Hyperpop is getting closer and closer to breaking into the mainstream world. As the genre continues to expand its reach and artists push the boundaries for how far the sound can go, it has become very clear that brakence is one of the best out there. Since his debut back in 2017 you could see he had a special spark, but the during the early stages of the pandemic is where that spark set off a firework that turned the night sky into a dazzling spectacle for all to behold. His creativity is unmatched and as we build up to the hype-train that will soon become his upcoming album, we’re treated to another defining track from the young musician.

Venus fly trap is sublime, there’s no other way to say it. The way he views contemporary pop music through his own creative lens is truly outstanding and throughout this single we’re shown it. He’s consistently evolving, breaking through sonic boundaries with break neck speed to create something unique, innovative and imaginative. One listen to this single and you’ll see that the replay value is through the roof. Include a stunning set of visuals in the music video, which features warping vines equivalent to a certain infamous scene in Stranger Things season 4, and it becomes clear that brakence isn’t pulling any punches with his latest project.