If you enjoy beautiful melodies with dreamlike production and gorgeous vocals I have the perfect song for you! Hyejin’s latest release “I’VE SEEN THIS MOVIE BEFORE” is a fantastic piece of music that displays all of these qualities. Her voice is truly angelic and I’m so excited for the release of her upcoming debut EP WHAT A SHAME!. This single is our first glimpse at what’s to come from the complete project and it’s set the scene wonderfully.
Now let’s talk a bit more about Hyejin herself, as an Asian Woman in music, Hyejin found inspiration to break through into the industry in spite of the lack of representation she faced. Traveling constantly and always having fresh starts growing up she lost the sense of community and origin that many artists are driven by. Through writing music, she can detach from her own personal experiences and channel her emotional creativity into the characters she creates.
In this specific single, we hear the story of a girl who’s lost herself to toxic behavior and self-sabotaging patterns in her relationship. The song is written from this character’s perspective as she gives us her narrative of attempting to heal from these experiences. It is a common theme in Hyejin’s work that you’ll see ethereal and elegant production paired with heartwrenching and anti-romantic storylines.
Hyejin is truly a wonderful artist her music is artistic and euphoric, she evokes emotion and shares stories that resonate with so many listeners. Her current catalog isn’t large having only a few singles on major streaming platforms so I encourage you to start listening now and join her journey from the start.