Tariq and Brayden struggle to adjust to life as normal, broke college students. Monet works back into the game and answers about who took shots at her. Noma seeks out an opportunity to expand with the Russians.

1. This Man’s On A Mission


The episode begins about a month after the conclusion of the previous one, with a reminder that Don Carter is just beginning his run against crime in New York City. He is met at a crime scene by two members of his team who also believe that Tariq’s story about saving Agent Young is too convenient and it doesn’t add up. 

2. Going To Be A Long Semester

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Meanwhile at Stansfield, Tariq and Brayden are back on campus (Tariq for school and Brayden is staying in Tariq’s dorm). It’s a tough transition for the boys considering the lifestyles that they’re used to living. It doesn’t help that a good number of the student body doesn’t rock with them, whether it be because of the Weston Holdings ponzi scheme or because they don’t believe Tariq’s story about Agent Young. As we find out that Brayden’s cousin got him a job in real estate, the boys discuss their next options and how they took the money they were taking advantage of the money they were getting from moving weight. Tariq beats himself up about the fact that he didn’t see everything that happened to them coming. To compound his problems, Tariq was assigned three jobs in order to cover his financial aid package. Elsewhere in the city, Cane and Dru are going around looking for more answers about Monet’s shooting. They pullup on Felipe (whose arm had already been broken by Cane) and ask if he’s heard anything new. Cane doesn’t get the answer(s) he wants and after getting Dru’s attention (he was paying attention to a mural of Gordo reminiscing), he breaks Felipe’s other arm. As they walk away, he mentions that he doesn’t understand why he’s still going around breaking people’s arms when Diana already said it was Tariq that shot Monet. Dru reminds him that it’s because Diana made a mistake. Speaking of Diana, she made a stop at a store and bought a pregnancy test. At the same time, we see one of Effie’s professors encourage her to apply for the engineering program at Stanford. On the themes of futures, Brayden stops by his family’s house and peeps that they’re moving out of it as his father disappointedly shakes his head at him. At the Tejada household, we meet Monet’s cousin Janet, who seems to be tasked with helping nurse Monet back into good health. We learn that Monet used to dress, talk and want to be like Janet until her life changed (Monet got into the game). Noma was thinking about expanding and she found the perfect way how. After seeing an article about Don Carter and his narcotics team busting a major tri state drug supplier, she orders Obi to set up a meet with the Russians so they can discuss becoming their new supplier. She thinks that will help them take care of their surplus problem until they get their business in Europe back up and running. Before he exits, Noma questions if Obi has been putting his best foot forward for her or if he’s been too wrapped up in getting the green cards he asked her for. He tells her that he got them through official channels and she has nothing to worry about. At Davis MacLean’s home, we’re introduced to Perla Tanaka, an attorney who works for him and will be handling his case. The two catch up on what the other associates are saying and if he has a shot at winning. Before they can get too deep into business, the two start having sex.  

3. PTSD?

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Back at the Tejada home, the family has a meeting and Cane updates Monet that the streets don’t know anything. He mentions how things aren’t adding up and that Diana and Dru keep switching their stories and protecting Tariq. Cane tells Monet that Noma wants to supply the Russians. Monet isn’t a fan of the idea at all. She’s so thrown off by it that she wants to go speak to Noma herself but is stopped by Janet. The commotion around starts to get to her and she freaks out a bit before telling everyone to get out. 


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At Stansfield, we pick up in Tariq’s Banality of Evil and Leadership course. He attends the class with Diana, Effie and Brushandria. Their professor asks them what type of person decides if their worthy of leading and also what makes someone want to govern the lives of others? All four students mentioned earlier give their answers and each answer coincides with what they’re going through in their personal lives.


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After class, Effie tries to check in with Tariq to see if they’re good. Tariq obviously isn’t receptive. Diana notices the two having a conversation and approaches Effie after Tariq walks away. Effie tells Diana that they need to talk and Diana tells her to come by the candy shop later. 

6. Backs Against The Wall

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On the other side of town, Davis’ license to practice law will temporarily be suspended pending his disbarment hearing. Davis returns to his office to Don Carter. Carter offers him the opportunity to practice law again. He tells him that he could use his help in getting some really dangerous people off the streets. Unfortunately for Carter, Davis doesn’t give up his clients and declined his offer. At the candy shop, Effie tells Diana that she needs to start pulling her weight when it comes to the drug game. After Diana tells Effie that she needs a couple weeks to catch up, Effie obliges. She leaves her with the warning that with Noma she’s either all in or out with a bullet. Shortly after their meeting, Effie makes her way over to Noma and Obi to try and make something shake for herself. She requested that she be paid more since she does more work. After Monet basically snarls at the thought of it, Effie adds a little bit of incentive by saying she can get the Russians on board. Noma gives her 24 hours to try and convince them. 

