The sentiment behind the wunderkind artist Huron John latest track is something the majority of us will be able to relate to within lockdown, you know with being trapped in an almost claustrophobic environment that isn’t helping you thrive as much as it used to, realising you’ve outgrown it all and need to escape from the purgatory of it all. Trapped in a Lava Lamp features a vibrant production of coruscating guitar riffs melt into the summer beats that give the whole piece a feel good vibe, juxtaposing that to the despondent lyrics to show that although where you’re at now is making you feel unhappy, there’s a brighter future ahead, as he explains below:
“‘Trapped In A Lava Lamp’ is a track about contrast. I wanted a claustrophobic lyrical feeling of expressing this sentiment that an old environment you’ve been in forever just doesn’t serve you anymore. I wanted to take that melancholy mood and put it up against these very bright guitars and almost pop-rap type rhythm.”
If you’re into Rex Orange County then Huron John’s hazy 2000’s influenced sound is something you should dive into. With this being the second single off of his upcoming Cartoon Therapy LP, we have no doubt that he’ll be unleashing a plethora of captivating tracks into the world in the near future.