This might be the first time you’ve heard the West London based musician KDVSGOLIATH’s name, but I can promise you that it certainly won’t be the last. The musical enigma has a cult like following who’ve become infatuated by his unique versatile sonic offerings, shifting from pop punk to uk drill, you’re never sure what you’re getting from him and that alone gets me excited. Whilst most people look at things at face value he ventures deeper, in his sonic world imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and you’re better off being an outcast than one who follows others blindly. He makes you feel something, be it good or bad, and that alone makes him a hidden gem in the English scene.
Filled to the brim with fervent emotion, his latest release SAD is pop punk with an emo rap flair and brit rock undertone that continues to expand upon his genreless sound as he candidly opens up to us. Detailing his own relationship that was clouded by fear, he confesses how he was unable to love her properly and let her go so his love would no longer be a burden for her, a darkly poetic and poignant moment for this young man. As Robert A. Heinlein said, “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” His evocative vocal and magnificent production style build upon this emotional foundation til you reach the chorus where you’ll be belting out every word along with him, be it with tears rolling down your face or a beaming smile.
“I made this song a few days after meeting my first girlfriend. The relationship was clouded by the fear that I would one day lose her, and that got in the way of me being able to love her properly…My love became a burden and it drove me to let her go.”