Chloe Tang’s music lives in the dichotomy between sweet and spicy. She creates empowering anthems that she jokingly states conveys the notion of, “love me, but leave me alone,” with her powerhouse pop vocal and sultry production only enhancing the truth of that statement whilst simultaneously not being afraid to be vulnerable and express her own inner-turmoil. She eloquently writes about subject matters that come her own experiences and the perspective she’s gained from those times in her life.
Sad About Me is her strongest offering to date as she delivers a vehement vocal performance amplified by the hard-hitting production of ominous electronic flourishes and warped synth melodies. She opens up herself emotionally to showcase a more vulnerable side to her songwriting but underneath it all is a message of empowerment, of being able to embrace the sadness without feeling guilty about it and bettering herself in the process. A perfect of two opposites creating perfecting harmony within one another.
“I wrote this song during a time I was dealing with seasonal depression and other life things which made me question if my state of low was driven by my relationship,” says Tang. “The realisation that my sadness wasn’t actually about a boy made the song empowering in a twisted way, because I was able to embrace the unhappiness without feeling guilty about it.”