In the first week of 2021 Issey Cross made her commanding entrance into the music world with her emotionally charged debut Who that demonstrated her wide array of talents in one fatal swoop with hundreds upon thousands of people singing the opening line, “who the fuck is this bitch,” the second it came on any radio station. It’s easy to see why her sound has such a buzz around it with her easily becoming one of the hottest prospects in the UK’s music scene and today it looks like she’s aiming to become a global icon with her ferociously fervent follow up.
Boys Make Promises instantly grabs a hold of your through the razor sharp lyrical wit she offers with, “Boys make promises they cannot keep,” packing an almighty wallop that is only enhanced further by the vibrantly passionate chorus that explodes the piece into life. The verses remain tender with spaced out synths creating a lusciously textured soundscape before the frustration and anger is released through the emotionally invigorating chorus, showing a beautiful contrast between her two shifting feelings towards the situation. She’s a diamond in the rough and with each release she’s becoming more and more polished.