Over the past few months Drum & Bass has been going through a massive resurgence, with nightclubs opening up around the world this high octane, dance inducing genre has recaptured the spark that made the genre so popular during the late 2000’s. One duo who’s passion for this genre puts them at the forefront of this new sonic revolution is Banks and Mary, Juliana Chahayed and Avery Kentis, who’s debut is an utter treat for the ears. Frantic, jazzy, ambient and reminiscent of the sonic world of the Mirror’s Edge soundtrack, Hotel Lobby is an outstanding introduction to the duo’s soundscape as they go from calming electronics to a mid song tonal shift where scattered beats make themselves known to your body, you’ll soon find it impossible to resist the groove. You experience their breathtaking free flowing sonic movement as they hit the ground running within this fast-paced energetic affair, where the adrenaline fuelled beats set in motion a chain reaction of events that propels the track from the floor up into the sky as they make death-defying leaps over the city’s skyline.
Ebbing and flowing with the electronics and showcasing a fluidity of their sonic movement that allows you float along with them, Banks and Mary are building up momentum to give the world a much needed moment of dance infused catharsis. Feel unadulterated amounts of joy with this energised debut.