If you’ve ever wanted to be in a modern day arthouse indie coming of age movie directed by Greta Gerwig and distributed by A24, then all you have to do is listen to Maeko’s latest single. Stick a speaker on the back of your bike, blast out Cool and in no time at all you’ll become a part of an ensemble cast created by some of your closest friends as you go through the trials and tribulations that adolescence can bring you. With a rousing chorus designed to make you sing it out loud, off key at the top of your lungs and a heart thumping beat that propels the piece forward, making you feel like you’re running through a field barefoot. Maeko’s vocals are wondrous too, with rough gruff to them that amplifies the authenticity ten fold and is reminiscent of something you’d see at a college party when the ridiculously talented music student gets a hold of any instrument.
A departure from his usual electronic styling for a more authentic sound, Maeko’s latest release sees the artist find a home for his voice that is both fresh and welcoming. If you work at A24 or know a producer there, make sure this features in their next movie.