Source: Travis Ellison / Peacock
When last week’s episode of Peacock’s Bel-Air ended, Phil (Adrian Holmes) informed Vivian (Cassandra Freeman) that Geoffrey (Jimmy Akingbola) was looking for his son Frederick. Although episode six was centered around the Banks Family Reunion, ‘Let the Best Man Win, started off by addressing Geoffrey’s lingering issue. Geoffrey sat Phil and Vivian down with the intention of telling them what’s he’s been up to. Before he could, they interrupted him and told him that they already knew. They thank him for being honest and emphasize how they want to help him weigh out all the options. They surprise him with a file that has some information on his son that nearly brings Geoffrey to tears. Will (Jabari Banks) peeps the file after having a quick chat with Geoffrey in Phil’s office. He is shocked to see a picture of Frederick inside. He brings the information to Carlton (Olly Sholotan), who ironically already knew and tells Will that it’s something no one really speaks about. Later on in the episode, Will and Geoffrey share a plate and Will brings up Frederick. Geoffrey explains that he was involved with a gang earlier in his life. He goes on to tell Will how he left his family to protect them. He had Phil set up an open adoption but made him promise to never tell him about Frederick’s whereabouts. Will applauded Geoffrey for what he did and mentioned how he’s sure that Frederick would want to meet him and hear the real story instead of the one he’s probably been making up in his head. You can tell that Will’s relationship with his father played a large role in how he felt about Geoffrey’s situation. At the end of the episode, Will told his Uncle and Aunt that he felt like they should help Geoffrey find his son. Will we see Frederick before the season ends? Is Will going to start thinking about his own father again?
To this point, Will has been looking at the Founders Award as ‘Carlton’s thing.’ After Doc (Brooklyn McLinn) explained how colleges are interested in leaders and told him that he shouldn’t be so quick to count himself, Will went home and started doing research about the Founders Award. Will respectfully came to Carlton (as he was working out for the family football game) and asked how he would feel if he stayed in the race. As you might expect, Carlton didn’t take it necessarily well. Will explained that he came to ask him first because he didn’t want to further stress him out. Carlton feels like no one believes he can win if Will is in the running. Even though Will emphasizes that Uncle Phil never said that, Carlton says he didn’t have to.
The first family member to arrive was Phillip’s mother, Nita. (Anna Maria Horsford). Vivian picked her up from the airport and it’s apparent easy on that Nita has a little spiciness towards her daughter in law. Before the family arrived, Vivian brings up the fact that Phil has missed calls from Erica (Diandra Lyle). He lets her know that Erica wants him to consider an offer from her firm but he promises not to make any big moves without talking to her first. The rest of the family starts to pile in and Geoffrey gives Will a breakdown of the family. Among the family members we’re introduced to, there’s Uncle Earl (the family’s oldest living Uncle), Phil’s brother Julius (Bill Bellamy) and his son Kyle. You can quickly peep that there’s a lot of competitiveness amongst the father-son duos. This is shown when both sides claim they’re going to win the family football game, or when Carlton and Kyle brag on how far their Lacrosse teams went or when Julius mentions how many car dealerships he owns. While playing dominoes, Julius explains to Will that there’s more than one path to success and he’s living proof of that. In the midst of their conversation, Kyle forgets to call out his points on the board and Phil takes advantage. Julius gets angry with his son and tells him ‘Sorry is for suckers’ after Kyle apologizes. Everyone at the table (especially Carlton) notices how uncomfortable the interaction was.
The competitive juices are still flowing when Julius and Nita take on Phil and Viv in a game of spades. Vivian shows that Phil’s training earlier in the episode paid off and got one up on her mother in law, who had been taunting her all episode. As the family reunion continues, Ashley forms a cool bond with Uncle Earl. He tells her about him being a Tuskegee Airmen, fighting in World War 2 and even shows her some old pictures. Phil wants to win the football game so bad that he enlists LaMarcus to play on their team. After getting the news, Carlton and Kyle share a heartfelt conversation. They both mention how they don’t want to grow up to be like their fathers in terms of messing with their children’s heads, questioning all of their life choices, taking out all of their problems on them and making them feel like they’re never good enough. Kyle tells Carlton that at least he’ll be able to make Phil happy since they have LaMarcus on their team and they’ll win the game. He then adds that after they lose, his father won’t do anything but berate him but he’s used to it. Carlton again visibly feels bad for his cousin. The football game is super competitive and comes down to the last play. Carlton intentionally drops the catch after he hears his Uncle Julius speak negatively towards Kyle yet again. Geoffrey and Phil notice what he did.
After the game, Viv and Nita share a moment. After reminiscing on her husband and their life together, Nita gives her credit for making the reunion happen. She emphasizes that being with family is what’s important and will always stay with you. In the same light, Phil and Julius reminisce about growing up. Julius brings up how Phil was the one their father believed in. Phil gives Julius his flowers for taking care of their mother and adds how he only hosted the reunion to feel like he was doing his part. After Julius hips Phil to how hard it is being a single father and wearing all the hats that he does, Phil suggests that they work through things with each other’s help. Phil then makes sure that he lets Carlton know that he’s proud of him and he will always believe in him. Will thanks Julius for telling his story. He really resonated with how Julius hustled and worked for everything he got. Julius tells him that people may underestimate him, but he should never stop going for his. After their respective talks with Julius and Phil, Carlton and Will both agree that it’s a good idea for Will to stay in the race. Carlton tells Will that he’s not afraid of a little competition and Will echoes his statements. Julius shows Phil and the family love for hosting an amazing family reunion. The brothers then present Uncle Earl with an award celebrating his life and service.
While they helped prepare food, Hilary (Coco Jones) asked Will if he had spoken to Jazz recently because he had been acting distant and taking a long time to respond to her texts. She says that she even invited him to the family reunion and he left her on read. Ashley (Akira Akbar) reminds Hilary that she also invited her ex-boyfriend to their mom’s art show and mentions how she would’ve did the same thing. Will tells Hilary that he’s not trying to be in the middle of them but agreed with Ashley that finding out your girlfriend dated an NFL star could hurt a man’s pride. As Hilary starts to leave to head over to Jazz’s house, Phil stops her and lets her know that Jazz can wait and the sweet potato pie she’s making cannot. Hilary continues to text Jazz as the family reunion is in full motion. She is surprised to hear LaMarcus (Justin Cornwell) show up, considering that she didn’t personally invite him. Phil tells her that he invited him, specifically to rub in his brother’s face. Will tells Hilary that he’s Team Jazz and she makes him promise to not tell Jazz about it. Hilary tells LaMarcus that them getting back together is not happening. He responds by reminding her that she called him and not the other way around. He assures her that he doesn’t have an agenda and then asks Hilary why Jazz wasn’t there, which left her a bit speechless. To spite her father for inviting LaMarcus, she chooses her Uncle Julius’ pie over her father’s. Before the football game, we find out what LaMarcus told Hilary wasn’t true. He shares with Will that he’s not going to stop until he gets her back. The episode ends with LaMarcus coming to get Hilary from the poolhouse, where she’s sitting along. As she goes outside to join in on the family and the soul train line, Jazz finally responds to her texts and tells her she can come through. When Hilary fall for LaMarcus again? Or will her and Jazz be able to make it through this rough patch? How will the Founders Award affect Carlton and Will’s relationship? Will Phil take Erica’s offer? Let us know what you thought about the sixth episode of season two and what your predictions for next week’s episode are in the comments!