Abby Sage has built up a reputation for herself because of her introspective storytelling. Whenever you hear her songs play, you’re invited into her intimate world where the concerns of modern living melt away and you become one with her angelic vocal and lullaby guitars. Her lyrical imagery paints an idyllic picture in your mind with each humble word adding a stroke til the very end where you’re left with something elegant, heavenly and a testament to her ability to effortlessly connect with the listener. The emotional impact she delivers is unparalleled, she will have you wrapped up in your feels in no time at all.
The intimacy Wasting Away provides is everything I’ve already mentioned and then some. Baring her soul to the world through her heart-on-sleeve writing she expresses how she’s focusing on herself before focusing on others, leading her being unable to be apart of a relationship. She remains hopeful through the blissful melodies whilst still having an underlying sadness that will have you reaching for the tissues and becoming hooked on her music. Her artistry is next level and her music is utterly mesmerising.
“Wasting Away is about wanting to start a relationship but recognizing there is a lot of self-work to handle beforehand. The song is hopeful in a sense but recognizes what the reality is right now. On one side of the relationship, the partner is ready to move forward while the other recognizes needing to address their own issues beforehand.”