One thing I’ve always adored about the world of hyperpop is the communal aspect that comes along with it. They all support one another, when one person is winning they’re all winning and when one person is losing they all help lift them up so they can rise to the occasion and continue to elevate themselves. One artist who’s had a huge amount of buzz around him in this community is the Atlanta native cybertrash who’s had cosigns from hyperpop greats such as Aries, ericdoa, midwxst, and rouri404. Today he’s reintroduced himself to us all again, greeting us with another fervent single that sees him venture into a new sonic territory unlike anything he’s every produced before.
This song is an earworm. One listen to play pretend and you’ll find yourself humming the melody for weeks on end whilst tapping your foot along to that beat you cannot get out of your head. He doesn’t stop there though, oh no, the young artist goes even further with this sonic reintroduction with a killer vocal that adds a special flair to the soundscape and gets me heavily invested. There’s even a subtle sense of summer coming from how the instrumentals melt together to propel the piece consistently forward in a scintillating display that you hope never ends. By the time we reach the end you’ll be begging for more and instantly hitting the repeat button because, let’s face it here, this track has massive replay value.