shadow work (healing inner wounds) is never easy but it’s always worth it. And kudos to the Sags that have been doing their healing; which is great because a new version of you is well underway. Spend this week journaling around your progress and what else you would like to do to move up in your healing journey.
RED FLAG: If you’re considering a new home purchase at this time – then be mindful that you will need to get an electrical inspector as it may have hidden electrical problems which could run you a small fortune later to fix.
SWEET SPOT: Keep fresh florals in your home and once they are dry simply tie them in twine and hang them above your doorways. This brings in a loving energy into the home and can even be energetic protection and harmony.