Despite being raised by the frontman of a rock band, Coleman.X’s music is a charmingly ethereal exploration of electronic music that feels completely organic, despite being created via digital media. As the wistful array of electronics in boy on your mind elegantly play on with the warped vocals of Coleman.X gliding over the top I soon begin to realise the subtle nuances Coleman.X has applied to the piece. One part walking through an enchanted forest with fireflies soaring around you to create a magical setting and one part gay night club with the mesmerising electronic beats on display, it becomes quite clear Coleman.X isn’t afraid of being outspoken and perfectly himself. Throughout this single we’re greeted by his array of self-loving lyrics, making you feel like you’re not alone in the world and you’re apart of a community who is all rallying behind you and wishing you the best. This is what makes his music truly standout, he has a message that you want to support and will undoubtably connect thousands of people across the world. Dive right in to see for yourself.