Despite writing music since his early years at high school, no one in Harley Alaska’s life knew he wrote music. Without the fear of the spotlight being shone on him he was able to channel his deepest insecurities and introspective thoughts into his music, becoming the perfect form of catharsis for him. His heartfelt honesty allowed him to craft an intimate sound, which caused him to become even more terrified of showing his music to the world. However today he’s unveiled his debut single, no longer flying under the radar and instead sharing the one thing in his life that made him feel like something with the world. Harbouring up the courage, the young artist from suburban Sydney invites you to enter his most intimate thoughts and share the poignant thoughts that have come from his life so far.

Lose You Too opens like an old school Ed Sheeran ballad, lullaby themed guitar plucking patterns allowing us to form a close bond as we hear the subtle cry of his voice, elevating our own personal connection to a new height. Then we arrive in the chorus where a flurry of Zedd influenced electronics arrive, forming a moment of sweet euphonic release as his emotions pour out of him like a waterfall as the music swells up to a passionate finale. The lyrics tie the piece together though, poignantly articulating his loss of identity during a young age where he’d become so wrapped up in a relationship that he forgot who he was, which becomes even harder to stomach when he realised he was still trying to figure out who he was. He’s finally comfortable sharing this side of himself with the world and we’re over the moon for him.