7. Reminiscing

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8. This Flashback Was Fire

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Janet and Monet reminisce about their lives when they were younger and Monet raising a baby Cane. Janet mentions how there was a calm to Monet back then and that although they were struggling, it seemed to her that Cane had everything he needed in her. Monet responds by rhetorically asking if it made her a monster because she didn’t want her kids to grow up with rats. She went on to state how Lorenzo was making all of her decisions for her at the time. The conversation leads Monet to have a flashback of the times. The family was living in a bit of a rundown house with dirty water. In the midst of stressing, she finds a bit of joy when she notices Cane throwing his food on the floor. As she’s interacting with her son, Lorenzo walks in. She pleads with him that they get out of their living space. A young Lorenzo tells her that he’s doing all that he can and he has to prove himself before he asks for more product. When Monet snaps out of her flashback, she tells Janet that she needs some fresh air. Janet doesn’t think it’s a good idea for her to leave but she insists. Before she exits the kitchen, Janet gives her one of her pills. 

9. Not Thinking Straight

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Effie makes her way to a bar that the Russians are at. She begins to make conversation with them and ends up telling them that she hacks into stuff. As the conversation continues, Effie tells him (the one in charge) that she’s there to help his daughter’s time in the 200 meter backstroke as an incentive for him to meet with Noma. After he mentions that he already told Noma no, Effie shares that she knows how his daughter wants to be on the Princeton swim team. After the situation almost gets testy, Effie is able to get a deal set up with the Russians. 

10. Brayden Loves The Black Women

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Brayden pulls on Tariq at one of his three jobs. He is immediately enamored with a singer (that sings with Brushandria in a group) named Elle. He makes his move and introduces himself only for her to know who he is already. Elle mentions how her dealer just moved and Brayden quickly but sadly states that he is another line of work now. 

11. A Very Intense Conversation

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As Tariq is working, he’s interrupted by Don Carter who asks to speak with him in the hallway. When they’re alone, Carter tells Tariq that he doesn’t but the Agent Young story. He then goes on to mention James St. Patrick and how his gut tells him that Tariq killed Agent Young. He continues by telling Tariq that he can keep pretending that he’s just a college kid but he knows who he is and he’s going to put him where he belongs. As the conversation concludes and Tariq walks away, Carter asks Tariq if he’s talked to his mother. This catches Tariq off guard, causing him to turn around and come back. After mentioning that he can’t speak to Tasha, Carter breaks it to him that they’re about to bounce her out of WITSEC. 

12. Making A Scene

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Feeling like she had to take matters into her own hands, Monet pulls up on Noma, who tells her that there’s no reason for her to be there. As Monet tries to explain her beef with (She doesn’t like the fact that Noma is possibly sacrificing her kids even though they’ve been working tirelessly for her), Obi notices the Russians pulling up and tells Noma that Monet needs to leave. Noma again tells Monet to leave but she refuses. When the car completely pulls up and stops, Vadim (the Russian’s name) and Effie pop out and are confused at why Monet is there. Vadim assumes that it’s a setup and tells Noma, Obi and Monet that if he sees any of them again, he’d kill them. As he goes back to his car, and a disappointed Noma walk back inside, Monet starts to become overwhelmed again and passes out. Since we’re on the topic of being overwhelmed, we have to talk about Tariq. He called Davis up to see if he had heard anything about Detective Don Carter before. Davis shares that he’s dangerous and isn’t like all of the other cops he’s dealt with in the past. It’s revealed that his wife was gunned down outside the ER she worked at. As Effie takes Monet back to her home, Monet has another flashback. This time, she was in the car with Janet and Cane when they get pulled over by the cops. Monet tells Janet that she has a gun in the glove compartment and that she needs her to hand it to her. Although Janet didn’t think it was a good idea, Monet gets the gun and puts it in Cane’s car seat as the officer walks up. The next flashback scene shows an angry Lorenzo yelling at Monet for having a gun in the car with their son. When Lorenzo asks what’s going on, Monet tells him that she went and talked to Carlos and got two bricks. Lorenzo ends the conversation by telling her not to mix their kids up in the business. When Monet wakes up, she’s home and is joined by her kids. Cane chastises her for making a dumb decision and almost getting them all killed. Monet tells Cane to leave and when he does, she hints to Dru and Diana that Cane might have had something to do with her getting shot. Dru and Diana take up for their older brother and say there’s no way he’d do such a thing and that they’ll figure out something. Tariq wanted to figure out what the hell Don Carter was talking about when it came to his mother. He pulled up at the Shop Depot that Tasha now was employed by. Apparently, WITSEC had to relocate them (and they weren’t happy about it) and it was the only job in the city they’re in. Tasha confirmed that WITSEC didn’t like her going MIA so they told her that she has one more time to do anything before she’s kicked out. Tariq makes her promise that she will stay where she is and not come back to New York. As they’re knee deep in their discussion, Tasha (who is now going by the name of Rachel) is approached by her creepy manager Chris, who she has obviously had weird interactions with before. Tariq notices it and brings it up but is told to let it go by his mother.  

