College is a time to rage for some, grow for others, but for the college music artist it’s a huge balancing act. When the honorable path and your passions begin to diverge from one another you’re left asking, “how does one balance both worlds?” This is the exact dilemma 20-year-old, Utah native, artist and producer DXCKLIN faces. The exciting A1234 newcomer invites us all to his very own existential crisis in his latest release Stuck in the Middle.
Ranting can be chaotic, but somehow DXCKLIN found a way to make everything that went into this track intentional. From lyrics to production, there isn’t a spot I question. The alternative rock inspired guitar melody creates this wonderful bounce straight out of the gate. It’s then paired with the perfect verse melody, where he explains the pressure from his parents to prioritize school above music. Despite the theme being sad in nature, the instrumental brings in a lot of fun energy, making for a juxtaposition between what DXCKLIN is saying and how the song makes a listener feel. If I had to describe the song in one word it’d be relatable.