The 17 year old teenage mother of the holy scriptures biblemami has made her long awaited return to the alternative pop world with a vibrant soundscape of bubbly joy that gleefully bounces around like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. It’s this classic Lewis Carroll that appears to of inspired the young artist, with bunny being one part childish fairytale filled with all sorts of absurdities and the other part being the cruel reality of what life will soon be, representing adolescent’s true progression through life. Falling down the rabbit hole, her unorthodox expressive narrative brings these two worlds clashing together in a compelling juxtaposition, melting the madness with the harsh normality of life. Her jubilant vocal croons the foreboding lyrics as if they were a lullaby, masquerading the darker qualities and instead allowing you to focus on the happy-go-lucky melodies if you wish to fill your thoughts with sugar plums and visions of wondrous lands if you wish to avoid the slightly more ominous undertones the narrative brings. Fuse all of this with a hook that wriggles its way so deep into the crevasses of your skull that you’d need an excavation crew to remove it and you’ll see how biblemami hasn’t just made a comeback, no she’s made a statement of intent.
This biblical mother is ready to show the world what she’s got and has given us a little taste of what’s to come from her debut EP Unpleasant Adolescent. Fall down the rabbit hole with her an experience a world filled with absurd, bonkers and downright maddening things.