13. Make It Right

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Noma pulls up on Cane and tells him that Monet lost her an enormous opportunity to expand. She tasks him with figuring out a way to get the Russians back on board by the end of the day. Cane thinks quick and calls Effie, who is hesitant to help him out because she has an interview for school. When she realizes what Noma might do to Cane if he doesn’t deliver, she decides to help him after all. 

14. Stop Playing With Rachel

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Although Tasha told him to let it go, we all had to know that wasn’t going to happen. Tariq caught up with Chris in the parking lot of the Shop Depot and sent him a physical message. Back at the Tejada home, we see Diana waiting for the results of a pregnancy test. When she gets them, her face doesn’t seem too thrilled. Dru brings Monet her food and is about to go back downstairs to grab her pills. She stops him and uses it as a time to give a half-assed apology to him about his father and Gordo. Dru called her out for justifying the things she did instead of trying to apologize for them. As Dru handles her pills, he comes very close to switching them and attempting to kill her but is stopped by his younger sister, who does her best to talk some sense into him. Diana explains that despite everything Monet’s done to them, they aren’t like her and don’t have to be. Oddly enough for them, Monet heard the conversation. Maybe not all of it, but Monet definitely caught the tail end of it at least. 

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The car Tariq was currently driving breaks down and he has to call Brayden for help. Meanwhile, Effie misses her interview to go help Cane. The two of them pullup on Vadim and his people and Effie hands him a manilla folder. Inside of it were pictures of clean, untraceable, military grade weapons. Cane called it proof of Noma’s good faith. Vadim agreed to work with them but under one condition: from that point forward, he would only deal with Effie and no one else. When Brayden finally pulls up on Tariq, the two of them discuss their current situations. Neither of them have any money and they both are working jobs that they absolutely hate. Tariq floats the idea of them getting back into the game. Brayden lists off a multitude a reasons why that wouldn’t be the best idea. After Tariq breaks it down further and emphasizes that getting back in is the only real option, Brayden agrees and asks what’s next. Per usual, Tariq tells him that he has a plan. Back at the Tejada house, Monet has a real heart to heart with Janet. She asks her if she ruined her kids to the point of no return. As Dru walks in and catches the tail end of the conversation, Janet tells Monet to ask her kids herself. Dru admits that even hearing Monet ask is at least a start. Before Dru leaves, Monet asks him again if he had found anything on who shot her. He says no and when she tries to keep pushing, he tells her to get some rest. In the next scene, it is confirmed that Diana is pregnant. The doctor asks her if she knows who the father is and she responds by saying of course. The doctor continues by telling her they can go over all of her options because she wouldn’t want her to get lost in the emotionality of potential motherhood. She basically was telling Diana to make sure she had the right type of environment and family around to bring a new life into the world. Diana took offense to the statement and walked out. Cane went back to Noma to tell her about the deal he had brokered with the Russians. She was not pleased that he signed off on a deal without her knowledge. Obi, who was standing behind the chair Cane was sitting in, began to choke him as Noma pulled a blade out. As she was about to cut him, Cane says the exact line that Noma was about to say to him, which completely catches her off guard and seemingly arouses her. She has Obi release him and orders him to leave for the night. She says that she wants Cane to explain why he thinks it’s a good idea to sell automatic weapons to the same people his mother thinks want to kill him (the Russians). Once Obi is gone, Noma asks Cane if he wants to have the conversation over a scotch and of course he says yes. Tariq got the drop on 2-Bit as he was getting food. The plan he told Brayden that he had was to find his car and use the spare key that he had to get back inside of it and take it back. It worked perfectly and 2-Bit was completely caught off guard by it. Don Carter caught Obi off guard as he was walking to his car. Carter mentioned Obi’s connection with someone who might’ve shot a federal officer and his connection to whoever got his brother the green cards so fast. When Obi asked Carter what he was reffering to, Carter told him that they’ll talk more at the station and proceeded to handcuff him. The episode ends with another one of Tariq and Monet’s car conversations. Monet comes right out and tells Tariq that she doesn’t think her kids are actually trying to find out who shot her. They continue to talk and she asks Tariq why she should believe that he wasn’t the one who took the shots. He responds by just saying it wasn’t him. She then asks why he thinks that she would come after Tasha. Tariq tells her it’s because that’s what Kate Egan told him. Monet is confused because she doesn’t know who Kate is. Tariq fills her in that Kate is Tommy’s mom and she told him that Monet gave Tommy Tasha’s address. They both conclude that somebody must’ve put her up to it because they wanted her dead. Out loud, Monet questioned who the person could be and stated that whoever it is was going to die. 

16. Season 4 Episode 3 Trailer: Birthright

Source:TV Promos

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