Photo: Instagram

Franglish, a phenomenal French rapper and singer of Congolese heritage, has gifted us a nostalgic experience through his single, ‘Wifey’. The magical story portrayed in the short musical drama can easily lasso anyone who isn’t francophone, despite being subject to the language barrier. In the beginning, we see our protagonist, Franglish, hanging out with his squad. It is impossible to ignore the only female counterpart in the group, not because she is the lone female, but because she is devilishly beautiful.

Amid all the small talk, a strange mime appears and challenges Franglish to a magic trick. With little hesitation, he agrees, consequently entering a mysterious magic booth. It is here when the music enters the room. The classic R&B we used to woo our high school crushes. ‘Wifey’ is reminiscent of the early 2000s R&B we miss and wish to hear more often. How more classic R&B can it be than having the singer dancing under a streetlight to woo a love interest? One could call out some references to Chris Brown’s staple hit, ‘Forever’, noting the camera rotations around Franglish in the middle of zapping lights. In this magical fantasy, Franglish’s love interest is the girl we saw prior. Pulses of nostalgia rush through my spine as I watch the two lovebirds chat via the classic street call-boxes (phone booths). The visuals round up a relatively sad ending. Franglish snaps back from the magical land, returning to reality where he remains in the friend zone. Watch the magical story of ‘Wifey’ below.