As far as songwriters go, the Slovenian musician Ben Dolic has proven time and time again that he has a knack for writing sensational pop tracks. One scan of discography and you’ll find yourself humming his melodically addictive riffs for the next few weeks. No Millennial hooks are required, he knows how to get his music to stay with you with just a few simple chords and authentic lyrics depicting life’s lessons he’s learnt over the years. He’s essentially your very own big brother, helping guide you through your adolescent years as he parts his wisdom down to you through the mistakes he’s made.
Today is no different with Come By dissecting the early stages of a relationship where you want more, but the other person isn’t ready for commitment. His voice evokes a sense of longing, looking into the distance of what the future could hold with his partner as the somber production elevates this feeling. You become a fly on the wall as you witness his love grow larger but he keeps holding it back, due to the fear his partner will be scared and run off. He’s confused, scared and, in the end, decides the best thing to do is remain in the situationship stage until the time is right. A sublime blend between pop and R&B that’s a tantalising listen.
“Come By is about the early stages of a new relationship where things are fun and casual, but you want more from the other person. It’s about the confusion that comes with dating someone without an official title but doing all of the things that couples do. Essentially, I was stuck in a situationship and wanted more, but knew if I brought it up it would scare the other person away. So in the end, I settled for the physical aspect and got more confused each day.”