Past relationships and situations ruminated within the 23 year old Milwaukee native dylxn’s head as he reflected on moments where he didn’t say what he truly felt. Keeping his feelings under lock and key, he remained silent to keep others happy, leading to his unfiltered thoughts exploding out through his pen to create the emotionally intoxicating debut Nothing at All. Filled with personal strife, the narrative invites you to peak behind the curtain of dylxn’s thought process, seeing the cogs turn in his mind over these past experiences, thinking about what he would’ve said differently, the perfect comeback and how all of it would play out. His wary vocal offers a natural form of cathartic expression with his poetic lyrics striking a nerve with all who’ve felt hiding their feelings was best for everyone, allowing for an authentic experience that effortlessly pulls at your heart strings. All this emotion culminates into one introspective lyric that he powerfully belts as it captures the essence of the song perfectly, “Would you rather me lie or say nothing at all?”
With his harmonious vocal channelling raw pain beautifully, intimate soundscape of lullaby-esque guitars mixed with soft synths and reflective lyrics, all melt together to form an outstanding debut. If you’re a fan of the introspective musings of Eden, then the rich tone of dylxn’s heart-wrenching vocal is something you need to dive head first into.